PAGE 1e, W fltYUkPRfte WDN9Wù>A, ULY 22,1 Sammertime and the, m"usic i fie THE WHITBYBrass Band kicked off its Music in the',Park seriesIast Thursday night with aý concert -in the, bandstancl at Rotary Park., >ONE PARENT FAMIES, North -Oshawýa chapter, One Parent Famîies Association will meet on July 29,8 p.m, at Christ Church, Mary and 'H!lcroft streets, Oshawa, for coffee, card& and conversation. New members and, guests are welcome. For .iforation,- cail 668-7579 or- 434-3687. POND -AND STEAM EXEINCE Have you ever seen. insocta that muke their home Iw stickIng small pebbles and sticks te, their body, or wondered what -a drgofl aiad looka like? For'a free pond study, join the ,Central ,,Lake, .Ontario Conservation Authoritýr staff at Enniakilen Conservation Area on Wednesda, July 29, 7:30 p.m. Meet'at 1theèsoDuth picnicshelter (area . Wear rubber boots or old.. soes; dtp nets and-,buckets are optionaL. To. get te, Enntskillen, north of Bowmanville, take Regoual -Rd. 57" north te the 7th Concession, go west on the 7th te- Holt. Rd,> turn north on Hoît Rd. and follow te, the park entrance, - turn .left at the entrance and follow, the, road *te, the picnic shelter. For further information, cail ,týhe Authority .office at 579-04110 ISENIORB MOONLIGETr CRU19E Seniors, dine and dance aboard thé charter boat dmystiq ýue'p Wbinecrsig og they Teonto, =anda O WednesdayJuly 29, a bus will beave the Whitby SeniOrS Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S., for Tronto at 6 p.m. Guests are welcome, so any senior interested should cail the centre at 668-1424 for reservations. MUSCULAR DYSTROFRY ..FUNDRAISER The' Whitby FIrefighters will, hoéld 'a barbeçue and 'pictures on the, fire fru k (a 1924 pumper fire truck) on Saturday, July 25,. 10' a.m. te 4 p.m., at Whitby IGA Plaza, 350 Brock St. S. Proceeds, Wil'g towards muscular' dysrohresearch., ONE PARENT FANMES Oshawa Chap e aParent Familles Asocitio wll meat on Tuesday, July 28, 8 p.m., at Sinicce Hall Settiament House,- 387 Simcoe St. S., for coffee, carda' and conversation. New members and guests are walcome. For more information,, cail 436-5089, or' 433-0832. Photo by Mark Reesor, WhtIIy Fme Prou- >GOLF TOURNAMIENT Thefirst annual Greek Týrcoon Iof teurnement will be held on Tuesday Aug. 4 a t Winchester Golf CluI raise money for Sick Children's Hospital. Tickets are $70 per person and include green fees for 18 holes and dinner. TIckets are available at the res- taurant 1101 Brock St. S. Book before Juy27. WORLiD BREASFEEING' WEEK The Region of Durham joins with the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action, UNICIEF, Health and Welfare Canada and numerous internati onal, orgat- zations, in rCognition'of the first annuel World Bregstfeeding, Week, Aug. 1 te 7.. A committee hasnbeen.forimed te promoteA'heý health .beinefits cf breatfeed&ng, and ,te mýake,,awareý the many communitZ supports in place for breaateeding mothers. Ifrm- tioi artiles fta local newspapers and llbrazy displays are* sonie of the activities planned. WATERCOLOUR WORKSHOP SThe Whitby Public Laibrary will hold a workshop for youngsters Tgd 6'te 12 ta discover the msgic ofwatercolours with local artiat Rowena Dykins Bridger, o Thursday, July,23, 2 -te 4 p.m. in the 'prograni room. Thare i. a $2, fe,.and spce ae, lmted. RPegintration t-aetti.cires "k. - COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS ý ICONNECTION_, located in Whitby. We are ho1din meetings for singles and 'hav*o various social events, i.e dancin g, bowlin swmmng gl, n -"éà rdghtclutsebingog tl and dmnm*g ut, etei. Meetings are held evéryFrïday, 7 te lOqp.m. Mebrhp applc-ý able. New membeswelcoe. Phone 1-800-461-7391. St. John Ambulance, Whitby branch, will hold aý colours program1 on -Saturday, July 25, at 1 pam. Colours .ta a pre-schoolers emergency awa reness pregram. designed te -teach, children' te recognidze and> react teW' an emergency situation. The coat is $5 per Child which ýinclude an inoratonbooket. For more' information, 'caIl thè ýoffice ati 668-9006 or 668-4169, or -rgister in person at 1517 Dundas St . E VOLUNTEERS NEED Fairview Lod4ge i. lookding for volunteers,, te assist with the foflowing programis, on a weekl 1basis swidnuiiing ,on Mondays;,, wakigTesdays or MIrdas rfreshmenit cart, day trips# ar dressing and w ;heelchair mainten- >ance.