Bikemathon ar ound'Lake Ont arj'o to raise f tinds, Ry Marlo Boucher Titre, local mren will -cycle around Lake Ontario - to help ra"se fonds for the- United -Way and St. John Ambulance.. RSn Hamilton cf W hyan Robert Wunsche and Cra.ig-Pn !Ohwaare prepared f& o oe< Of the rocky roads thsj wll ecuter as part cf th ehels, of Hope cyllng tour. Lntobe~r r' atWolf Isblanid té travêlaroshobde and et the United States-. They. will cycle -through RochesterM N Pgr alls and thon-to St. Catharines, Hamilton and Toronto, flnishlng n Osh- awa. m Te trio will louve fr-om-the Oshawa cijty hall at, 8 a.m. on July 24. They estlmate, it will takie them about live day. ta cover the 886km route *They have raised approxi-' matel $1,100 in pledges so far' andare *aiigfor over$2,OO0. a heywiu alo collec>-t th e pro-' ceeda from a, $1 cover charg at (Jasey's Retaurant i Oshawa on July'17 und, 18.< AUl funïds raised wlll be dona- ted ta St. 'John Ambulance and the United Way. St., John Ambulance will ýaccomy the. bikers with-a vehicle ta help cariy food and eqw4 ment suplies. 9:fore-they dscided- they iih aswell nuýise mroney for -a go cause at theésmetioe.ý Oriinalythe. funds raised were ,ta havIl netoward tIi developmentaliy handicappeëd. youths, atton 1ding the Sýunise * summoryoth camp. Tey later decideta insitead suppor the United Way and ,st. John Ambulanço Hamilton say h Sunrise Reèrýeational Y-uthGroup for Develpmentaliy Handicapped made a commitment but wore unable 'ta provide the',organisa- tion land esupportrequfrèd. Hamlilto sys the United.Way and the St. John muac Our plans nd they got-org"nhsd inju à t afw days. By Marlo Boucher mhe Price EdwaîdIsland may yot be "oId ta -an oversea buyer.' The-* derelict ferry boat was recently towed at a cost of about- *600ta near the Ship Channel Brdeat the end of -Cherry St. retrharormaster with' theTorntaHarourCommnis-' sionors Thr had been many local residents complaining of the old *hipbiga oysr"h.the harborandonoe rdentBarry Bradley, reforred ta the PEI as the Freddyl&rueger o! ail boats. Brewster gays shipowner Ar Robinson is gomng tarent docking ace omthe City, o! Toronta for the nef t two months while »Pars are being dons, on, the B obinson is apparently close ta a deul with an oversea buyer for the old ship, ,ho saysu. But whô krtow what ho will actually do i two--months,, ho .Roinson has told Brewster that the hull o! the s hip remains ini excellent condition. The PEI was towed away from Whitby harbour on'June 2 atr being- docked in- Port, Whitby for more than-five years. The- Town- was sutcessful ini tta court irgunctiontohv oh ,ve asel ýremo ved fromu Whitbysà harbour. A rt ton was adjourned last'fail on the recommendation that Robinson have the ,PCBs Ken Hoad cf Whitb~y was the winner o! the Whitby General Hopital Àuxffiar 25thanni- versary raffle held recently. He won a limited edition1pho- ,Second fprize, a iftcertificats from Anthon'y'. Hairr Stiudio, was won by Stophen Bird o! Oshawa.: Jaofvine Chambers o! Welland won thfrd prize, $100 cash. removed froni the ship byNov. '15, 1991, and eith"er el and remove, the shi 'b "Dec. 31 1991 or dismantl it byMaýy31, 1992 At tirnt, it seemed headed for a scrap yard i Port'Coîborne ta be dismantlod but einded, upi Toronta.. -Many times Robhison' tried ta' »Iîl the ship for varions, plans includinF, as a' floatin g McDonald s, an aquarum, hotel or power station. BOB WUNSCHE and Ron Hamilton a rn gearlng, Up forthelrý886 km bike-a-tlion- around Lake. Ontario,, from^ Oshawa, to. Klngilon, through to. the U.S. to Niagara' Fails, and, back to ýOshawa.,The; three cyclista <Cralg Fong a absent. when photo was taken). hope to milse $2,000 r the Unlted Wa ln tJh Amfbulance. Photoby&W Mai BuhWhtoyF».m* HÀARIDY PYRAM1T JÀAPANESE gýre vaiue PLU-MS .$ L.E 30X O1PE CEIDAR Fruit is red and. apricot .' Rg 89 W colour. They are swyeet, *y~ SALE flvuru adjuicy. $5 Reg. $18.9P5 - $2 7.50 1gî o Witn the extende«'spnng weather, gardon re jvaions and plantings can continue through th otof JuIy. Stili tme ta 80W radishes and Iettuoe. for fail crops. _ Baeptches i the lawn may starttlo'show due ta grube ai diinch bugs. AgpplyCIL Là WnDocto'aconWtlunslghiy. Visit Vandermeer Nursery for a great selection of. perenniai plants. GIea GadenValuel Lawn lnsect Doctor «=M For effective control 0f gnubu, lmý sod webworm, chlnch bugs and ans. 9 kg bag Sale $1999 Reg.$9.99 THTATTRACI' Q Aclpia QThilsUes 1QLupines aQYarlow Q OnflonsU Dii I They am atracted t purple, blue "0Where Great Gardens Begin" C'orner of Bayly& La keridge Ajax .427.2525- OPEN SUNDAY. Sale priSss ffectve unl July 3M~ Great Gare/enValue Pyramdal Mountbatten 8-.1OOcmshrubs' Reg. $37.50- $39.50 If-S aQ1 BeigamotQ Rudbeki " mis C)DaissesQPhox CInt 10 Parsley 0 Garrots . ýellow and pink Ilower. AJAX Bayly St. 1 ___________________ d i