Whitby Free Pross. Wednesday, September 2,1992, Page 23' WORLD-CLASS FINANCIAL MAN WITH HALF-TON, will do HANDYMAN SERVICES - Clean services, comny ee hhy clean-ups, moves, etc. Reasonable yards basements, cut. trees. motvaed ndviual/etrpreneurs rates. Cail Todd at 430-6192.' Somethlng tasi?Ã", l65-04 fo!r growth purposes. Cail Gary (416) 66 0160. GRANDMA'S COMPANY nifers flIIfTflU DF-SQUfN ~aM Ara TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPUCDATiONS: BqEDFORD ACCOUNTINOy,.. LOTUS-1i-2-3, DBASE,"'DOS, tp.,DPROCESSINO- ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES OSHAWA OPSHAWACENTRE (Shop up Top), WEEKEND Activities Supervisar requlred immediatelybylndepen- dent 'girls', echool. Must have valid driver~s c1se Send resumes ta: Dean ai Residence, 401 Reynalds St, Whtby, Ontario, LUN39 .ATTENTION MOMS ecea Turn-, your knawlege and experlencewith children Into. a maney-making career -<wth Dlscovery Toys. Flexible hours. Oeil Susan, 668-9977. ALASKA JOBS! Earn a five- figure incarne fishing the, three- month, Salmon, season. Also construction, canneries,. ou fields, plus morel For immediate resse, oelil1-504-646-4505, exti14.24 hrs. HOSPlTALlTY '-ý TRAVELand:TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERÂTIONS- DENTAL VCHAI±~ R51 t'] SECRETARIAL' LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEIPTIO NIST,- WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD.' (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 STAY HOME - MAKE MONE Y. You assemble praducts and earn up to $627 per weok. Amazing recorded message reveals details: Cal now, 705-739-7184, ext. 24. HURRICANE, -reconstruction and cleanup. Many needed. Bth skçilled &unskilled, men & women.- Up. ta $25 _per hour. For inf call soon, 615-779-5505, ext. H384. EARN MONEY readlng booksl $30,000/year- Incarne potentiel. Détails(1 805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. EXPERIENCED' HOMEMAKER wanted, 6 hours every Tuesdey. References required. Good with children. Cati Rita, 430-6075. PIANO & KEYBOARD LESSONS. Private lessons for students in my home. Cati 668-7876. GUITAR LESSONS. Beginner and advanced. Acoustic orelectric. Cal Lou, 666-1979. PIANO/VOICE LSOS Qualified teacher with A.RC.T. in voice and piano. Private lessons in my home., Cati 655-809. M, '- (C) OSHAWA I O DRIVINO 0SCHOO>L 172 Klng St.-E. Suite#301 oshama.,72P-0091,» Fuit Drivers,Education Courses . COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 12TH "D.D. C. program- ONE DAY" SEPTEMBER 15TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course SEPTEMBER 19TH Saturdays 4 week course -PRI VA TE LESSONS - REGISTERE & APPROVEO 8VTHE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my home. Safety, fresh air, lots ai toys, daily outings. Reforences. Ages 2 to 5. Anderson/Lofthouse. 668-7025. DAY CARE AVAILABLE in loving homrs for children ail ages, full or part-tlme. Before/after for children attending St. Matthew's or Ormiston schools. Reasonable rates. Calil Diane, 668ý-3672. maklng. Weddlng and .evenlng gowns, brdesmalds & grade, suits, etc. .Àenovatîan .and-,ateration. Garments' also <made tram a picture. 723-3259., NEART5S GREEN cleaning of residences and offices. Al aur-ladies,are security checked through the police. Bondod and insured. -Chamber member. Knock y aur socks off sorvicell 725-9177, (24 hour answering). PAINTERS PLUS - Service'a nd %qualiy. are -flot anaccident. For 10% off and -no, GSI, cail Bih 'or Geri, 404-1224. KLEEN KUT- UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstéry ai antiques. -Al kinds of recovering. Yaur fabric or mine. Free estimates., Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitby. ARE YOU BEING SERVED? *Do yau, want your place of busines and/or home cleaned -ta jour satisfaction, 100% guaranited? If you want value for your cleaning $, flot j ustcheap, then cal now for a no-oblaion, written quote for al your commercial, inidustrial & residentiai cleaning requirements. 668-2039., HANDYMAN SERVICE - Uw4o job toa smaîl" ",Patios *Decks-"General repair .Odd'Jobs. 427-1674. .ynd are. Reerene...ati el.y 668-3052., IREUABLE LOVING DAY care for your inf'ant in my home. Cal Jeannette At 668-0748. QUAUFIED TEACHER and mother wishes to provide quaiity care for your child in her homne. Cochrane/Rlossiand area. 668-2378. I finvanclal Assistance May Se Avilable AS BOTOURNIH CURE 2 Campuses inDurham PIca~c Pecycle I~ÃŽ~ ~c~spaper j -= PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, choque received bof ore deediine) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 + 390,GSI) 150 eachadditional word; (140 + 0 GST) È31LLED WORD ADS $8.25 for 20 words; PLUS GST' 150 e-ach additîonal word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 930 per agate lune (14 agate finos per inch) minimfum charge:ý $1 3.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY ADS IN' CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures-or graphios) Regular dispiay rates apply' 990 per agate lune Minimum-size 1 column inch $13.86 CONTINUOUS I;RUN DISPLAY ADS> AS LOW AS $1 0.*89< PER COLUMN INCH. GST is extra on aIl ads unless otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wedneësday publication.' 668-0w594 Ploase check your advertisent for orrors on the frst day ot- publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot bo hiable- for failuro to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of, the space occupied by the error tip toý a maximum cost of the' insertion. The, Whitby Fiee Press reserves the right to classify. or rejoot ail advertisements. 6--"