Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Aug 1992, p. 25

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WHITY FMEEPRSSIWEDNMSAY, AUGU 3%92, 4PAGE 25 DOWNTOWN WHITBY o n-- bodrôom aartmoilnt. MAoable, Sept. i d Oc. 1ï $590 per month, includes tilities. Also a gae for storage s' ceavalabo,$35 per mot ,CU728-9679.' MAIN, FLOOR 0F, HOUSE - 3 bodrooms, broadioom, backyard & dock Street parking. No omokers, no pets.. Toronto pager #379-7082, Whltby,1430-7842. PARTIALLY FURNISHED bachelor basomnent apt, ocated et Gardon -st. & Fey. a2 Includes laundry, -for tésansAd Parking month. Cal 430-8267.. BEST WUSHES fer a Happy Uthaor Annivereoe. hedasifieds 'ma soilway < .to Semd greetngsl Cam 668-11-1. NORTH WHITBYy BRAND NEW, brlght, 2-bedroom- basement. Separate, entrance,.4A-pco. bath. Close ta,, transit. 'No. smokin1g. Backyard. Utilities & cable lindu- dod. Available Sept. t. $725lmonth. Jeff or Robin, 430-1972. WHITBY 2, BEDROON spart- ment, cl1ose ta GO' station. Appliances and utilities includod. 430-8608. PORT. WHITBY '- Nice, dlean one-bedroom apartmentsavailable Sept. 1 and Oct. 1. $575 monthl1, ail Inclusive. Apply, at 110 Victora St. W., Apt. 5. 6616-0271. WIUTBY- SPACIOUS.3-bodmoom aparment on, main-floor of, hous. In quiet residontlsl ares. 'Includes frldge, stove a& laundry facilities. AvâlabeS" 1. $795 par month. Cali 668- < MesU ) or 666-3883 oves. & wfleke , sTrAGEUNITS *Find your garage or basement full? * New homenfot ready on time? TRY OUR MINI STORE-lT UNITS 1760 HAROIR, ST, WIIfTBY(\ý VICTORIA ISTORAGEI~ 668-9111 Fenced Live-in Security'- AIl Sizes FuIIy Paved mi a ***~*-*>~***~*~* '78 TRIUMPH TIGER 750. Not, ridden since 1982. $1,000 ob.o. 430-8394. MOTORCYCLEI INSU RANCE À Aà 683-9725, ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of, age, poor driving record or- suspension of licenso? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. CILASSIRED RATES are $6.00 for 20 words propald 1 1 i r S&0<0 hIinll. FT BARGAIN: 14. MILES- forth of Cobourg., Paved. secludod, ,treed.; $550, firet, & last. Equal mffonthl hydro billling, $129. Now,'furnlshle. overlooklng Rce Lake. Sâlmon, trout and yoar-round huntlng. Immedîatoly. 1-16-352-3819. WHITBY9 TWO-STOREY, two- bedroomr home, $750 per month. Immediate occupancy. ',Lamge fencod yard. Lome, 668-9977. BRAND NEWI 2 & 3 bedroom townhousos avallable lmmediely. $810 & $910 monthly, plus utilities. Fridgo & stove lncludied.. Cal Whà'Uy<(416) 668-5660. WHITBY - LARGE 3- BEDROOM home on 1(2-acre lot, Brocki Rossland area. Huge workshop, garage, fireplace. CatI 668-0782. WHITBY CENTRE, ons bedroom mobile home. $500 par' month pls Also, 1 4&.2 bodroom aprmonts, $500 -, $700 per month. Immodiate. F. Alois. RE. Ltd. 416-292-4444. NORTHWEST WHITBY -3 bedrooms + 1. large farnily room, approx. 2,400 Sq. ft. Lanciscapod. fenced yard. Close ta schooîs, shopping, etc. Asking $225,000. Phone 430-6890. REPOSSESSED HOME, $95.000 3-bedroom, brick. Close ta shop-, ping and schools. Neg. down- payment. Bruce, 430-6706. UTTLE OR NO downpayment - three-bedroo*m, f ireplace, 1412 baths, walkout, garage. Move-in condition. $127.900 ta $145.900. Bruce, 430-6706. WANTED FOR USE in Whitby area - Tandem dump truckç with or without operator. 613-659-3159. PINERIDG cai no toplace your ad. -- INSURANCE I668-111APU *C ERROL'S APPUJANCE REPAIR FOR SALEashers, dryers. 'f id osaves, _____________________ _____________________ icrowavos, etc. Maor credit '82 BUICK, SKYLARIC.Good condition. $600 as s. Cali 430-8394. 1988 MERCURY SABLE wagon. 8-passenger, loaded. Vory good condition. $7.600, certified. Cali 723-5852. Noeda8w- CMftpmWoms? I.LEAS9 EGIDE AUTO LEASIN 436OW837-M ý 1980 CAMARO; runs, but needs some work to certify. Make an off or. Gall 666-4918 afler 6. 