Page 20, Whltby Fres Presa,'Wodnesday, Septemberj6. 1992 'Suns shine in fastball final- Whitby Suns thir-place finishers during tIie reguar sea-; son, saved the best for iast te win ,the.playoff championship in the Durham Lakeshore Womeur's Fastball League. Suns lest. te Highland-Atlas Classics 4-1 on Saturday during the weekoud playoffs. But when the two teains met g ainn the final, Classics, un- baten te that point in the playoff,fell 15-9 te a sIiin S uns squad who did most ofthe r scring in twe i'nng. BaySpot defeated Tersan Rebois'20-1'o te win the B civi. sion. Suns Classics Picotte Pirates snd Wi3B. White I[surance orner- ged as winners in the first round of &yofTs lesit week.' Friday lunround-robin action, Classics bianked Picotto, 2-O. On Saturday, Suns defeated W.B. White, 16-9., ý Classiesý thon defeated Suns 4-1.* Picotte defe atod W.B. White 9-8 and Ciassics defoated W.B. White 22-7. Suns thon doubled Picotte 6-3 te, reach the final. luI the B division round-robin, -Brookli U Lgion got by Dodd & Souter 12-10 sud Bay Sports odged Tersan 13-12. ay Sportsthon managed anter one-run victary, 4-3, over Dodd & Souter. Tersan boat Biookliu Legion 15-12 sud thon tied Dodd & Souter 3-3. Baty Sportsthen wen another, 14-10 over Brooklin Legion, te reach the fmal against Tersoan. Midgts a'd'vdg-ance- ino EOA finalýs, WHITBY SUNS' third baseman .Pauline Lanthier tags Tricia Glaspeli of Highland-Atlas Classios in thechampionship game of the Durham Lakeshore Women's' Fastball League. Suns won Photo by Mark Reew.Mor, EU FrPro88 Late season surgre Midwayv wins squirt titie, The 'teain that couldn't did. Midway Motors, in iast place H W kLS W lfl in July inregular seasen action, Li~um*~u:.n~witi4iL: capture the championship * the Ceh Uu IUJWJiP squirt division of the. Whitby Pl P (.ýGirls Sof tbaii -Associatien. Needinýg te win, five strai ht Midway, who caine on strong gaies onee day, WhitbY lun the latter -part of the reguiar Hughes awks did just that te soason te finîish lu third with win the. piayoff championsbihi seven wins seven losses and a the ort ork omen's ban ti., oed t das Muffler 12-11i sotaigaue. a- thrllig piayoff chainpiousbip TheWlt teaun, sponsored fiuai. byJuhu H11es of Remax Sum-. Midway,. 26-11 wiuners* ovor mit Realtyqh ad won the leag ue Kinsmen mn a tie-breaker te chainpionsfil-p with a record of-21 determine wbich team would fin- wins, a tue sud a bass. ish in third i regular beague That first-placo finish meaut a action went undefeated in the byithe flrst game of the piayo*s ;a o s.'And WhitbY- won their Iu round-robin playeffs, Mid- first gaine against Markham as waydefotd Ruddy 10-4, Jegny Colo had oight strikeouts. NationalTut 9-4 sud Midas But Scarborough thon upsot 14-8. Wbitby 5-2,. forcing Whitby te When.Midas sud Midway frst wiu, five gaines the. noit day te met initii. final, a power failure, cturo the goid mod al. interrupted the gaine with Mid- Wiy bogan roligî with a way ieading -6. The game was Coon-itter -- a 19-0 doiin ecedbc ovor Barrie. Thon Marci ]Row- When the. twol teama met land pitched Whitby te, a 12-2 again Midway tok the. oary wîn. lead on runs by Lisa Orvis, 1Wbitby thon defeted New- Coibeen Ackford, Mlissa Red-p inarket 14-10 te roach the. final, moud, Nicobe Grandie sud Gara açainst unboaten Scarborough - %autin. ',a wzith Whitby ueediugt »I W But Midas came back te tue the straight, sud Scarborough oniy aean the teams went lute ocfor'the' id. te rdinmîwll 1-11. nBehÈiud , 9ie's four-hittor, ]Rautins waed,, stole second,ý Whitby won the flrst contest 5-2. stole third sud wout home ou a Rowand1 was the. pitcher Mi a passed bail te give Midway a 14-7 *iu in the final..12l-11 îead. .For .the playoff tournament1 Gail Bradiey of Midway struck Michelle Theriault had a total ef eut two Mias batters, thon 14ibits, ciuding three doubles'waiked tobtes thre bated e mnsud With. runurs on second