- For futhr informnation, contact . Heather Tl'mp cc-, ordinator of vrolunteér- services, at 668-5851,ext. 49. :BREASTFEDNPROJECT- Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) offers a free service te new mothers te, answer their individual questionsad provide informationi and encouragement in the earlyweeks when -brst- feeding in'be establlshed.Tlhe support group for nursing moth- ere, and babies ta held eachi Thprsday nxorning ta ,Oshawa. For'.mnore information including location, cadl the VIiat 571- 3151. ENVIRONMENTAL FUN CLOCA ,playées'I c -Centra Lake Ontario- Conservation Authority ,winll perform a à ,fý ree public show on Satur-day, JuIL 2- 1 P.m., e t Heber Down Conservation Ares. Through the 'Use of puppets, atones and gaine, the -,players- wl peet-,a program "esgned forchidren aged five te ten te -learn about the envirnnient and-.tô gain a new respect for its 'protection.- For moreI cnora inAIl Ama HM» or Catheine Cawker et 579-0411. Canceation .due "te ý -inclemenùt weather is available by calling, 579.0411, the day of the show. To t to -Heber Down, .follow Rd ette ou ntly Lane R&. go north a nd follow the signeai at hend ofthe roS&.Meet ta the day-use parking lot.ý F1DLE CLUB The OshawaWiby Old Time Fiddle -Club. will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m.,,at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby for an evemng of old-time round and square dancingsnigand guitar-playing. 'Ail -are, welcome., Admission la. $2. Foremoreý information, cailý 436-9019 -or 655-3023. ONE PAREN6lTim FAIL.y North * Oshawa Chapter,- One Parent ,FanIy Associaton6, wil hold aHa-waiiensial'function on Saturday, July'I,25, 8 p.m.,at W0odview Hall Cadillac Ave., OshawýaI. For iiüore information, cal 68-7579 ,or 434-3687. SIGN L4NGUAGE MMION WEEK. The 'Oshawa Deaf Centre wifl celebrate -Sagn Longuage, ImrinWeek Aug.4, to 81, at th enr (750 King St. E.). Sign language instrution will be -gIn by ShariL]yle'foriaeo $175 and a barbecue wiBl-be, held -on Aug. 8. -Registation's n* firstcme, fis -ed bau, n- rpgiser early as space is lnie t to 15,perons.Dealine is July 24. :Ail are7 welcome to, attend. For more information ,or 1for 'those interested in teaching AML, cal ithe centreat 579-;3328 CAWP VOLUNTEERS Thée Sunrise 'Recreational, Youth Group, for the developmen- -, taWlyhandicapped neds ummer camp 1 vklunteers '. 17 té 21.. Interetà d volunteers aged .17. and oderwith exrperience work- ing~wit 'secil nedschlldren' ANNUAL PIONJO <Club Carib wMf, hold their annual picipic ât Ceder Park, Hampton on Sunday, Aug. 9p noon until dusk. Bring the family fo anaternoon ,ofora fgames, races for the kds anÈ d .dancingL to -the music :of DJ4 Lee. Entrence to the. picnic i'O by park admission. AIENTON CRAJT >VENDORS .2Central --ý Lake Ontario ConCservation Authority (CLOCA) is Ilooldng for I'crafty people who are interested in -displaying, or eligtheir handiwork atà î its forhannual Antumn, Fundaiy and Craft Show, scheduled for Sunday,, Sept. 20, 1 ..t p.m., at Eisillen Conservaio -Ares. Those interésted, '.may, rent Sa, site for $25. Contact -GCord Gejoshergerat the atority offce .at> *(416) ,579-0411 for more inomton. Whîtby Free Press IqFRU IERf NADINE-PARKER. who has delivered the Whitby Free Press for three years has, been reconized as the carrer of the month. EACH CARRIER,0F THE MONTH WILL RECEIVE. A CLOCKARADIO ýAND« COUPONS. THE TOWN 0F WHITBY- ....COMMUNI1Y SCHOOLS SUMMER DAY CAMP Openlngs are aui availble at the followlngmcmmunity sohools: BELLWOOD COMMUNITY SOOL 30 BELLWOOD DRIVE, 571-4770 GLEN DHU COMMUNITY SCIIOL. 29 FAWNGBROOK STREET, 666-096 PALMERSTON COMMUNITY SCOOL 400 PALMERSTON AVENUE, .666-09 <PRINGLE CREEKCCONMUNITY-SOI-bOL 6,0 RIBBLESDALE DRIVE. 668-66 Palmor n Communlty S*Ohola soffedn a SpoCliSIDY Camp Week &t HM«o Dow% Monday, Augusi l7t1o Fvlay, August 21.