lWmTBylqWE PRESSWEDNESDAY, JUY8, l9.2PAG1 25 Whitby takes 'onsol ation at Bowmanvill.e tournamentý Whitby -Peacock Sprs m~ Mosqitorep ,basbalteain won the consolation'champiohip,,at a tournamentin'Bowmnanville on June 27 and 28. In their first gaine,#ainïst 'a strong West Toronto teain- Bloor, 'Whitby maniaged only one erun on WhitbyII. sl- pitch W L "PM KeoKa BaanA 2 14. Durham Squash Club 7 4 14 Don c 8 v 62 12 HermoecService 8 a 6 MI~ep 2 8 4 Gots0 10 0 Blue Knghts field lacr osse June 80 a J"h Webb 8 Sen Ceekete 4 Trever Nefl 2 DarymcQae John Preacett2 J Fltgee Darrin Sdllck- Meok 1 Whte 0 DomaeloBulente SiutouL.DMmec~alog Black 7 Be Jami. Wilisa 5 John Webb 2 Demunle Belmnte 2 Me Winnacott 2 Tnvorxewell Whitby nnor lacrosse BOUSE LEAGUE JR. PAPERWEIGRT June 28 Wltby Optimiat 6 Panda Pundralalng 2 Obrien Barnett 6 Dean Blgwood 2 Luke ifabley 8 Brooldin IDA 7 Roger Cable 3 Andmrw Dyment 7 Jay SIOgle8 Bonl Canada ChriecWood5 Jases Armatreg 4 Adam JohnotSe gthlz Bres matthew Carrollf5 Tylr eay Jehl.n Potie Michael Baby 4 Nick Carmes JOë%sPlassd Dmvld Amui MolkaguaElet* 8 Zubu.lGsuoe2 Cam VosEacschetg 2 AlseDIma 2 Mich"aB Wqm Taroett 10 Dur. Dodus Chiale8 Phlllp MeMma..6 John Hughes Robert CampbD one. bit and, were beaten 9-1. Mike Heffering hkad -the lon.e h Itheir ,'next contest ganst Clarkson, . Wihitby ,feil béhind early b , a score. of 3-O. VWitby. raffiëefor one run in the ;third- inning and scored three more in theý fourth inning'on- a single and two defensive,.mnistakes by Clarlcsnfor a 4»3 win. -- Mike- HeferinW led the offense with a double and single. Sinigl 9, were aise provided by Michel Kicks ar.e bounced in semkfmiinal Oshawa icks B Executive Copier girls' under-14 soccer teain reached the semi-finalsi before being defeated in the international Robbie Tournament in Scarborough.:' Oshawa played its first gaine against a Pckering teamto which- they had previously. bat three times before. Oshawa won this gaine by a score of 3-2. Goals were scored by Kathleen FItzpatrick,, Rebecca Ta r and CindyHolmes. Oshawa went on to defeat Ottawa by aà smore of '2-O. The shutout was. earned by Tamara Wîesiolek who had a very stog tournament. Goals ini this gaine were ecored by Sarah Stoppa and Kathleen Fitzpatrick. On Sunday, Oshawa defeated Thornhill by a&score of 3-1. Goals in this gaze were scored by Angela Dnn, Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Laurie Russell. In the semi-finals, Oshawa lost 6-2 to a very strong West Rouge A team. Both of the Oshawa goals were scored by Valerie McLeod. *Joshua Turoote Toymendoua Jamie Bird 8 BrandoeGay 2 &MMvenCoterman 6 Mutigoli Lincolu Casq Lgean2 James Binkio 2 >Roerut 0mwe MAJOR NOVICE June 28 Whltby Optimiste 8 TJ. Men« Allen Normlngton Jason Wlii Kyle Wa"le Allen Watson Coughian Homes Chris fleed Aaron amy Aralrewace June 28 Dr. Frazer mlain. Down 4 Mlcheeiorlos 2 Matu McKay Ro7 Smilth Vinnie Crawford 7 JohnnY'sateq 6 8 rDm Z3hton