Whitby, Free Presti, Weclnesday, October 7. 1992, Page 25 1981 DODGE CAMPING- VAN 318-V8, ,-PIS, PIB. Run'good. High extended :roobf. Frldge, sà tove.Table go s. into bed. Cupboards & ' carp et. $5,000, uncsrt fie,'$50 certif led; 668-8617, Frank: INood a car- CWRdlt prbloms? Wu Whave lemu k..v.u(rpm uua *L«»i Ioonsymkomdl L.,EASEUIDE AUTOLEAS ING McMILLAN &WUFE- LADA SALES &,SERVICE New Carslfom $5#495- 4x4's- from $7v745 3yr. 72,000 km. warrny Maeny Used Cars ln Stock 666&3361- TAYLOR TRAVEL TRAILER. 14 ft., stove, ridge,. sleeps, 5. Excel- lent condition. $2.000. 90 Scott St., Whitby. 721.8857. 1985 V65 <100) MAGNA. New, Dunlop tires (500 km.), wind screen, alarm. 9000 km: Lots of chrome. Maroon. $3,500..433-2945. 1979 CUTTER 20 FT., 165 HP Mermrisor VO, new tilt & trim, hyd._ linoe, motor & out drive»' erviced, exlrrtandem trailer. Good soîid bot. Only $ 4,650, or- beat ofter. Neea T.LC Sawyer Marine, (416) 655-8347. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. ERROL'S APPUIAN CE REPAIR Washers, dryers, frid es, atovea, microwaves, etc. Used apipliances purchased. Major credi carda accepted. Monday ta Saturday, FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality. Maple> 'besch. Well-aeaaoned. Very dry. Al spift. Honeat mesrmnt. Free, dellvery. Try the beat quality. 416-753-2246. RESTAURANT TAPLES, Four- Isealers and 2-seeters;' table standa' & opa. New houae gas stove. 668-555,ati. FIREWOOD:, Seasoned poplar. Price delivered: $30 per face, cord, 4' xS.' x 15"., Caîl 668-,8273. BROWNIE UNIFORM, acarf. boIt pouch; size-8, $20. Guide unitorm, acart, bot, pouch; ize 12,, $25. Guide shorts& T-shirt, $5 ea. 668-9866. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, Iess than haîf rice. Large. selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. PINBALL GAMES FOR SALE and wanted. Arcade gamea wanted, any condition. Days 430-1727, oves. 7211-2446. BERKEL COMMERCIAL meat alicor. Excellent condition, $650. 430-6929. KING-SIZED WATERBED. 12 drawers. Good, condtion. Complte ra i attressa heater. $300 or best off er. 430-6929. FREEZER .12 CU. FT. Likenew, $250. Smdced glass, approx. 2 ft. X 3 ft. $1 per sheet. 430-1852. ANTIQUE, CRVD,*nlaid., solid, mahogany sing le bed; dresser with triplebvled, mirror; hand- carved rocking chair; a ntique quilt (blue/white). $799 for set. Four- poster single mahogany bed, Iommaculate* mattress, $175. 430-2860. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Weil- seasoned hardwood. Hai-face, face cord, bush cord, kindling Pick-up or delivered . (418) 649-3183. WASHER & DRYER, heavy duty, $350. -24". oak bathroom vanity, $35. Hot water tank, 40 gai., $75. Apt.-sized dryer, $125.. Phone 43-7450. GENERAL ELECTRIC washer & dryer. Ai 'condiftion. $Soofpair. 430-6636. "LEAVIE YOUR CARES at home with us.! Professional pet/home sitters are fully bonded and lnaured. Customn Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3 bedroom, fully fumnished, air conditioned homes. Pools, hot tubs, beaches, attractions. Child- ren welcomez Lessa than motel. $275 weekly. Photo. 683-5503. KENMORE ZIGZAG sewin machine, with amal cabinet. G= condition. Best offer. 668-4874. FISHER-*PRICE CARSEAT*wihh canopy,,$25. Deluxe JoIly Jumper. bath tub, $10. Camel-coloured cor- duroy Snugl, $10. 14: colour RCA TV, $95. Converter, $30. Child's 121, bike with'training wheels, $35. MATTRESSES and box springs at haIt price. McKeén Furniture, 524 Simoos St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. SMALL FREEZER, masures apiprox. 2',9 7 V/4" long X 1f, 21 3/4« wide X 2', 33 114" deep.