PAGE m.WMUTBYFMUEPRESSWEDNMWAY, JULY 151292 -A SUMWMER LIFESTYLEFEATURE Replaingyour shingles- Decorative and, cactus dahilas make fabulous, su'mmer flower arrangements for home. Reds,, plnksi yelloWs, whites, and many ht.other shades are plentiful, In- Au gust and Septeber ahd',rlght through priactically until the snow flles., 2iaarticle. w provided by loal ,w =toa dthe ontal ?a EstateAMaociat ion (RA)frthe*, 'be nefit of consaumera iïn'tamral estate market. nh was the lait time you torka' eall gond look s t your roof? Are the shingles buckling or curling? Do-you conÃtinually find solall plecsof' shiigle material, aromd yuryad followinga.a r vinsr? IHave you roticed any damppathesipiyour attic or . wvorse yetý-on yourceiings? <If soý, now r.s the time te think about bavng "yo'ur home renLd., You May want té limit your efforts te just repairing émall portion fit, but if tho, condition à ealy b.thon iethe route 'youll This prci. - n that many homeownerstend te put off until the d-r>ag 1i. svere Ior relatively fait and tah- forward, dlepending on the uize of your roof snd. whother ýanïyefthé- roof, boards, or the, roof <dock, benoath ,the- eisting sh "ingles have te be re placedbefore' tho now shIingloscami b. ppliod." When yuhave u. home raingled, the exi.thng sohingle layeër i. usuay strippod off andi a now one - i. instaléd.(Howvever, new shinglos, canleb.applieçl ovor one'exitng layer if the surface us fairly fiat autbuldup of more than t». layers i. considered too heavy for niait homes te hà ndle and resilti -IWi' 'a, my b. more durable and likely t6 lait. longer than > ÃŽheir asplt cou-ntorparts, but they're more, ccstly,*suà d they cari bocme rotten, if . -ulMect to too- much mouà ture ",and shade. Uowever, they caiprovide a, unique alternative te a traditional asphalt hingle roofcovering. sorewhat uneven surflce.> Ote., naterlal Most traditional shinglos O0ther- alternatives, but firly con"ji of piecos of foît or per caStly r îoong matorils, are coated with asplt and granules, concrets Or day tile s. eweigh They corne-in different weights more than tradition".apbl sud colours 'sud can, 'lait rodfs but. cari lait forSora anywhere from about 12 <te 25 'eao. hyarentm sda yors(ending on'tho q'ality of ofton Oas other ty fecf oering roofngyc chose) ThegranlÃs but croate a very dsiciv ok woar of ai th shingls mgo.Tar sudgravel cvrnibv been usod 'on filat>,roôfs for rnany Sunlight yoars. ýThee* MUlti-layered' On. cfthe, biggoEst wear fatorscoverings- conist. cf layer. cf with ashl hnle smlgt rofng foît wthasphalt, in As a reWýsul siglos ýlocated "on: .betw an sd asphalt sud gravol 'the sides -of your' home 'that -ozitop. rciethe most 'oxposure to- .Sigle ply- roofs are'a more sunlight will. tend tedaeteriorate réent option for fiat roofs. These more quicly are generally mmdé-cf modillod, AÉsu nllternative,, y ou may - ;asphait or plastic. or synthetic want te consider woodsiger- shakes. These. are consideedté SEE PAGE,13 Dhismkgreat.tyourself ctlowers -M 'a. ee)ý