PAGE 12, WEITBYFPREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12,1992 A HOM E..DES IGNWAND I M PROVEM ENT. FEATURE, Dre, Essentiaily,- your windows are the 'eyes'dc. ycur hotne; they balance and enhance the exterior et ho m dpravde you They amise gv you llght, venilation and some auiliery heating in the' winter. Since theyly sucxh a vYital roI' , it makeSsonmeta igive ýthom seme extra speclal'treatmnent.' There are a variety of window ceveing avilale odathat icîn werk cfat.A add lousi tht yo aothave t pnd a forune t Chvean attatve effect; today'widow COvering cUre, in a wlde variety of£deine niatmi erllsadpÈrice. There om»eng to»suit irtually every teste en&-budget. No longr irited'te standard' sffheers, drapesand room- .....ROSE....SER. Landscape Retaining Walis -~ Also interlocking stone installation & sales 5825 THICKSON4 RD. N. Winchester' 'VRsd Rose TutnRd.- IHwY4401 WjIjBYO OSHWA Enesi 'G ET Fi *(On se * se 655-4749 iU r SWINDOW & DOOR RENOVATIONS 50 Dorvis Drive, Whitby 404-0447 Spcalzn in ustm- ny epl-em e . -ew vg fiinwindhowspreduc drafts nd ins warth A REB iATEs.0Fam$5.oO PER SQUopAE FOO ROM ONARIO HDRO!*Akus711-Il-l .r. wi:ndows Jp'yo darloenin blinds, todayes window coveringe offer ,beauty dversity and prciaiy hle the above-mentioned, window coverings are stii available, they have generelly taken on. a bod new persona and are a great deal more flattering than their* 1Today, yeu cen choose from a wide variety of styles ini an endloss array cf materials, eours, and patterns. Mini and micro venetian' blinds are incredibly, populer, along wlth vertical venetians -- tatare idea coverings for patio domr. BaIlcon -curWeispleated shades, bemboo shades, Austrian shades and. shutters are also appeahing ta large numbers cf style-conscious cerzsumer& If you like to sew,ypu might want ta onsider malang your own window coverings, otherwise you cen have them custom-made ta suit your specificreurmns Many coveringealaIs corne ready-made in standard styles and shades (like horizontal and vertical venetiansý, for instance), e that aIl you have te do- is instail the- appropriate hardware LARGSTSOWROOMSHE IN ONTARIO -2 FL YDEOA TE* a CHE AD'BA IPAY BINNS HAS 3 CERTIFIED KITCHEN DESIGNERS ON STAFF Discover aur oiegant showroom which boasts 22 fully decorated kitchen and bat h displays Our unique creative concepts'are desugned around your i ndividual lifesty le aà nd-our 29 yeýars experience guarantees you quality. workmanship with a lifetime warranty on cabinetry. Corne on andsëe why our clients recommenci us ta .their ç,rosest ,fiends 1 FRE KITCE. EINB O '1 r- i l and put -ofhh at up. Ifyoupre 1neot surecfwht, e wan, heck eut sm aaie =ndboi for idées. You may as want te talk with a decorating consultent. Whn ecdigwhat *yeU want, .take the: size, cf the window, its location (does it face north or seuth?) and setyle inta, coiideration, as weil the. view that it frames. - Obviouslyi a window that looks eout e ntoaa panorarnic view wiil be treeted differently- than one that faces a beck alley. You should as.taesthe window's proortion , inta consderatlonperticulaly If yeu have a emL roem. You doeit want ta, end up wlth- somethlng that lastoce overpowering - or tee bland. 0 'f course, it's ais essntial ta take the style and colour of the fUrnishl-ngs cf the rom Inta account' and try te work yu window coverings inta ,yeur decorating schime. If yeu have window"s that face 2Yia article j ptidedb local realtora and the' Ont <ni ,Real Estate Association OREA) for the benefit of consumera n.- the real estate market. Older homs FROM PAGE Il renovations can pro)bably be done. right away. Be suretahre people who have:- *knowledge cý'f historic building practices; ' *knowledge cf, ad experience with, building codes and standards; * -kniowledge of. the best, tradespeopl viable, in'the' arËea; and eeasy* access ta 'reproduç- tion! building materials., The designer/architeét should, provi de you with 'a structural anal1ysis of the home, accurate cst 'estfimates and -a. set cof Working- drawings cf the layout of, the house. ,HWsahe'should. aise be present while rer1cvation wvork is in progress.- Once, the work-is comipleted, don't forget ,, about t"ýhe landscaping. Try,talrecreate the 9 a by cooinpahwas complement, the period' cf your home. This will caxuplete' the overall . look youùre, t rying to achieve. Thia article le providedby local realt ors and 'the. Ontarj Reazl Est ate Association (OREA) for the benefit of consumera in the real estate market. ~I KENDALWOOD SHOPPING CENTRE 1801 Dundas St.,, East Whitby * 571-23,32 eniors Discounts e Financing Available m that wfl fitrôor detflect bih suïlight during .tlp wlnktor, ta save your firniture fi aing. Privacy is anether factor you'f want. -ta onsider :cereMlly. If yOUre leod1 g for windo coveringefo abediIroin, yoi prbbywentoenstlùg that* affrd greeter ?rinvacy then what yeu might requre for your, living And, if your bedroom.. facesthe street yeu tma aIs.went emethlnkg that lheljp block out noise- andllght. Lindreperies. or room-darkening blindo are a, pood choice. Heavy draperiesare ideel for mufling seuind as well. You shuid aisetake idow acceas inta coasderation .when chooeing you window cov.rlxigs If you o en ad shut. your .w i n o w s u e n tly , y o a'J l w e t - coerng tatare esytao perte" cend9 eowfor vniain No matter what t oeri window coqveringsFou ehoae be sure -tta ekeyour ime end- plan carefuly. WA&ý!K 1