WtUTBF»ME PWfEeWBamât JLy a , MUAEu Brooklin Redmen scored, four third peod'goals to defeat Owen Sound 0-7 in Ontario* major Ontarie lacrosse Major league W L T OV GAFIE Bramptmn 10 0 0 148 8720 Pait>oeoçgh 5 4 074 66 10 Ernooki 4 4 1 8887 9 Frw 2 8 1 84 1226 Souaondl 2 7 0 78 1064 0F GOAff' PrS Tkoy Caodln*ly.Brampton 10 238S81 si Jim VeRmaoz, Bramptoni 9 17 37 Si John Taru,Brampton 10 25 28si- BM CSUm, BoOkU 9 18 17 35 DarrMisKlhou,Bramptoo 8 10 2 2 mark Hardng.FMgua 10 12 18 2B8 Craïg ltavnaon,4PaIa. 9 Il 17 28 palaD ,aihnboiug 10 12 15 27 Tom Wugtt Dnoin 8 Il 14 25 Amodo~lqu., ugu 610 14 24 John Hil tiaboru 8 1569 24 Ooed NO*Jr., Owm8müduu 9 14 10 24 Jue 80 &oBlu 10 Owen Sound* 7 Jo4 2 iPigUa 7 Brampton la Pu= oeough 10 Fers» 7. * %Otarj lacrosse. - detJuly a W L T CF GA. FIo St.athttn 18 O280- 181 26 U~a116 i 1 281 185 28 Brampton Ew4cdaorll 5 1 199. 171 23 XItdioen-Watuloo 10 B O 192 166 20 Barni 9 7 1 190 181 19 Peterborough 7 81 174 189 1 *oano Bachoa 7 8 0 169 172 14 ISadiua 6 9 1 178 177 _13 Wbltbj 6 101 151 194 Il Orwwgove 6 5100 165 175 10 Bdashlnon 2 160 117 258 4 Tu scav CF GO AWPFI jamb arrda1529 52 si xavnEoynramtm1638 42 80 Chria raolKthn 14 23 49 72 Chrl.Rod1 od 16tc. 18388es MmnSWght. St. Cath 142338 60 Chria eoarg% MKtcbmw 1582 28 68 Mie Murray, Oranguvfle il129 28 67 Day. Fegm!gao, St.Cath. 1425831 57 Kovin DanS B rampton 14 21 35 58 Jeff sphag, itcbe 1411 45 68 lacrosse on June 30. With the 'victory, Redmen evened their record for the first time this season., Redmen have four wins, four losses and tie.* Redmen are in third place, one point behind Peterborough quakers. Bramtnrmins in .firat plaoeundeetd i 0games. Larry Downer and Eric Per- roni each scredtwo go ais for Redmen while CodyBatet Gary Crawford, Scottl Mè WyVùne Mombourquette, BillCal-ý ian. and Tom Wreggitt each scored one. Jason ichards had tbreas- 4sts, partletGregLepine, WVre tggittand McMichaëi each had two. Ted Abbott had a goal and' threo, assists for Owen Sound. Gord, Neely scored twice with singles talles by Rob Campbell Keni Fouis, Willie Arnold and'. Scott Grimoldby. RePdmen play Owen. Sound on Wednesday, Jul 8 at Brooklin. Gamo time is58:10 p.m. WHITBY FIRE CHIEF Tony Van Doleweerd (Ieft) -and Rotary's Peteri rvine,.,chairman and assistant organizer of this weekend's, minor basebali tournament, get Into the spirit 0f thlngs with 'a, picku game0f thir - photo by Ma*k Reoeor. Whhy F»o Proua Wmndover named to Vail all-tournament team Anne Windovor of Whitby scorod 30 goals in seven games for- the Ontario women's field, lacrosso team at the 1992 Inter- national Vail Shootout. Tourna- ment lu Vail, Colorado June 29 to July 2. The Ontario toami won two games,, lost four games and tied, one game. Wmdover was solected to the' ail-tournament women's team. Ontario defoatod Southern California 15-3, Gators 7-1 anid tied Colorado 8-8. Ontariooloot to Maryland 10-89, Upstate New York 9-1, Tearni Uliman 7-6 and Vlgma 10'8. Toam Uilman won the -tourna- ment. Jeu Johnson of Brooklin had, six goals lu thq tournament. Ste- phamoe Sorichotti of Whitby had one goal. 'Kerri Hardill cf Peterborough scored seven goals, Vessy Mochikas cf -Oshawa scrod four goals, Michelle Kleiss cf Picker- ngscorod three' oals and Robin Lw Oryof' Milton' "sored two goals. Tlhe Ontario teamn will compote in the 1992 Canadian women's field lacrosse national champion- ships in, Calgary,'Alta July-31 tou mV-nembers cf- the Ontario toam are tryingouor the Cana- dian national team which will Under- lis advance >Danny Mattin scorod two goais including the winner, as Whit6yBank oÃf ontroaldefea- ted Wtest Rouge 3-2 in a first round match-up in under-il rep ho sCup soccor on Juno 29. Jith the victo;r, Whltby Rai- ders movo on te tho second round cf tho Central East Region Soc- cer League