Whtby Free Prose, Wé0n",cýy. Septembr 16,1992, Pag7 BOUVIERe, 5YEARS ,OLD. Excellent-guard'dog. Free to goad home.- Phono 668-0556,, bave1. message., TACK-AUCTION_, MONDAYi SEPT. 21 7:.30 P.M.> AT ORONO>FAIRGROUND$ Consignments welcome.b For Inforrmaton, cal 705-799-5390 I------ --- On Friday, wlsh Marlene. a happy.5th ln the MARK VOUR. CALENDARI You BrolnPsOfie wan't want to mIsIthe wFromn Our, Love8ev, Glenda, Pete, Gene, Hands.'..TO Your Heart* 4th annuai Kerry, Alan & Amanda XO country ,coliectables and craft show aind sale., October 3 and 4,. ____________ Bowmanville Arena. I...Ã" AL I :.:.:*.*....*~:~ *.**. _______________________________...................______ jr" ;ýMatch Mates ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___Perm*ono Introductorji Sevisc# PERSONAL LOANS from $1.000 >A sensible way. to and up for" any purpose. QuIck meet for friendship approvals. 436-9104. romance ADVISOR 9 tMonday f0 FrIday 9amto,13m. THANK8 TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Sacrd Heart of Jesus and St. Judo for favours received. RS. *BAHAIS -BELIEVE: True remnemfbrance is ta make -mention of the-Lord, the ýAi-raised, and farget aught else beside Him. For Information and discussion, caîl 668-8665. BESTVVWISHES for a Happy Birlhday or Anniversary. The dlassifieds are a speciai way to Sem greetingsl Cal, 668-6111 I. .E..E...J CORPORATION 0F THE ... ... TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT TENDER W92-65 RENOVATIONS TO, GROVESIDE CEMETERY MAINTENANCE BUILDING Tenders for the above wiIl be reoeived b y Ginny Lock, Purchasing Agent, until 2-.00 p.m., Weckîosday, Septmbr 30, 1992. This tender le for a singie storoy addition of approximately 1,2W0 sq. IL of maintenance bay, office and washroom facilities to the existing bidn.Construction will be. brick veneer on wood frame on covetonai foundations. The tender will include a new roof structure and re-claddlng on the existing building. A new sanitary holding tank wîll bu requred. Plans, specdllcations and tender froms may be obtained by Generai Contractors from tho Town of WhitbyTeasury Departrnent~ upon Payment of a $32.10.<G.S.T. included) non-refundable fée, payable te the Town.. A cèrtifed cheque in thue amount of $13,000.00 muet accoempany each bid. The succestul boddor will bu required to provide a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Labour and Material Bond uon execution of the Contract Agreement. Tenders are te romain valid o sbty days. Lowest or any tender not nocossarlly accepted. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITY' 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST. WHITBY, ONTARIO LI N 2MS I ART6/CR~T8 I I AUCTIONS I HOME SWýEET HOME ýCountry Gifts &,Crafts Open House. 216 Meadow Rd., Whitby, (Rosslandl Garrard). SaL., Sept. 19, 10,arn. ta 3 ..Cutycurtains, tinware, cmstablinens, rugs, candles & more. 723-6749. SUNDAY AUCTION THIS. SUNDAY SoEPT. 20 12 NOON - PREVIkW 1:30 AJL. AT THE KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB 133 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY- To settle P.R. Reardon. estate and for other legal principles, antiques, reproductions, traditional household furnishings incîuding 9 pcdining roomn ste., 3 pç. camnel ~k sofa se, 3 sets of win9back chairs, 5 pc. 4-poster traditionai bedroom ste., Persian and Orientai carpets , carved linon box, pine blanket box, oFÀk sideboard, server, 6 t. Pin harvest table & 6 chairs, pine bokoase, oak bookease, 5 pc. oak round table set, p-back and other racking chairs, jam & jeîly cabinets, open, dish cabinet, pife bar stools, ice cream parlour set, country beds, H-oosier cupboard,,'bow glass china cabinet, oakdesk, pine country bench,, Vîctorian' settee set, mirrors, prurand *occas. chairs, parlour tale,3 pc. pine coffee set, glass, china, brass, cast iran decorator pcs., laveseat, bric-a-brac,. etc., plus much more.'Terms: Cash or choque. Deiivery available. Snack bar. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2082 519-345-2426 AUCTION SALE ANTM~ES COLLECTIBLES, ART,& IODERNPOS. SUNDAY, SEPT. 20-il1 A.M. AGRICULTURE BUILDING, ORONO FAIRGROUNDS A quality auction of antique tumniture in retinished and'as-tound condition, numerous rare & uique coilectibles, p lus a number af signed limited edition and decorative, art prints. Also, a qood selection a f household articles tramn a local home. **Smalls & boxiots,.sel autside ati11.arn., viin 10 a.m. ta 12 noon. Next auto Sunday, Sept. 27 - major antique, art'& collectible auction. MacGREGOR AUCTIONS 416-987-6402 416-983-5556 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUESDAY SEPT 22 AT 6:30 PM. 3 MLFS EAST 0F LITTLE BRITA IN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Maple hutch, apt.-sized dryer, vanity dresser, 4 po. bedroomn ste. (twin beds), modern dressers and chests ot drawers, walnut- fern, stand. Kirby vacuum, bicycles, double boxspring & mattress, modem china cabinet, walnut dresser, qty. odd wocoden kitchen chairs, chesterfields, -chrome kitchen ste., treadle, ýsewing machine, press-back armoihair, lus achina., glass *& DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R #t. LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183, AUCI10NEERS 1h. peopla of Wkb aaiu nd a.nay, atiendng auction sa".a Lot ihem know about your next ai.edI In e xMwid* mad pagn kiWhiy - The Whby, r laaalkda. &Cal: AUCTrION SALE "'KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every*,Wednesday at 620,0.W. Located on Brook- Rd., Piokering,, 3 miles north aofHw. 4.1 (exit ,#399). F[2eaturing-everyWed.an excellenit sebection of antiquesi fine furiture, glass, china, 'collectibles, primitives adthe unusuals. Sa jain us vr ,Wed. and 1participate ! In one of Ontari's 'true' auctions with :no buy-backs oDr reserves. "Consign- ment and estate s.elling aur specialty.w Cali us.today..Previews tram 1i p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY'SEPT. 18 AT 6 P.M. 3 MlLËS EAST 0F LITTIE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 The estate of the late May Nicholson af Cannington, .p lus ather, cansignors; Large 3 d oor armoire, large single door armoire, 9 O. modemn dlning roam suite, chesterfield' & matching ,chair, wainut .'anrlour table, twa 3 Po. modern bedroom ste., blanket box, Kelvinatar 2-door fridge, MoAffat 24 in. electric stove, modem .china cabinet, crocks, 'washstand,- flât- and aval-top trunks, qty. wooden kitchen chairs, wooden rocking chairs, antique dressers & chests af. drawers, milk bottles, 20 ft. aluminum extension' ladder, 1OHP J.D. riding lawnmower. Ta be'sold at, 6 p.m.: 'a .very, large.quantity, 0f beaver, muskrat trapà , ifveý beaver t2.s,. bear t raps, plus a qty. of chna ilass, household & collectible items. DOti & GREG CORNEIL JUCTIONEERS e Rft, , LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 EVERVONE 1NEEDS TO COMMUNICATE, Betterthan chiseling yourthoUùghtsin sýtone', pUt théeM in theClassified'S I That's the eaey way toteil and seUl.! .Whitby Free Press 66806111 j' - --- . - - --.----,- - - - -. - - .~ .---'-.---.-~ - - -~.- -- -