sud eigh *- ,atedin' .third,Bradley gt :strikeout te ,=ro Kett had b 2 its, ncIuýd- ond the gamo sud give Midway, ing a triple, sud drove-lunine the tite. ruîîs. Midway was heiped by the stronj defeuce of catcher Ack- .4 PAGE 21 ford, kifldersRedmond,liçistid,> Pike Theresa Hunter> Christine Catab urg sundi,cheieRedshaw, aud outfhIoders Kristy Andrew, Orviss, Kristy Godfreyi, GrandIes an aiGodffrey. Coaches are Normn Orviss and Bort Ackford. Motor ct soceer (men's) FINWI DVISION =W W L T Y A PIM AJIWrrMr 12 2 4 42 16 28 DubMuletie 9861 2224 <OCMbavaurul 10 44 44 27 2 AddaC.C.5.C. 9 4 5 55 28 O.hawl" lm 5 5 7352 17 pkkieengSIrIkus 6 102 E 52 514- OimWacitj 2 132 14 47 6 Durham County 8 150 24 98 6 DutLWçndm'ur 10 42822 22 Pabron Uzdte 8- 4 4 34 19 20 Odmim PdiUI 7, 4 4 31 20,18 Oiwlna S -8 35 26 2217 OdmumUrdted eSa35 8,114 la uzddpUnited 4 12 0 1223 S pétuleouffgCity 2 112 là 6'131S 03m .oeh, Cdi. . 23' Su Niùkkkw14 AIM Ormlu, Ajax ýSt.,DdSy,Pmm 10 Bicimyti Anrev. Parbrmi D.nuM .., I'arbrun Odumwtt1 2 U"p 0u Wnmmw 2 Pdebuugh Whitby came from' behinýd to defeat Port Hop 3-2 laà t Friday to keep thieirpiayoff hopes alive in an, attempt te win the Eastern Ontario'iîdet 'basebaII chani- pionship for t he second year in a row. Port Hope Juxnped into a two- rum ini the tourth inning on two walks, a single and wild 1th But Whitby came ba& in the' Whitby' captures. Ontarj o senior titie' ByMario Boucher The Whitby Canadians are provincia champions after win-, ning ail of thoîr gaines at the semor B basebail finals ini Sarnia over the Labour Day woekend. Canadians were preparod for the weekend meies. They* were undefeated in al five gaine they playod - for the firat tre this- season, thoy puýt togother a string of gaines mu which both their .ittinq, pitching and defonce were suporior. WhitbY batOrangrvillo twice by cors o 91 ad 54.Steve Dormaer the winning pitcher in th irtlme, TomaBr in the winpîtchor in the second. WbitbY thon defeated Sarnia 9-4 with Brahin on the mound. Canadians aise dofeated Wyo*n twice 8-O and,"-, with Jeif Hardy and Dormier the win- tournament and allowed only 18 hits by their oponents. Player-coach Jýoy Turner says the. entire teani bit very well, ail SEPAGE 21 1 g ffth inning wih an RBI single by. Chris ýMace g#d,,a perfect suicide squeeze bunt by Steve Wood. Neither team could score until the lOth inning although! Whitby had severai chances inr the eight sud ninth innings with'runners in s >coring position. In, the bottom of the teuth inning, Neil *Balan led off with sing'le aud moved to second on a' Wodpirforming bhis spe- cialty, lai d down a bunt- single ad moved te second on a wild pitch. A squeeze attempt faile, iev- ing Wood at third'with one out. Brett Rayne thon hit a'sacrifice fly te diive iu the wiingn. TMm Imeson suid Keith Mills conîbined for the win, aliowg ouiy five bits and on. earned run au, PAGE 21 Codlin lst in, CNE dressagye Damna Codlin of Ashburu won agadchamionship in dres- . Ie18-yçar-oid member of the Durham Pony Club,- ridiug Powerful Purposo, was first iu three, classesto mre as over- ail champion k* pony club basic 3 levol cf the Eastern Canadian drossapclîampiousbips. 'My thorse had a raily good weekenid. . She was right on al weokend,» said Codlin.., «Some of the other comptitors didn't adazLt as weiiastebein in'the ,coEseum with l'alilth peopie.», Codil was9 also a memnbor of the masters. Prince Philiip Gaines teain that won 'the'Eas-; tomn Canadian championsbip. ,Codliu snd her coach* trained the 9-year-old'mare for dressage, set pattern of compulsory movements. CUBXS juniorboxing team members are training at Camp Smac n Oshawa in prepartion for the uponng worlcl dhmpionhips in Montreal. Two Whitby amateur- boxers, Doug Fisher Snd Troy Talbot, wifl haveexbtormacs against woudclass Cubans on Saturday night at Annan- dale Golf Club, Church St. S., Ajax on Saturday. Pto DbyLksse