Pap 180« WN16Y Fr.. PMos, Sepbor 30, 1992 A ,HOME ýDESIOGN AND IMPROVEMENT -FEATU-RE Betore b*uying appliances,- -find ý.out energy consump tuo (N 1 Idoubt theois anyon in Canada stillu nawa cthe. acid rain caused by our excessve use of.nergy. .W. can all emv. the. onvironment and a lot-cf- m"ny %bé by comparison s;hoppi'ng when biuying major appliancos. Before stopping into a'store or browning mi catalogue, write for fre. éopy 'of the <Enorgide DiroctorY from i Enorgy PEDI-1CAREIli QUALIFIED PROFESS'IONAL FOOTCARE. * IN YOURýHOME, *Nails cut, filed and thinned 0 Corn and callouses removed 0. Diabetic care provided S For appointment cail:. p 666-9882 Karen L. Brady R. N. EVENING & WEEKEND APPOINTMrENTS AVAILABLE Transform Your House Into Your Home 666-5222 Shop at Home ~ Colour Schemùes Created- Pri ces Below Retailý WALLS FURNITURE WINDOWS a Faux Finishes * Traditional - Blinds - Paints eCountry - Balloons. *Paers oContemporary - Swags *Borders *Accessories a Drapes SAVE AN EXTRA 10%, WITH THIS AMI Q. TACHIKAWA iAINTS & COATINOSDsvaiCrfsmnhP LARGSTSOWROOMSTH IN ONTARIO 2FLY EOATE' a 'ENAD B ATH "LAY BINNS HAS 3 CERTIFIED KITCHEN DESIGNERS ON STAFF Discover aur oiegant showroom which boasts ?2 fully decorated kitchon and bat h displays. Our unique creative concepts are designed around your individuai l estyl e and aur 29 er experience guarantees you quality workmanship with a li=f~ warranty on cablnetry. Corne in and see why otur clients rocommend us to thefr closest fniends 1 ...... R ICE DE GNB O Publications, Enorgy, Mines and Rosourcos Canada, Ottawa. Ont. K1A-9OZs. 1The. directory will givé you the. onorgy consumption -rate for ail major olectric ap liancos. The cost te run an appliance ove r its lifetime. can thon be worked *out. Baran-red appliancos may b. anyting utif it gobbles up oIecriciWat a phonomonal rate. Talc. rofrigerators, for example, and se. what the potential savings might ho, with the right choice. A 12-cu. ft. fros 't-froe, two-door unit will. use up l74kWh a month, costing $10.44.1 The same size refrigerator with a manual 'defrost will*use lOOkWh a month, coeting $6. Riefrigerators. are estimated te last about 17 years, se over ,that poriod, you wil mv. $905.76 -if the. manvzal defrost is cliosen. It doesn't take. much effort te, keop- your. refigorator running officiontly:' Chockidngthe door sea is most important,ý particularly -the one at the. botton. of the. door. Put a pieceocfpae betweon the. door so al an dthfridge, thon try and Pull it e ut. âldes out, you nood a new meal. .* Don't jam your appliances se, full that the air can't circulate. b. 3 dogreesC (38 degrees P) and the fr-eezer should b. -18 dogrees C0(0 degrees P). * Don't lot frost build- up more than a quarter-inch.' 0* Cloan the. coils at; the'back or underneath the fridge once a -.On. large fridge is more officient than two smaller ones. 0 Chock. with the. provincial utility company -- some provinces offer rebates for onergy-officient appliancos. For more information, cal National Round Table on the. jEuvirmenand itne Economy Check the temperature in comniittoe secretaries at (613) the. food compartmnent -- it should 992-7189.