Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Oct 1992, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 14, 1992 IAGAL MORTAGELOANS -lst& 2nds, ta 95% aivalue . Ail pÈoportyý types,-prime: rates. Qlc srvice and _ appraDvals. 'C ati -CityCan FinanciliCorporation- 571.;2880 Oshaa,686-21936 Pickeing. PRIVATrE 'MRTG3AGES' - the place ta go when your bank says ,NO." S rigWhtby sàince 193. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTrS. ARE YOU -HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because aio age, poor driving record. or suspension af license? Perhaps WB can help. Phono 666-2090. INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL Re-level sunken areas,, weed romoval,. etc. Reasonable -rates, qualfty warkmanship. 668-2742, evenîngs. TREES FOR, SALE. Buy direct tram a grower. .Mapies," locusts, oas birch, & Colarado epruce. Deliveriy & installation avallabie. From $49 ta $199. Cati Wiiiawgrove Nursery, 655-8553. AUCTION SALE- "KA HN COUNTRY A UCTIONS* Ever Wednesday a t 6:30 p.m. t.ocated an Brook* Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north aifHwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection ai antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primtives and the unusuals. Sa join us overy Wed. and participate 1 in oneofa Ontario's 'true' auctians with no buy-backs or reserves. wCansign- ment *-and .estato seliing aur specialty.7 Caîl us today. Previews tram 1lp.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, OCT. 15 AT 5 P.M AT ISLANDER BANQUET HALL ON PERCY CRES., SCUGOG ISLAND' PROPERTV 0F MRS. MARY HiCEY0FWHITBY AND, COMPLETE ESTATE FROM OSHAWA- Good antques, tumiture & appliances plus 1976 maped. Viowin ram 2 6p.m. Intormation et9859807 a r 65-8073. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SSATURDAY9, OCT. 17 VIEWING 3 P.M. -- SALE 6 FB. S «ODDFELLOWS HALL SIMCOE ST., PORT PERRY Antiques, household- fumniture. dishes, cgiassware, beer barrel, arched curch windows, spinning wheei, new brass bed, 16' Grew 1972 4-cyl. in & outbaard boat, pinbailmachine, 10" Delta table saw, 6* Delta jainter, woad stave. Many mare items. Terme: Cash or choque w/ID3. BRUCE KELLETT, AUCTIONEER 98519131: Antique Show,& Sale » Thunderbird Golf Club Ashburn, Ont. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI OCT. 16-AT 6 P.M. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTIE BRITA IN CN COUNTY RD. 4 Round oak pedéstal, table w/3 beaves,' Victarian sotte., 2 VictorianskIde chairs, chesterfieid & chair ,(ike now),' 4-pc.mape bedroom ste,.modem resera MP& chetsaidrawere, bidg, set, walnut cafte. table, oak -rocking chair,, Maytag ,automaie -woeher, 3011 electria, stove,ý antique dros- sors & chests ai, drawers, chrome kitchon ste., washstands, lee trame, ' l. pin. harvost table, cracks, 9-pc. modem dinetto ste., ca-ail lamps, 21 Cu. ft. freezer, 1982- Mazda -truck wlcdapi -p lus a q ty.:a! china, -glass, househald& co lectiblé itemns. <DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTIONEERS. The people ai Whtby and surrounding areas enjoy attending 'auctian sales. Let them kn ow about your next sale by advertising in the maost widoly read pages in Whitby - The Whitly Fre. Press, Classifieds., Caîl: 668-611il AS'0F OCÃ"Ã"TOBER 5e, 1992e II wilii nlot be responsible for aâny, dobtas incurred by J une p l. Sig ned Dannie.Teepie. Tep. RAIN:O the Legislative Assembly of the' ' Prvince of Ontario for an Act to revive Rainbow Halfway House as, a he applicatio~n Willbe. considered by the Standing Committee on ReguiaUions and Private Bis. Any person who has an interest ln the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the-appl.ication, ta the Standing Commîttee on Regulations and Private Bis should notîfy, in writing, the Clerk -of the Legisiative Assembly, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2. Dated at St. Thomas, Ontario, this l5th day of September, 1992 Slgned Joyce R. Ostrander Presldent îe CORPORATION 0F THE' ~'TOWN 0.FWHITBY, THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN Or WHITBYT IN THE- MATTER OF-THE ONTARIO HER TAGE ACT - .S.O0. 1990,0 .0*.18, AND IN THE MATTER 0 F LANDAND, PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN <1 THE PROVINCE 0F ONTAIMIO NOT.ICE 0F PASSUNG, 0F BY-ýLAW, TAKE NOTICE. that the Council of the Corporation af the Town. af Whitby has passed By-iaw No.- 3204-92 te esgate the follown propertsben fhistoria and architecturalvauorieesunr PatfVa the Ontario Henitage Act, R.S.O.