Page Z, Whltby Free Pres, Wednesday, Septemnber'23, 1992 Bus: Oshawa (416) 728-1603 Starting a business?, Some of your MOUtimprtn decisions will be mrade befoïre you open your doors. Cailme -Ican helpl! Accounting - Adiing -TxCnutn Tax Preparlon - Tax Appeals 311 Bond Siret West, Oshawa 723-95l 1 FAX 576-9154 ,îetn.è The Ontario Home Builders Asociation is challenging the constituional validity- of using special taxes on. constriuction te pay f'or, schools. ,Under legislation passed by the 1p rovncal goenet in 1989,, sehool b 9rdsarepermitu t levy- a special tà x, called an. education devlopment charge, on. ne w construction. -- GREAT- VALUE - IALLW4UGMVUIK $1 94,900.00, 4 Bdrms., fenced yard, central air, centra! vac, security sysIem.ý >WHO COULD ASK FOR MORE?! Ca!! Rosemary Brown 433-2121 Last sprilng, h pbicnd Oatholic acol bad nYork Rogion became the first school boards in Ontario to pass education . development - charge bylaws and begin 'collecting the taL. Ian Rawlings, president of the Ontario ",Home BuildeWs Aà sociition, said the court chllng fcueson two issues. * ASKM BU iŽ9eu éafjare "Firet, ho says, " thé legisiation does .not recognize the right . Of takpayers to support one school systemn or the other. Each taxper will have to pay- both the separate and the. puic achool levies." The second- issue is a more technioel 'âne. about taing ati= . Eincethe taxis pa»d by buleswhen the, ae u permiaantenpassed ~to the,*homebuy)e, i a for= of\ý indirect taxation. Oly the federal governent can- -charge -indirect taxes, s'aye the association. For1 the pajjst two. yearOi, OH]BA bas workeéd with. government officiais Who have known about the challenge. Tepurpoe ,0 - the says, "was te 'explore alternative ways o0f providmig imuch needed achool facilities at a lower coot te sochool, boa rds. But, both the,,.boards, and the-Ministry of Education have shown, a reluctanoe te pursue innovative options." The challenge -is scheduled te be heard in Ontario divisonal corat sod al oot Whitby counicil 'is'.askinthe Interim Waste, Authoriy lA) te look- at 'alterrnative ways' of -dealing with garbage.. -At Iast week's meetinq,. council endorsed a Durham R_&on coun- Cil resolufion asldng-inister'of Environment "Ruth Gir't expand the M99' mandate. Durham council sas Grier - hould require the au ty'te investigate -incineration, "energy from, wasteê-and exportmg gar - Ubage "ast-part Of an- integrated waste mapement' system for the GreaterTrnt Area.» Ovrteyears,.many of our friendly patients have requested that our offices be open later on weekdaysI and ýSaturdays. We ,knew this would require another associate in the clinic and she would have tobe a special person. As Iuck would'have it, through a friend of a friend, we met Dr. Michelle Lanys. Michelle is flot only a wonderful, warm person, but we"happen to share ail the same Philo sophies in dentistry. Our coming together enables us to offer our patients, addîtionalconvenient service. We know mhat flncling tUme for the dentist can sometimes be a challenge. Well , we have met that challen!ge; and are, pleased to be able to serve you better with extended hours on Wednesdays, Fridays and SaturIays'. WR WELCOME YOU TOý DROP IN OR CALL FOR APP-OUNTMENTS 209. DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY* 6661-1555 HISTORICAL FEATURE in theý 1.hitby Free Press 1.What is Whitby's oldest school buildingstili used as a school? 2.What was the Whitby-Public Library building before the library moved into à t? 3.What was the name of the Intersection of Brookç and Dundas streets in its eariiest days? 4.What three Whitby structures were built as War memorials? Answers on Page,-9 This feuture provded by Locil Ar .dwi CuOevi.mMvA.wgC.iit. ROTAITCS CLIM New education. tax I1 challenged in courts ~ 3~Vle ,Current sales activity continues'to support my <ý sales forecast ol< many weeks ago. DURHAM DISTRI CT SALES JUNE 1992 - +24.8% e IJULY 1992 - +26.6% AUGUST 1992 - m 41.4%/ ýý 433-2121 ELO ASK FOR ROSEMARY 01 JUST *Pl LOVE HELPING PEOPLE." .......... - ............... 1 IWA ul-gefl 1 1