Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jul 1992, p. 6

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*PAGE Fm WH PBYnI aEOWEMME8D., JULY 2%9O The ýonly'WhltbNWspaperowned adoeae by Whltby residents'for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St.N., Whity, Ontarlo ýLIN 5S1 Phone 668-61111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Andeison 1- P ublisher, MuoePither*- Editor Alexandra Martin - Produdtion Mana'ger 2nd Class Postal ,Registration #05351 T hanks To the,Editor: R <La 'heartening ta knaw that in, the"se recesslnary . times -local bunsises andassocIations stili recagnlîeand support non-profit agenies. DunbainAscito for Famlly Respite Services -recentiy heid a, social avent fQr aur -valunteer and client familles. W. .Wôuld Ilke, ta publiciy thank the. followin whôse Fpnarhip helped: Wind Reach, FarmSt.Jlý'gohnAmbulance, Mracle' MarI,. Rossand Rd. E, _Oshawa, Halendas.M & D Meat, Mcdonald's Restaurant, Buns Master, Hopiklns St., Whitby, TIm. Horton Dout and Bay Sparts Equlpmfent. W., are lndeed fortunate taO be living ln Durhain Reglon where thone s al aunique wheei ýchair' accessible-; farm, -dedicated volunteers ,andcarnomuinity- mlnded businesses. W. sUalu i thase wha stive'to improve -ýthe qully f lie faor others. -Mary L.Wllson Co-ordlnator of Volunteers Durham Assclaf ion of Famlly RmtsServices Place In Tif n A Swnmer Contest Of Architectural Identification Each weck, tic Wbitby Foee Press wlIlpubish a pictureof an architemtià detai in Whitby (ncluding Brokhin, Ashbum andMyrtle). A draw will bémade fron thic coffectcnties. Mme winnes naine and Uic colTctidniiao wiJ1 be pûblse in the next week's Foe ress. if you ca en dtfy this pictures&bmt IM enury to ie Whitby FocePress, 131 Brack Stoeet N., Wbutby LUN 5S1. Mmi winner will be slecd next Tuesda t 1000 am. LOCATION Nam e Address Phoe m ber PRIZES DONATED BY ~444 ~e&r94e4 HERFrAGE HOUSEhmtitedl Laàfoitaige Nbs we'upiizeoeabyLafontainTradmngPe go th eior. To the Editor*: Re: An open letter ta ail oôppasing lianfllawthln the Envlranmenit Minister Rul and the lnterlm Waste Ai Llmited arWe .mlssing the pal fir*doces they "have, devis Tealandf Ii la basically f T1s proceas creates humai stress, throughî multitude oaf nelghbourhaw they are, alipwed ta proceec resuft In thou"sano f disillusloned'people and, w system tacreate mare landi In September .1990, -w, ln tfer knowWnas-Crw ugogTowshl inDurhar under the prere o propaaed -*Landfili Isites. W., tii. ckiizens group known a -f waas our, kneejerk reac fail minto the,', not'.Inmy..ba synrae.We 'on realii tiieNIMBY' approachv siiort-sighted as the, goverr plan ta crieate another landfi .Zera .'Garbage* became than ýjuat t-he naine of a chizes graupà,it became i anlèeait tns for the c Of a, new ~ of tinklng that cutails- the.produci -waste aI th* ,source until tl vltually-no garbage and, th need for landfilis.. W. bèiieved that f the i tîme and resources being sp the agonlzlng ,praceas oaicc a landfilîl were canverted creative pracess ta deai w' fiaw af waste tram aur sock couid, In.tii. saine time salve the. problem wthout Solution is leés waste- ta shave garbage Inta anyone's garbag backyard. Ii ra 'Saine $saldo blgganble' a.ba Ps an',yesitis agamble.'It me»ans il o gamblnin aurabll* ty to rea'ath thi Grier ga ihn a setlime frae.nate uthority T belle spro v icil ýýga'ermien t ene rit. Tii. la ta thaïthtii.satest t o Ti int Th latopromote tii. 3Rs filn-ùaWaste, 'ed' for landfill. 'Hedge'.tiih t' ciasalc soiutlc lawed. hr untod hikigtram..bureaucrats who, , ten out, a their very. nature'in taklng a secure Ou od. governm.ont job, are not known for and iii wît aklri bold.steps.. Generally, tuis the*laj bitterb. ýa reasanable nlsk -Zer abise amanagement. procesa, ifwew ero naine mils., ta W, ,-alQng, ,iepend -nan Garlu hT ofe we cannot' afford tuis waste IlCe piadding,l seemingiy-safe thei,. as Zero itlsl time.ta break the. iancdfill hoad ihit. It la time for bold moves. Toron Xian ta H everyone knew' that iiere w. Cyr'Was no mare land for garbage, that in the, ed thiathte'.landfilîl option was 'out, tien the Yas, as tiier. would