RobatHelckert 4< IaMn utbetes 2 Adam Berti 2 Sen Cubaynes2 gonHy Il: Blggn &Clark Dran dBadi2 cryHM 2 Cole Laisi2 Dliffrage Patrick Nomsn Adm ecq BrookJiCreek IM6 TK$ mcuwim 2 DtyenMelnn NAJORIYXER 7 InnovtlveAvards Rtym Tu"a Babby Gab Rylem a.fi 4Vsetos Jerrny Brimble 8 IMNOR NOVIcs 8 ry Broklln Optimiste O Juin37 Dmrek Wny 4. rie CMa Jun27 Aqua Pools, Brndes mc)Brld2 Nathanlel Andres 2 T'yler Harrim n2 Jamsmumfoed Zachry Therova Brooklln Petarbullte 4 Plan Maithews 2 Jueia Brewng luacturlng litwortb 5 Dr. Pong Gary Ktamura Juatin Benett Ryan Mesziy .MINOR PgHEWEE 9& 4Sieck Burger 7 BlDy Greer 8 Jon Ashton Barrott Cburch Chad Kaweask 7 OiL.StngeCentre 3 BrendosnGbses2 Keiin Coetes Jm Securlt3'8,O>Brt nlghta Rue .Cdmn.IA& Br.48 Nick Owm 4 Gauntt Wlnder 2 Su- 8 Brei n Omise 8 >Msrk Unsin JamiaileS MLAJMORBBWEE 4 R Wo Lukeove lm"W~e DIS Iance 7 -WbRItbyOptlmlat MIkmoIver4 ' areLomm , BÈmm"llaspu8 UnnePffllps s&ettJfr" IMM ANAM Jeffigmdes Dodi & Sober ClauSe Elck JouiJobnse AdmCU Jun26 Nether. Aiea Zach Mtkes 4 patJases 8 Danryl MoAxihur Marty 0OBoles Dan licica DenewanRul John <Pommela mAMAJRANTAM 10 Ceewey*Bldg. su> S5 GoaNaah 3 NiaU Muanrd2 Zyhar, Jeff Wynistorf and Gordon Ponroy Stonpitclùng by Zâha and . eimstorfheld the Cl:é' b"tin check. h-n their next gain,'e anat Oshawa, ' Whitbyls batsfinally _amùe alive as they Pounde ou eight'bits i a 13-2 vic 'tory. Zyhar led the offense with a'-triple and single, Heffering, and Pomroy chipped i with two singlesi each,ý wbile Matthew Walton and Ryan, Wiswell- helped with -. a single each. Zyhar and Wynistorf were once agan strong on the mound and held Oshawa te only» one sn .the chaznpionship gaie. againsât Collingwvood,- Whitby manged seven bits. Collingwood had ix,' but the strong Whitby defense turned double plays in the ixth and seventh innings te sèquelch Collinods scoring threats late in tegie Lasco gSt1-eel captures titie itournament Twelve of Whitby's peewee basebail teains took pt i a tournamenîtspnsoredby Sn Lea Faris. over tie past weekend. hn the chamipionship final, Lasco Steel ,won, in an extra inning, 7-2 over Kinsmen Club. To make it te the championship game, Lasco Steel, beat Whitby Ceaners 5-3 i a very tight gaine, while Kinsmen Club defeated WItby Optimnist 9-4.. h Inthe consolation clhaipion- sbip, Lealpd Beagles defeated' Hanet Plastics 9-2. To make it te that gaine, Legal Beage dfaedGreek Tcon -5 we itekaet Plasisdefeted Mlke Rowland ViNthTupl Homil, 5Jason Wurd 4 Paul Webb David Stabile *June 25 Whltby Penc Rob Fodor 2 Dut. McNutt 2 Coy McBridge 2 3 Rohan Metha 2 Jeff McArthur Whlto Roue Jimmy Lawlor 2 Keroy Naah 2 Steve IaHfaye Paul Blake Jeff Naie-h Jue 25 Whltby Kinamms Jase. Mqr 4 Derek Cmgga 2 Guy LiEe Jane 22 C.Wood 8 A.JehnmStea IJAcrosseOldtlmeos 9 Gavizi Prout 3 PeterClerce 2 SMme Votuk 2 Stephen Deth2 9Durham Police Ryan Huxrter 2 Sean Hayward 2 Matt Cardweil 7 Probound JInm Brown 2 Luke Akey 2 Craigouglas IN alEUMdWAIE 