PAGE 8, WMTHY WUPU% JRIY 2% lm9 - -'Y~-' ., ->, -bus0 OSHAWA MPP and cabinet minister Alan Pilkey adresses a rally last Frlday-at Oshawa Cit Hall .1in supprofheHson project., About< 500 people tumed out for the demonstration, Jointiy, organpled by the Trades Coalition andtheOshawa Chamer of Commerce. Photo by Mark Roosr. iIthy F"oe Prou Davies 'to seek IRef nomination, jAndre* Davios the Roform Party nomiunation -for Ountario.riding. Davies, 'a Whltby usness, own r, sys"Eough is.enough, if tT wat eueo change, Imust. get lnvolvod. lei- had been loking for a Nsibe candidatesud vove < k-et By-igi % doh' t you run?, Plnall, I a ou o riïht! "Support for;mZ campalgu' ha. boon swft sud Mo f enorgy. W. are the. 1astes-growingartin tiie country, ith dl' usined", ANDREW DAVIES Pios, Liberals sud NDP, supporters,'ceming-.on board because of-or- common 'sens. polcio tat he thr partes are trlg-te ,quickly copy," aays Davios 'saya, "People are enrapdwih tho way the thre old-thme parties, have spent cur tax dollars like they grow on troos. They want a reprosentative ta lthe,' ý'cbmhniuity;-,ud not the parties?.,backroom boys, sud that is whyý thé. Reform Partyla sE attractive. ByN[MooBoucher The town of Whitby -hasn r chasod the land at 200 AthofSt. ta possibly 'extond the eist1 pakn ot at Coiborno an Gron t., which abuta the back, cf the. prqporty Town tréosuror;Ai Claringbeld, saya the, Town boug ht the ro perty ataà cst of $35,000ro Jano Elizabeth -BurlIey lunearly, Juno., 5cm. of the .area marchants say the. dowutown'cor. of Whitby ne"dsevery parinÃœg space pos- ANN OU NCEMENT, Effective Ma, s1992, 12mr no longer assoclated- with thée firm formely' known. as Sutherland Hobb & Partners. I1 will- be o»ra1ng lndependently., the ýfirm to be known as: TPIHEN J. SUTHERLAND- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT* 200 Bond Street' West, Suite 211 Oshawa, Ontarto -Li J 2L7 BusInon(416)'721 -8600 Fax (416) 721-8604.. ANNOUNC EMENT ' Effective Mayl,1,992 HOBB GILLIES BAKKER*. Chartered Acountants (fomeufl uiodnd Hobb & Partor) announce their name-change .and the.departure of - Stephen Sutherland and John atte who Mill prsue their separate intereçts. We milI continue to practice front our present locations .n, Ohawa and, Bowmanvillei 200 Bon d Streot Wot, Suite 208 Oshawa, Ontarlo LL1J 2L7 Bus.(416)579-569 P e v n a r R i J4 1L G iliL 119 KQlngStretEast Bowmanvillle Oitarl LC 1iN5 Bus. <(416> 623-9461 Fax. (416> 623-9734 adâ.)lns 20r AKnHab "W. are. the cnly. party wth its policles lu print. for ail'peeple'te road, dilçe sud make _ an. inforýmed judgment on, sud'that expla m sVwhy ti.-maority of Our memberahip bas net, been poi*tically iuvolved beforo." Davies han' lived lu Durham .ogon for the é past 28 years, sud is thei. presideut '.f Computer lutegrated Net*orks% ,.conaulting. firm sjfoa . ungin meeting thi computer -nooda'cf SMai-t id-sl'ýedcomparies. Davies aIse serves as, a captain lun the, Ontarlo Regimeut',(RCAC). sible. Gène Peacock, co-ewuer cf Pea- coick Sýports.-sud Trephies Ltd., as«ays thora la definitely a'-parlng problemn lu tiie downtawn .core sud the additional parkiiq space would' akeit essier--for peopltoshopinthearea. Onë. Of tebîggest -preblem with parking right now la' that miny of the. people working in stores sud offices- downtawn actually use the parking spas for themnselves lustead of keeping the, apc pnfrte custmors, *«Ihuikitwoldbo a groat idea- sud a great- help,» s ays Terry. MacInUly, manager ,'of ý Most cf the customers have ta us. theparking spaces lu front cf the busiuesaes suad pay at mieters,.ho says. ByaMarie Boucher Hundrieds cf popl rallo l dowutoWn0 .saaIa ryy pJrotesting'reionalconisdc- 'sien n ot ,ta ýpýroceed ,'with' thé' Hilstoaneç!pro et "W. dn0 lavo timo for Powor, ,politièsomp* ob gansdp-jNW sonaliy ohac,sdDarî Shermn, spakxn"onbehaif cf- 'tho ýOshaa eréýhnts lu'thé' The. rail. was staged by the Oshawa (Jhamber cf: Commerc ,uions, business.peeple.sud- local merchanta ta try ta get, regloual cuilta change itsmld on-tho, ýHustn. pro et OshaW MP Mike Broaueh .said tà projèct wudhl rn "tho Rep ion out of the rocession. 'Woro not going tan"d for, ?the.deeisons fa, Mckoy Mouise rgienal co'èuncil,"- said Oslwa Mayor Nancqy Diamond. The HIl- ston ~rôectwould, croate jobsý for tho ple cf Dunham- Roeon and tho downtown',area cf ah.