1984 FORD TEMPO 'GL, P/S, air. AM/FM radio, auto, cruise control. As is. Best off or. 668-7903. DURHAM DODGE CHRYSL CaMS 0a.C9J1UU . J-/J4I~, .PJ .JL PRIVATE MORTGAGES - me place ta go when your bank says 'NO ýServing Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. MORTGAGE LOANS - lst& 2nds ta 95% of value. AIl property, types, primo rates. Quick service aidý epprovals. Call CityCan Financial Copration, 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickrnng. FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality. Maplo. bosch. Well-seasonod. Very dry. Ail ,aplit. Honost moasurement. Free dollvory, Try the best quaiity. 416-753-2246. LADY KENMORE STOVE, avocado green. 10 years aId, ln excellent condition, works prf~ectlv. $100 ob.o. 430-3571, MOVING, MUST SELL: Office chair, 12-gallon-output. humidifier, rug (caramel, l' x 17'). 668-5111. 4210 ROUND,ý OAK PEDESTAL table &,4 chairs, walnut, stain,. like new, $600 . Two 'c hildren's bicycles, $40 each. 668-1223. Sowing Machine Repairs Ail Makes Complote Tune-up $39.95 Recondiioned Sewing Machines fmom $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE ,571 -1385C 400 King St W. Oshawa L .u ... w,..*..... TREES FOR SALE. uydrect from a grower. M4aples, iousts, oaks, rblrch &> -Colorado apruc. From $49 ta .$199. Cali -Wiîlowgrovo Nursery,»,655-8553. SPANKY'8 Property Maintenance M Rosidontial sý nd Commercial Lawncuttîng ta generai minten- aic. Garbage.d s> Saservice. 668-6~803. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sàodding, Spring clean-ups. Renovations ogrdns rock gardons plantng. FRrewood. Dutchway Landscaping,, (416) 649-3183. ,mpMr. trim Iawn and garden service govemment lcensed professionals spedalizlng ln property maintenance tree and shrub pruning, IandsSapng FREE ESTIMATES 434- 9428 CentralWhltby - $141 900 Largo 60 ft treed lot. Cal now ta vîew. 668-0515. MOVINGs MUST, SELL: Frdge, stove,, sofa & chair, La r B rocIlnor, 260' colour T wt converter, Electrolux shamp'oor.. 666-3079 any.time. ATARI POI COMPUTER. 'IM Compatible. Macc-poesr 2F.360K- 515,. and 1 FL.72OK 3£. RAM 640. $450.'432-2181. PIANO - OLDO UPRIGHT Ennis &Co., Oshawa. Omies stool rIncludod. $400. Phono 668-8608. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love-1 seats, sectionals, Iess than hait price. Large slcto.MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simca St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. MOFFAT FROST-FREE 2-door fridge, aaklng $300.'Wood; table, oblong, & 4 chairs, .$75. »Old f iling cabinet, - 'needs work, $50 o.b. Gall, beave message, 666-8714.- ARMOIRE:',CIRCA, 1800, orlginated, In Denmhark. $2.ý000 or best offor. Gall 434-5170. DELUXE POLVETHYLENE screen house, 12' x 12'. Prosently erected, used two months. Cost $138,' sell for $100 f lrm, as is. 430-1l551. FREEZER, 12 CU.* PT., asking $150. SIde-by-slde. reflgerator/ freezer, asking $250. Portable dryer. asking $125. 430-7450.' BABY'S CI & BEDDING. Car' seats, stroller, toys, etc., etc. 576-1979. KENMORE- APT.-SIZED dryer, $125 or best offer. 723-2384.- MATTRESSES and box springs at hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. DRUMS-FOR SALE - Ludwlg,, 9-plcochrome finish. $800.Cil 669626 ater 6 pm. VIKING. FREEZER, 160b cu. ft. Like netv, $195. 432-2181. 12-PIECE PLACE SETTING Of Rýoyal Albert, TrilIium patterni chinaware. 'Ail comploter parts included. Value $3,000. Wil take best offor. 655-3525. "UIKE, NEW" - .Twln 1987 Citation Ski Doos, oelectric start,,_ail injocted. Hardly' eVor used. $3,500 fo air. 1980 Arctic Cat Lyn x,. $0.-668-1468, -days), < 416) 985-9461 f<enings).

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