1PAM34, WMITY FM ,WDNSA.JUY,10 Dredgng poposedto. continuework, on unewbotauh By Malo Boucher, Thoý ToWn ofWhidtby lplans te resumo dredging of the larbour thisyer as art of a s chodule WEST LYNDE - FIRST OFFERINGI Court l'Ocation, large«, lot, 4 finished levels, m.f. fam. rm. -^fire place, wet bar, upgr. throughout. Ohnly $1 79,900Ã"O. GAIL -DANI1EL, 436-1800. OPEN HOUSE, SUN. JULY i2TH, 2-4. 1 Gu4h'de-Cres., Whitby. Unique,& spaclous home in. desireable, Otter Creek bac king o nto. open, space. Hug m.f. tam,. rmh;,4 bdrm,, 3 bath & fin. bsmt. 9$1 l7,00. VALERIE SMITH, 436-1800. COMPARE VALUE - $1-49,900. Three bedroom bungalow. North west location. Largeeat-in kitchen. Fin. bsmt w/ 3 pc. -bath. R'croom.& extra bedroom. Won't last long. .BLAIR BUCHANAN, 436-1800. that could lead te tihe oper the. new. Whithby harbowz launch facilty ffGordon 1993. Jon oay, Don.'t ,Dela Stili~~r Eno0or1oia U SUMER S PE'CIA LOSE UP TO ONLYý Lori 'Harris of our Whitby, CIinic has Iost sen~ 70 Ibs., &,is.»stili goingi," B[VEB~LLM Find us in the', Yellowl Pages, -Air conriditioned Good Parking. Certified 1Instruci CUni For pre-regis 'tration and'information hH Cal ,Jennifer.,after -JuI y.10 65589' I~T~ WANT YOUR, ,,.HOUýEýSOLD? For service anid resulis ask for LILIAN NOR'TH 'sales rep -RE/MAX-' suminut-Realty. (1991ý) Ltde 68-800 686-56 .,,Memnber of Osh aa & Toronto,'BOU&d ARE.YOU SEEKING AFFORDABLE RENTAI ACCOMMODATION?' WhitbýChristian 'Non-Profît Housing Corporaionis now renitingtheir noni-.proflt, seniors aatet n aiytownhouses, in Whitby. I *f you are interested in obtaining an affrdalesenorapartment or famlly townhouse, please cati: Sandy Aiken 666-2556 FI ning of In 1989 and 1990, the parking botae, entranceway and ralps.for St. ini the launch wero constructed; and fioating docks were acqwired, at a total costof $190 000 Drodgi by f>ui îors Canaa , obegan at that time. Btthe7 dredging,' c1onsideredtho «flrst stop» for t he Town to open the facility was >not completed by or Piiblic»Woriç.5Caniada. ira", ïïonà shori ~ line..WIwould not' Rd' gb ut e ough to complote the lonot Ite euRd deg ;hn requirements, of the oxisting boat. ram p ItWA (The dredging plan included 7'4 further excavation for a second, boat launch, south of the oisting -raxnp). thbotauh *I Dredgin feof a lùè area is ~fmated'te cost about $40,000,' and application has been-mado fora grant of $16,O00 from, the smnall c; raft - harboýurs branch of 'tho dopartment of fish- mres and, oceans .ýteofette Subsequent onshoro .work would include asphalting, signs (inluling a sign indicating the rn losurooJ theo oxisting Brock'S. S., ramp), - Eghtinga the new ramp and channol buoys. - It la not yot kown, whon 1992 or 1993 -'the onshoro Work will be -undertakenï. For the onshore work, tho, total estimated costis $141,500ýý. . Washroom facilitios Mwill ,aise' ê'co-odinstedý with other monts ii' the, area,1 and will -fo low, tho, Port Whitby Harbour Master Planf. Fées for the' use,.of the bogtý, launch may bo establishedat-the- Ys new location.Feées wouldbecol- '* letdby -seasonal fstaff ;at-'the ' launchý.. *The average fee iii Ontario Ws between $15 te, $25 per jaunch. i Port Oshawa char ges a.fiatJrat of$0for a,; unch. Cqbgug Marinac-harges $5, ýwhich, m-~ cludes parkin At a recn¶Town oorain committee meéfetg,when:financ- mng was gpproved for the c *on-, tinued 'ork at the launch, cÃ"un- cillor 1 acel Brunelle said it- might ndt ako sens. financially' te have a. régula& staff at the boat launch te collect user fees. A1993 .proposed opra±ing budget for the new ,boat Iaunch Z was $29e500, includigwgs operating supples,- cash regmse (one.time oxidenture)-and office rentai fromAtoTaor Revenues. are ,estimnated' at' $29 500, based, on 131 boats using the launcéh diy'or 151, days a $15 pierlaunch. rThe boat launch would ho open from May te Sý eptember and would ho open seven days a wéeok for 10 hours daily. Tho Durham Board, of Educa- tion will adviso schools ýtliatthei alshol ay. fft 8 a.m. t Board, trustees had exjresedý oonhern,-that not l Durham- ichools raised the fi dafly.