ý awa, ah. sad. Someunemp loyed poople, who could be orUng if theroec l approvoedý, yelloýd "Whore's Edwýarda"rfrrn ta 1Mayor Tom Edwardsi whos been eue of the project's à op heûts. <But, Edwairr says' although m1 popetalk about'ho god' :,.a project Hilatono, they don't conisider the finauncial' -fconciI was promised al the facts about, the two propsed, re ponal. buildin Pru echl O~iawa sud hyy, u1989, but '--stilI 'hasn1t sBeen all the' details of .the Hilatone projoct, including the financial1 paclkge, Acodi-ta tho beat ostimato givon ta ýhaen, Edwards .,aays the maintelnance cost for the' uew propogedregiona admnistration' buildin uOshawa la approxil- mately $ý1million,;aà yéà r. 'The, annualmainteniancSý efofr 'l existing roeonaibuildigs is only $90. 0 M O esaid. Ho Wouldl*lceà ieglastaff ta have a chance, ta 'verify'sud look inta the, <estimate;d' $.5ý'imillion maintennc fe. fer the- ne'w build, ho says., Edwards satys Oshawa council- lors beliove tho project la owed ta themin :npart because -they. are. the ýbiggost City luiDurhamn ]Region- but addaý' that Whitby councillers. have a, ,diffée~nt approach tamajorprjts The uew' opérations Centre on Taunton,'Rd. isle a ca se in _ point', hé says, because part, ofÃtii. =rject wll. be. paid thriou&wh ýth ove loupmont fund (2,3177)- sud the future, capitalreservo fud($54,t376) insteiad of oly <dèbenturing($3,580;000). 'This willpoetayfrio tax lucreau o ta ratepayXers lun Wbitbytap ay for the projct.- Te 37?iùllion -Hîqlstpne*pro- ject was rejected by aà v*oeo f, 17-15 two . Bad ocono-ý nuc timin& ,thé size cof tho buid- ing sud latck cà f a fuil financial report wero citod lbi Whitby, ceuncilors as nomeo térea- sens' fr the. rejoction cf the. -Proposai. Os- (Jhawa haà uow fled a notice cf motion ta have another vote on the proposaI, llkIytody. Accordiniê,ta su econoic m-' regional administration jobs stay lOshawa. «I was utte improssed wi*th the truouttoday sandit'sèhowëd.. the as>1port thore is for tho ilil- etone projèct,"saysAI, Simoson, pe a 1 tcfthoOsawaChain- [0)~ ohCommeérce.. Ma*' of the people at tho rally were ; from - oôutside Osjhawa bocaujo this * -not anOsha butw a uhamSRegîonprqjectho.- lmson sagys, 1roeginal'counci shoul approv" thnoit' stopof* té pïoètparking spame, pro- -porty' and 'liia'tion iasues, sud thon ý'avo Ililâtono presenit a fiaca akage asWel-as thé. bU'iIF4igsstcoundfl. T1he finanialbenef its of tho Hi,."toùo éproject is oxpocted to bo poiie sd goedfr the wholo The mayoq-rs of Durham should, now'-W itoniing--sund serlouslyv' lIooklng -into -chang 'gtheir doci saion ud -lok at the finanhcial as pect boforo turning, it down' op1tel' he says.. u eiJ6e Drumm n, B'-,oss Batton -had oxprossed*,con- cernea-with 'the *sizo cf ,tho build- inff about 230,000 squero footwg1 -déd e.te-Region curroutlned on, oiinly 150,000. y concilorsalso won- Idered ut the loc'xation of thé. buildin bocause .nothiug'lel bolng planned lu that area c-f Oshawa.*- .Drunl> hd ug 1sodtheipro- jectcoubopostpned until tho oconomypîcks aup. Tho eniitiro HUistonroetl ostlmatad - 6toiot $Z ilion, with $37 million for A nlne-storey r'ieonal administration -office and $25 million for a privato ofimce tower. Tho RÉeglon could thon mako 'anageoent for, a lese-to-own for ab _,30 yoýars on. the adminsraie or buy the ,building throu gh'dâebontur- ing tho cost *lhen it la comploted in 1994. lu '1989, rogional council votod to locate the now regional' administrative 'building m own- towin Oshawa " and the reglo nal- »hoadquartoralin Whitby. .In Juno 1991,- thé Reglon appointod .Hilstono .Dovolop-. monta Canada Ltd. as tho de- lopr f to rojctluOshawa, and'auoîthoriod e topro.; ceed, 1Oshawa made a proposa more than f 1v. yo'ais aotoerocâte tho. Rogion 'headqu resin, dowutown Oshawa. Whitby coun- cillors then nmade a conoeted bld ta, -koep'the oxisting hoadquar- tors lu Wutby. li Octobor 11987,rgioual chair Gary orrea cas thédocidingý vota('1514)when -counicillors turuod d<>wn the Oshawa', pro-' poisai. At the ti mo, thon 'Oshawa mayor Al"a Pilkey à à id there was an anti-Oshawa "bis? ,on régional council bt Horrema donied théro was such a blaW. Hundreds turn. mit 'at rally* in su»port of Ejitoné projeet-