* Also, Kèro-Sun kerosene heater, radiant 40. $300 or best offer. Phone 721-8411, Oshawa. Sewing Machine Repairs Ail Makes 'Camplete Tune-up $39.95 Reonndiioned Sewing Machines T r4( fom $59-00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 King.St W. Oshawa FABRIC VERTICALS with valance, roae-coloured, 72"W X 84"L, $69; 84"W X 84rL, $99. Pleated shade (white), 58 X 59,ý $79. 428-0937. FIREWOOD, well-soasonsd. Face cord, $5.649-2717. WESTINGHOUSE STOVE, white. Good shape. Asking $225. 666-8714. RCA VIDEO CAMERA, 12X zoom, plus micro Iens & tripod. Lots of extras. Cost $2,300+, wiIl soîl $650 cash, or trade for Royal Doulton dolîs. 668-6897. YORK HOME GYM, 20 to 140 lb. ad4ustment, bench press, leg-Iift, $2.Pins blanket -box, $150. Entertainmfent centre medium oak, 4 shelves, glass lbora, $100. 12.speed Sunbeam, Mixmaster, $50.-430-7656. TAKE ADVANTAGE of our 98 per.cent coverag~e of Whitby when buying or selling your wares. Whitby Free Press. 668-0594. FREE: ÇNE FEMALE CAT & 6 kittens, abandoned and rescued in a thunderstorm. 'Cal 668-3922, leave message. TEAM OBIEDIENCE. Evening, afternoon & Saturday classes (puppy, novice & open. Next classes beg in Nov.*7. Smail groupa guaranteed. Cal 430-0025. TOO MANY KIrmEN? wANA PUPPY? chec-k the Classifiedu f1r Ihatspeciapet. or 0Htha t lspedal home. 668-6111 IT'S A, BROTHER!' Tyler Schleren .is verY happy to announce the bith of hia brother, .Adrian -Phiîip, born ta ýhis Momf Kelly, and Dad Rob on September' 22, 1992 et 1127 p.m., welghli n' 9 Ila. 9OZ., at Makham-Stouffvîîle i-spJal. OLD' CAR PARTS. Anything 1940 and- earlier, espe ,cially Chev- rolet items or any headlight parts Just a crazy hobbyl 579-2008, evenings. BEDROOM SET, preferably single.. Lawnmower, must be electric. Please call 721-0919. B3ROOK ST. H. WHITBY.* Hait- mile north of ýTauinton Rd. ,Saturday Octobe10,& Monday, Oct. 129 SATURDAY, OCT. 10A 9a.m. to 2 p.. 4 Farmedow 7-Place Th îcksc)n, a9outhto Burn;s), follow igns. Lots of selection. YARD SALE SEASON la almost overi Don't-forget, to adverise in The Whhtby free Pres'a. 668-0594., LOST:.' IN BROOKUN, Himalayan cet, femal e. Answers to "Tootaler. Rsward. 655-8052.< .........L....A.. ...... W tyFre Pes ". . ..............M ndyW r~ay :0 a to 5OQ pr~ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN-0F WHITBY .........PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, Novemnber 2,1992 @ 8:00 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby'Municipal Building Whitby, Ontarlo A Public Meeting wilI be*held by the Plan«ing and Development Committee of Council of the CorpJoration of tie Town otlWhitby ta consider a proposed amendmerit ta the Whitby Officiai Plan,, file number OPA 131/89 and a proposed Zoning Amendmentto By-law 1784, file number Z-58"-9 as suIbmitted by-Whitby Estates Uimited. These applications will be heard 'concurrentiy with a'proposed amendment ta By-law 1784, file number Z-66"-2.1 *The subject property la located in Part Lots 19 and 20, Concession 1,> stheast camner of Dundas Street and Spningwood Street, as indicated on the sketch below. DtJHDA9STRMEET EAST BP> LOCK B SPROPER Y The purpose of the first application, ta amend thie Whitby Offliia Plan and 8y-'Iaw 1784, is to redesignate the property from Hazard Land ta Major Commercial and Hazard Land to permit deVelopment, ot a 40,000 square foot office building and retention of 6.14 acres for hazard land assoaiated witfi&c Pond. The puirpose ot the second application ta amend By-law 1784 is to permit the development of 39 townhouse uni>s south of the hazard land associated with Uck Pond. lntresed ersns may inspect addltional information relating ta the above appFrtininmth Planning Department, Level 7, 575 FRosadý Road East, Whiby, Ont".oLi N 2MB during reqular wodcing hours, Monday to Friday, or may contact the Planing Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING