Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1992, p. 27

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Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, Octaber 7, 1992. Page 27 Peewees show po wer in. three,.straight 'vizc tories FR OM PAGE 21 defenceman- Adam ' MacCarl pitched in with three assista.>- Twa-gcol scorers ý included Steven =eth and Justini Collina, witha par -f assista coming off the sticksaf David Farquharson and Matt Capson. Bryan Crouch aise added to the cause with a gal and an assiat. Dan, Ricicia .rounded up the scoring with a slap ahat. froin the Paint. The Whitby defence, led -by goaltender Evans and defençe- men Don -Campbelli'-Mike Robertson, Mike. Cartwright,- Luke - McKay, Ricica and MacCarl,, were solid' in limiting Richmond HilhU/Vauglian ta -'22 shots. Evans was robbed, of bis shutout by a tip-in- late in the third period. ' Hotchkiss led the, attack, setting up four goals, and Crumch tim"e in peanut, campaign The Durham unit of the Kidney Foundation'is feelingthe crunch' of toùgh economie timea during ita annuai fundraising peanut campaign. According to area co-ordinator Mlargaret Crees, overail sales of peanuts are down an average of 43 par cent from last year at this time. *"The recession is1 having a direct resuit on Our peanut ales. Hawever, Our volunteers are determined and are keeping a positive outlook,,", atates Crees. Each bag of peanuta oelse for * $3 and contains 16 individual snack packs. "AsHlloween approaches, we anticipate an increase inx sales since many people purchase our peanuts to give out as'Halloween treata, continues Crees.'- Each day, approxitely five Canadians learn their kidneys woill fini. Irnproving the quaiity of life for kidney patients, through medical research, patient services and public education pormi the drivixng far7ce Cd the peanut canipaign. Kidney Foundation peanuts can be pUrchased by cailing Mraet Ces at 985-4584, or at peanutsae daya at Knob Hill Farmna, Oshawa, Saturday, Oct. 2 and 10; Oshawa Centre, Friday, Oct. 16 and 23, Saturday, Oct., 17 and 24. The peanut. campaign is- .a national fundraisingr initiative that runs until the end- of October. Ail money raised helpa au pport medical* research mnta kidney disease, patient services anid-ublic education progràms. Durham Regyion Comnmunity teering or who wants more information regarding the program can got the Wbitby Community CLe office, 209 Dundas St. E., #3 at 7:30 pan., Tuesday, Oct. 20. Th, office WplcoM~esany calis at 668-223; Haeynes matched is previaus ganxe's performance with a second b at trick. *'1" Collins notched a single.goal sud' two asssta, while Farqubarson and Crouch ,lt the goal liglit twlce. Capson matdtied their point output with two assista, while' Ricica and MacCarl bad one each. Death 'rounded out the scoring with a single goal and an a sst Whitby travelled ta ýTcronta's Doublerinks for a returnaimatchup with Richmond 'HflNaugh!an Inga oSaurday. Once aan the Maaelers poted abigwin with a score of 9-0. 1Evans was stellar in goal, turning aside 16 shots in the firat period alone ta earn the shutout. Death was the big gunner in *. . ................ Gift certificates were presen- ted ta, viewer' chice wlnnera at the Olde Silver Thimble annual show Sept. il and 12. Evelyn Pringle of Whitby, wlth 'Applique Fa.ntasy,' woni the large qullftcategory. Jane Crowe of Ottawa, wlth 'Baltimore Basket,' won the wail- hanging qnult.category' Fra H ail of Whitby, with an original dresa design for her, 'ský ) daughter'a communion, won the French heirloom category. Betty Stevenson. of. Scar- baraugh, with 'Oregon Trail Variation,' won the garment category. VivianAiken of Witby, with 'Vintage Bear,' wonthie citters category. SEmfmy Kirken of Whitby, with 'Wlnter Wonderiand,' wan the Christmnas category. By Conat. Grant Arnold Durhami Regional Police Crime Stoppraad Durham Regional Police are asking for the publ ic' p in solving a robbery that occrred in Oshawa on Feb. 20 At approximately 10:15 p.m., the maie victim was waiking southbound on, the bike path under Rossland Rd., near Roesland Square. The victim was listening ta bis walkman when lie was attacked frorn behind by three maies and was struck over, the head with a crowbar. The suspects then demanded that the victima turn over bis waiiet, walkman and shoes. After doinlg so, the victini was struck, with the crowbar, on the leg. Two lof the suspects then grabbed the victim'by bis arma and legs and threw hlm into the open creek. They then fled the- scene with the victi m's Th ici was able tz> make bis way home gnd was taken ta hospital by bis niother. He requireld six stitches ta close a eut on Îbis head. Suspect #11i8 maie, white, 5-ft. 8-ina., 160 ta 180 Iba. He was wearin a blue, yellow a;nd red ski jacket and carried the Suspects #2 and #3 bath. wore hooded jackets, one jacket black i-n côour. Stalen during the rabbery was a yellow Sôny Walkman, Reebak running shoos and -a mens brown hillfold wallet containing persanal papers. A re-enactinent of tiis violent crime will ,be shawn on CITY-TV (channel 57, cabie 7) on Thursday, Oct. 8 during the 6 and 10 p.m. news. It wiil aiso, be shawn on CHEX-TV in' Peterborough and CKVR in Bàrrie an Friday, Oct. 9, again during the news. 1Crime Stoppera wil pay up ta '$1,000 for information ieading to-the arreat of the thréeemuggers responsible for the incident. If you have any infarmatiain regrarding this offence or' anU other sericus crime, caîl us. As a cale you wiil be given a coe number and not required ta go ta court. The Crime Stoppers number la 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). Constable. Grant Arnold la* the co-ordiniatar with the thia contest, ýcounting a bat trick, and a pair of asss. Capsonhad a pair of each -- one a wicked aelapahot frain the lefft pnm--t - wbieé Crouch. added a singlegoal sudthreeheipers. Htcld' contributed two goals, one assiat and EHaynes a single goal sud an assiat. Farqhamnwas set-up man on two goals while Collins, .icica, Camnpbell and Cartwright picked up single assista. Dan'Fletcher, as a callup for the injured'Tom Lawson, piayed goal. for the final 10 minutes cf the 'conteat and made a key save ta preserve the shutout. ThMe Makateelers play away gamea at Ajax-Pïckering sud- Central Ontario this week beforeé entering the Hamilton Huskies' Tim Hotn, Tournament aver Thanksgivihg weekend. The Whitby Free Presswould like to wish ,Happy Birthdaytoalal its carriers with OCTOBER birthdays! Chris Kelly Judy Lyon Matthew Rad'ford Mark Scuse Adam Sherriff miI %. Jeff rey Smith Ryan Trudeau Paula Van Wyk Jonathan Walsh ,* *¶* k.l THE REGIONAL, I M UNICIPALITY 0FDURHAM' DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE. Take notice that the Regionai Planning Committee has received TEAN APPLICATION TO AMEND TEDURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAIL PLAN The amendment,.as submitted by thme applicant, ropses a residential subdivision consisling et between 275 and 300 towhouse units within the site indicated on the map below. TOWN OrWHITI3Y 0 q~ ./<'1'AKE ONTARIO ln order ta assist in the evalùation of theamendient a >pplication, thee public is invited ta provide input by way of -submissians ta thee Reglon's» Planning DepartmenL Information related ta the amendmnent application la available ln nie offices of the Planninq'Departmrent, 1615 Dundas Street East, *4th Floor, Lang Tower, West. Building, Whitby MaIl, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3, or by; calfing' Bart -Carswell,, Planning Departrnent, (416) 728-7731' <Whitby)/686-1651 (Toronto). You are encauraged ta forward your submisslons ta the Commissioner of Plnigat nie above-nated address as soon as possible: In order ta poedwith aur review of this amendment application, we would appreciate their receipt prior ta. Friday. Navember 6, 1992.' Please'include yaur address and telephane number and file number identitied belaw n any submissian made. FILE NO.: OPA 92-009 GERRI-LYÏ81OCONNOR DR WM MAB, M.CP. CHAIRM, PLANMNG COMMMIEE CSESS0NRFPLANDR4C v*uveqk 10,9 ou 190,9^9 ses 00 \41t

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