Cup. .Whitby will play Oshawa Turul. Aganst West Rouge, Mark Engolage- of Whitby scored oniy minuùtes after the oponing kick- Off. West Rouge tiod the score before Mattin' scorod. West Rouge agaku scorod and it looked an overtimo s !hootout wo#IÇ decide the contest. But Mattin scorod on a heador, aftor a fine. set-up on a corner kick by Graham MacLjean.' Craig Scott, ichael Schoiffor, BrianRainey and Scott Adamson we re strong at fullback for Whltby. Road, race July 15 The Canada'Trust 5km road race, organized by the Whltby, Tho e will start at 7 pm. at Iroquois Park. Registration wili tako place frm5to 6:30 pm. En orms are avall at ail Canada Trust branches up te The fust-place finishor lu oach of the male and fomale categories wili receive $100. Second-place each $75, third fourth-place $25. finisihers will place $50 su ad Thore will b. meda1ipresented te the tep eight finishers lu each categoiy. For more information call 430- O~it A à E f-M O-- -%7 * - -'~"----'- travel to temnber. GJreat Britain in Sep Whitby girlIs soiftball SMHONOEEDIVISON W L T FIE KlwambaClub 3 DýLW.PL 4 8 im rup n 1 6 MarWdt" 07< 0 10 0 10 0 2 0 0, DLWpj'L 14 NMaam Unce" 12 Kianla Ch*h 15 Flahwnm'Prl.d 7 Basins buk 19 Lova tDruga 8 DAMIAN DIVIION, Mlda uffas W LT FIM iuDrliLq ntmufclub 7 2 0 14 1 70 2 1 7 02 awokin Ll.e n7 Jnoy'aDmpg MIduaMou« 20 Op - - ibMuffl DrokLiam2rBoiaoyClulb NOVICE DIVISION: W L T PME Action Flua 6 OId UlvuTIImble 6 LmuaClub .5 Knlgta of Columbus 8 Eurocmft Kitchna3 O.KE.U. 12 Cuitaoy21-I. Brown 1 18 12 Il 6 B 5 8 Actio Flua nlghtoColumbual8 O.H.EU. 20 EmmucuftKitchas19 Cent.21-IL Dr.,. 17 ionacuClub1 , 17 018 UlvoeThirnbiM2OCuit.21-E. Dr.,.9 squIr mDVISON W L T FI KinneaClub Nageomi Touai BudtrMautr Wbib y pth" 8,0- 5 4 483 45 8 4 or 10 1 ý7 0.8 0 2 Redm..en earn fo Urth win of seasn MIdway moto"' Naau-K DaMial BSffl aopoie ?<a&rm'IV",a1 linar- ELK dma KinamanClb 17 PdaintStselua 15, KinuaChd, 15 Rud4yEloct&l *Wbltbyptima 12 18 le le W L TPFI Masilln DoUa1B-I0O12 a 5 280810, 4E a 0-8 partuorubo2a518'0': 1 E.mmaC Candil il <Broafn OpoJais 9 Whth qln îKarbat 10 Macila OcirardlMecry uto B«o477 Dodil &Saut r 8 ac Bathuarsi16 JUIOR mm DlVISON w L T FIE laDDukng Famiyrty Whtb Topliy Boum Ba CR"ad 1 a 17a 0O0 Won 21) BaU i axd DD8Mak 'g18 MFaiyarway Lord ruga 21 WhltbyTropi T-LBAJL DIVISIO W L T FIE IJucloâ Demb"lMKdt, DDBMaokeuiIg <, H.u7-ýD.RItcunl limo Clb . 10 12' S 1 0 -12 4 2 1 9 4 8 0-S. 2 4 I 6- 21 Ranax- ffa ak Il1 Basebal tournam ent atratstop, midget teams' Some cf the -top teai lu the province wilcompoein 'tho 2lst annual 'Whtby-Oshawà -midget basebali teurnament July 10-T2 SponÛsored 4y the. Rotary Club, cfWhitby Sunriso, ,16 -,team, ,nldigateam : ,from, -Whitb wil copte. for the MacDnaL1 Memorial Trophy adprzs *Whitby DuneIn ontrcto wlll flrst play on Frday, Juiy 10, 7:30p.m at Iroquois Park dia- mod1. *hi-tby wi . play Tiioru- hill Thunderbirds. Wtbon Saturday, wil -alo Ilyalton Mahoney Park Bears(9 am. at Iroquols) and LesdoTS Tilgors (2 p.m* at Iroquois). 07aznes willl bo p<layod on, Saturday in Wbltby atEA.Fi- manpublic schooi, Pesi Park and Iroquolks # Park 01, andilu Oshawa at Kinsen Stadium. Gesare at 9 -and 11:30, &Zm. 12sd4:30 p.m.,at-the<la monda. Thoraý wili alto be games at 7 ýp.m. at Ioos Park and Kinsmon Staliu On - Sunday, there wiii ho gamnos at 9 a.m.,, 11:30 arn. and 2:30 p.m. at Iroquois Park and Kinsmen Stadium. The championship game will, ho n Sunday .,atIroquois-Park, startlpg et7 pm carbo co'keurt won, the, championsfihiplautyar Hamilton Mahoney ParkBos won tho championshlui 1990,- 1988,1981 and 1973. Torobto Hligh Park Bravos won the chèmpionship in 1989, 1987 aud 1988. Jane 29 wMitby 5Tat June 80 Jul 1 OS CathamalSri Whity lBrlgo J* a Drampton lMl.mg K-W Ntin Burlngton 4Oanull Danln 2 Fainborugh S Trat. ujy4 n