- 1990, o. 0. 18. JAMES BREBNER HOUSE 407 BYRON STREET NORTH PART 0F LOT 23, PLAN H-50030 PART 1,PLAN 40R-481 0 WHITBY, ONTARIO REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 407 BYRON STREET NORTH WHITBY HISOIB The Jamnes Brebner House was built in the earyly iBOs on lands orlginally pate.nted te Peter McDonald. ARCHITECTURAL The 1-1/2 sterey. frame house hasate-a y facade with a' moderately pitched gabled roof shingled -wit aphait, a gabied front centre dermer and a one-storey back kitche win bulit ta formn an L-PIan. The most spectacutar element, of thé house le an enclosed front porch which postdates the constn4e.in of the hous by about thirty years. DATED at the Town of Whity this l4th day of Octeber, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK, THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0FWHITBY, 575 ROSSLAND ROAD, EAST WHITBY ONTARIO Li N 2M8 TELEPI'(ONE: <416) 668-5803 THANKS TO'THE SACRIED Heart of Jesus -and" St. Judo for' favours recelved. B.C.- PERSONAL LOANS -fromn $1,O0 'and-, Up foran y purpose. Quický approvais. 436-8104. IAUIS BEUEVE: 'The. essence' o! abasem"ent 'is ta pas aut tram' undor the' shadow of the Me rciful and seek the shetter, of the'Evil1 One. For information and discus- son., cati 668-8665. IPSYCHIC'&$PRITUAL I Joan, I Mondoy f0 Frdody I 9 a.m1o 9 M. 3I&1fl[Ç PRE-PAID WORD, ADS (Cash, VISA, choque ,recéived before deadline") $6.00 for 20 words; 15 ahadditionai word; 0140 + 10 GST) BILLED WORD ýADS $8.,25 for 20 words;, » PLUSGST. 150 each additionai word; PLUS, GST-, AUCT1ONSý ANNOUNCEMENTS' 930 per agate u1.ne (14 agate Uines per inch) minimum charge: $13.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY ADSUN CLASSIFIEDS; (Ads with bordors, Regular display ratoes apply - 99e per agate line Minimum isize, 1 column inch $13,86 CONTI uOIs-RuN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $ý1 0;89 PER COLUMN iNCH. GST is extra on al ads unless otherwise i.ndicated DEADLINE. Monday floQfl prior to .Wedneësday publicat.ion. 668-0594 Please, check your advertisement for errors on the, first, day cf publication. The Whitby Free Pres wiII flot be haible, for failure tel publish an ad,' or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cest of the space occupied -by the* errer up te a maximum cost. ofi'the. insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves 1the, rigýht ,te classify 'or r eject ail advertisements. .......... ..... . - - - - - - - - - .. . .. . .. . .. . - 6 AUCTION SALE ESTATE ANTIQUES, COLLECT- IBLES.ý ART & MODERN HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES SUNDAY OCT. 18 -11 Ai.. AGRICULTURE BUILDING,' ORONO FAIRGROUNDS Auctionfeatures a quality selec- tion af articles traman Oshawa estate, plus inclusions, including antique turniture, unique collect- ibles, glass1 & china, art, modern pcs., plus 1975 Ch'vyMante Caria (59,000 orig. Mmls. Partia lIist Includes Quadrody'ne radia (Model 5 by Gold' Modal Radio Camp., 1924,Uxbridge, Ont.,ý hall stanid c.1890s, sideboard, Eastlake dres- ser (rot.), oak chost ai drawors, mlsc.:dressers &L cupboards,-old woid &,iran ýbede, fis. tables- (parlIour, kitchen, ,work, ,hall tc) excellent selection aiofchaire lncluding 2 Empire. chairs,., 6 , pressbaèks, etc., misc. -rockers %pesak, Primitives. wicker,, chiid set c.),.5-lg dinig m.table, orna1e1y-carved __sid ~ardpin. church pew', bianetbox, ainer' V2 vialin, '.humpbacký trunk,ý child's -tay cupboard& Iran bdsintnn bwheel (0.870s), 'ail lampso)d watches (okot wust), aid pictures p1i licmited edition& 1decoriative art prints, wicker doîl crae(c.,1920), origia Btà » a9M (1966, aid -postcards, ecomias, tins,-bottles, slns, aid eleather-covered books ,încluding rare Port, Hope ledger- (daed 1875)., also TV, hesterfîeld, lovesea,. NiagaaTeapm Win massaelbd hie Vew tooms, deharner, pinchers, gas weed-. oater, palletlift, etc, plus- ma >ny more articles found in & araund.an aider hame. This is a, lg. & varied offeming'ai quality items.from.the past & present, with;'som ething for evoryone. Dress warm as sl ling stats outside'W l 1 am. & moves- insidéet 12 noan.' LViewing from V0 amn MacGREGOR AUCTIONS. MIKE MacGREGOR 416-987-5402 :JUNIOR WEST 4116-983-5556- Theres no btter way ta f ind out what's happening on the local scene regardinig news evonts, sports resuits or entertainment. 7-1

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