beno option but ta aïez nment's dimnish.tie waste atrean ta 'Zero. eise's n. Zero garbage - no 'iieded bots', 1Mare no nlmby pamby approac. stop vA S-s'Mali t By ta create new iaiidfllla, reaowr aneaM' Authority la engendering douit in- 'thi. ro -- one th pravlnce's minimal 3Rs aid you tc ton of oduct stewardship, - programns. _when, here - s hua, th. pressure ta fiid aid aur hus, no. impiement the coretzero crelt garbage goal is baot.wae înengy, k las, no doubt, thatý we are ln, a landili nton criais situation. Tii. cunrenit iany Tii. raIng »that the. provincial government .is, éai o 1ta a, putIinqj us thraugh is a total dedica itih tie negative. On the otherhand, witii criaisw ity, w. positive, creative leadership, al t rame, that enengy cauid b.turnod around having. into a pracesa ta achieve lie'zëo A0frdlable housing,.only a To the Edtor: The Durhamn Branch 0f the. Ontario Associaton ai Professinal Scial,'Warkers, wouid like..ta artend Ifs ancene appreciation ta, ou ryour. paper for nrinting aur rnMay 6.rearIi>nfundi for the. Durhamn Regalo Acesta, PeIrmanentHausing Projecta. Subsequentiy, this Durhain agency. was :gnantod provincial ndinguntîl'March 1993 and we do eawlh ta fanget the signilicant raIe -that positive media aMentian can..play with regards ta tuis and simfilar' social and palitical concerna. -J owe er, weas<a board recagnize. that some 0f> your readers. may not have, reaiuzed the' Whle a lck é fardabie housinger true issue cf cnci liou ater has been a historb icaorblen for Duii rsdns i.fcuo>u letter was not thus issue.at ali but, ratier, aur tacus waii on the, cantînuation 0fprogIrama. which help the.need 1 n Ur communlty dfU ,holng.> W. as Social warkers, support thuaý1 necessary adjunct ta affordable hausing prajecta as we work evreryday wkth .appreased pesas - the. leas advantaged, the, poor - he metaly. 11,the hathat ptii. R Il lO ur sinceere toregoing 'clarifies misundeiitandings hope ta.h andtay u beg commt Hou non-ex who re faced houail simply Pre ge ideal.ý e, gaad news'*,làa thàt zéro ~e l acievbie Thre~are ts, ,ôf answë es already, aut adaâînddou mare ja 19 awlt h' thein, many. preneëural apportunities., eére is ,no>- !ne' solution',ta onesrequired antheare aut le ripe frui frthe picking. rmind set hbas ta e ait: NOt wasited an.the negatives-af ndfll prabiemi ro- GarbagCe l.19not 'just the' ai"f. soin. group over In gwg el te ai.m ,f a- ire, c"lleoetive. solution ta our a crIasis anrd la symbolized by green rlbban. Pltlng ibounhood 'againat, nelghbaur- - g n lnb y . g ro u p a creattne reglons, a reh ga, la an energ*y sink hale. ureaillgroups now,,caught qibyturmii en.ërgyysnkof NA,' ta stop tempt'lng ,ta a the landfil Into some inelghtburhod. à> time ta telli the. province ta, wastng valuable 'tlme, hwnan ces and a ur 'hard-wan' y, and Insiat they thmow out etragrade pracesa. We.urge o, let the. province lnow that they do,>,srap the. proceas, naups will.turri venom Into. îe -,enerqies ta saivè the, criais- withaut creating new green ný lbbon -la the symbol un 'cambined commâunlty àtion. ta saMng, the ïwaste without landfllls. - Bi11,Llshman, chair Zer-o G-arbage/Scugog inning 'i'true m.ailng will.be neltiier nor :mflscanstrued., As a ûnity we are fartunate ta affarabe>hauslng ln place. levrif eaonable avenues cess affordabie hausling are kiatent or liirited, then.thase eq uine t hla service wlll elbtiier' gneat difflicuity ln obtalning grin same cases, may b. fôrced ta o >without. Charie orris Preadnt .Onitarlo Accoclation* of oféesloral Socil Workers, Durham Branch The, Whltby Fre. Press welcames letters ta tdm editor -on, any subjct ai conicem, ta our. readers.. Letters should b. bulef and ta thé point - rarely morp than 300 words. Ail lette,,m mst be accompanied by die naine, adclress and tolephane number of lhe writer,however, an request py ur naine may b. wfthhéld.tram p ublication if we agre. tat hon.is'a valid reason. ThiE paper ree Xsli mt arecto d i et,.Snd ta: The. Editor, Whitby Fr.. Press, Box 06.hty, Ont Li N SI or drap through our mail siot at 131 Broèk $LN. I ', j

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