7 Wbltby Pro Pros Jases Jankowsl 2 'Grant Telfer AndrewWarkum LEGULARSEAON i. PAFERWEIGET 7 Perdu Pundrallng6 Whltby Optinlt 65Broollin DMA a G. Bantt 8 A.Dymant 4 1. msbi 2 A. Fselc RogersCable 0 D=a.DoBa.Cboyie8, RL Campbell 4 J. Hesudrso MDOEP WansRchard 2 ..M»s=es2 MCareCUies BrandesVan Amsie a Macie Transprta Bye. Barris 8 Marty Wltbur Bron"iesBeate. JeothenCmwta il Mlaster n Brandon Van Ast., Rand'yMcArdle Donevan Raid f -i The 'offensive punch ithe final gaine was provided by TIxu Norton with a single and- a key two-run tiple i n the tpof "the seventh i nng.t =ùscotriutng were Zyhar ýwith a double,'while Polroy, Richy MacePau I .Wrnkley 'and'Sýott Beegan.added, singles.,Zyhar and Wynistorfprévidedà solid pitching' once, aà i for the win. Strôngdefensive pays.-were provided bPatrick lMcMullan and i EinWtrukthroughout the lm 1by's now sitâads at> ei éght. wins and four lassessin EOBA play. L AKEONTA RIO "'CSTEEL COMPAN'y _____________HOPKINS ST. S., WHITBY .COMEINFORA, PLEAÀSANTLY SURPRISI NG DEAL! i GET 3 9% FINANCING: ,OR' $15500 REBATE Oldest Establishei Chrysler Dealer In Durhamn Regioi n 33.PRKR. :S. NO SUNDAY ýSHOPPING!Y Sunday is "Family'Day" for the staff at Van Hemmen Tires 1 And our low Mon - Sat prices are stili the best you'II find -even on udy SALE UNIROYAL, TIGERPAW 200 AL'SEASON WHITE 155x80Rl3. .... $47.00 175x8ORl3..:.....$52.0 185x80R13 .........$55.00 185x75Rl4*.........$55.00 195x75Rl4 ........$60.00 205x75Rl4:........$63.00 2x7 .........$6500 215x75R5 .........$69.00 225x7Rl5 .........$7500 1235x75R15.........$80.00, FREE Installation &Wheel USED TIRES'FROM $2000 >'ANf D - BF. GOODRICH T.A.-50-60-70 Sorles 275X60SR15....$132.00ý 215X65SR15..-4105.00 175X705R13*.. $79001 185X705R13:..$M4.00 195X70SR13-..$89.00 205X70SR13.$40 195X70SR14-.....$93.00 2=570SR14....$100.00 215SX70SR14--.$104,00 225X70SRÎ4....$107.00 215X705R15..e%15.00 225X70SRIS5.... $110.00 23SX70SR15....$112.0O 255X70SR15....$117.0O 257R5.... $131W0 245XSOSR14 .... $123.WO 265XSOSR14 .... $126.WO 255XSOSR15 .... $13Z00 275X50SR15 .... $136.W 0 29SX50SR15 .... $14Z.0 195Xo0SR13..$8300 20SX60SR13... $87.W0 215X60SR13-.$9300 195X60SR14......$93.0O 21SX60SR14.....$99.00 285X60SR14. ..loaOo 245X60SR14....$110.00 23MX6SR15...$115.W0 Superlor tread Ie tram edvanced iread aund beit cogra is. la d es ngwet. dry anid snow traction snow. Oueck teedng response due ta fuli-widih siacked steel betle and polyester sidewall plies. FuIl depih laierai groaves shed soater ta resisi hydroçlenlng. Reversibie for au his f raieed whke or serrt ed black lettons. Select ~JCs tae iblack bilera onh, S speed rated: pernis !mzmýL3 VAN HEMMEN TIRES We Specialize 317 HOPKINS ST. in Mag Wheel WHITBY Balancing Mon.-Fri. 8am-5:30pm Sat. 8am-2pm 6662,21, 'S £~ O l~ ~ 1992, Plymouth Sundance JPoli eSgn PMu Mill Wor*BtLar4 8A Crottona -CdnalraWbitby Wea Sadiens 3 Adam MoLen 2 Bruit Pakosta 2 Kyle imie Mike Lono Rtyanincbà gotom Bllly Duncan