WhIbly -(outh'on Brook "84 tm hot or ccld, foryour fanil1yrThere wfil b. games, muci as carrera do huévas snd mansanas, -for ail Pge , or=»-.information on the mj rSpanlsh prWrsms% oei ENVRONMAL PUN CLOCXA player.cf'Central Lk . Oniarlo CmmsrVtio Auiboeiy wIM Pérform a âre, public show on Saturday u25, ConervtiNxAea. 1broug1 the Use etp-uppets, stoïieand games, dedlgn'd for chudren five to ten t. leaxin oui the enviroonuMt amd t. gin a ew respect for its, protecion.For morelinformation Suil Ama MiM or Qauherine Cawker ai 579-0411.1 Cancellatiomi due t.inclement wéather i.. available 1by cailing 579-041 1 t" day of *,the show. To &M ,to .Heiber Dowp, -fôoù Rd. n mWest t. Country, Lue Rdt, go north and, foilow iii. ignoata the endocf ithe rod. Meet luInii. daye »parcin lot. DRAVA Thé. Durham ýRegon Ass'ocia- tion ýfor ""Volunteer Adminitra- tors (DRAVA), omryknïowný as VoluteerCoordiators cf, DunbaniPa Reinwiliold -th«ùeiý regular monhy i t,,' o Tiiurd!ay, uy9, ana NorthiiwCmuit ete 150 -Beatrice St, E., Uhw.Ai inieto -atiendfor moreinfor- matio catiDonnaHutton, ax- Learu iiow t. bi a directon witii and withoui a comp b Là . nrlo Cevon Authoriiy (CLOCA), o wededy JuIy 15, 7:30 pan, ai Ennikile ConervaionAres.. Dirçetos ogetl:t. niie Couiervaion e Wnorui'. 57 nht tliêM'th Cnession'0 west un 7uii Concesofoi Rd. turn *nortii on Holt Rd. and foilow t. die park entrance, turn left ai iii. park.*eentrance t. the, barn.. Admisioà nis fre.,but space BEDINJURY MEETING Tih. Head Irajury Association of Durhm RIegio wâilhold ppr gumeetfipgoWdnsa Juy 5,7:30 p.m, MAi59 Bn St. E, Oshawa. Tii. urvivoWs group wlil m eet on ithe min floor, famlly uad. ,caregiversgroup,. upsiaira.. aeWelcome ici attend. Tiiomeneeding assitance with.' trasotation, cal iii. office ai 723-2732.- COIOIW RGA Jcèn . m > ni la $5r 1 wMh incaudes an InfrPmatoc Ii oficeat 668-9006 or 668415a oregister t. per-a i 51 Dnda .E IwgcosnJul. is yid Juy 3,1 (dikjrs)July14 219, 18 (nligits); uly 18 25, (weeknd) C à yMrwek dqy(calmadvance imakean appoltment)'July .17, 18' (weed)A<rït aMd and 0FRi c *eb ationm-Ju*y18 1, July 17, 1 21' 28len s)rs Oid for' youth: July 21,22, 23,24. CclouZ~.25* ween) o moreinomtn about tumes and 'prices, oeil the.'office ai 668-9008 or 668-4159'9 a.m.t. 4:3"0 p,m.,-Monday t. FSrday. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC A blood donor. clinic, wiil b. hodon Tusa July 14, 1 t. 8 pamn, ai usheVhtby Legion, BrnSt. 'S, in downtown COMPATIBLECOMPAmNS- CONNECTION locaied . Whitbr. W. are holding meetings for.anges sund have varous socal evo4 eni. .dancing, card, teaubi bgo, ~e.N~w membira' weloee Phon. 140061m7391. BMEATFEEDINQPROJECT Victorisua Order of Nurses .raw motiiers -to.ans*wr uheir Iniiulquesitions ýand proyide "feigla 'belng estal .sheTi supprt roupfornurin otw er ejg.'babies éla -d ecii Thuursdy morning in. Oshawa.. FoýPr more *information includin lcationilRtiie'VÃ"14 ai 571- Mm oshawa YWCA in ofe n ~~ramfiyouuii oged 18 t. M for hurtwo-week seio, bginn 4ulY 13 and enin Sept. 4. CiTa wiil learn communi- cation, organzationalt,.tesching an ladreipiklimt a camp oru. cïmore infomation, MOVINO ofc, .ai ihe Whutby Public lbrI7main ,brancb, tote facllty w- occupled by, the. Wbitb Touris- Information Cenie, 990 Brock St. -S& lFtrrntioui- Whitby wiIl b. coMml'lng botil- services ne tii. adiistration of iit he t> P wbl, Lbrsry. Due t. bi ,mOPv.,the. Inormnation Whitby., ser-vicewil b. inte*rupt witnn tii.two weeiafier Lbu a How.erî tii library's newtpubyc ace computer ystem will bave commnunity information available. CILD IFSAVER COURSE *St.. John Ambuance, Whtby branch,, wil cifer a 12-hour child lifesavr course onJuly9,--14ý 16 -(ýhs.Graduais. of à biscourse wM'hold a St. John'Ambulance emergency frt, aid' and child'and infant' CPR certificat.. Fý' or fbuher informastion, cal tse;office at -668-9006 ý ýor 1668-4159,or register -- inperson ut 1517 Dundas * CAMP COUNSELLOR COURSE Si. Jobn Ab iace n Whiiby ,witi offer -a camp comunselorcours on July 22,8:30 a.M. *t1'1. 5' pa.." The one-day coeurs. wi.lprovide .baic fS- aid tralnin& ',as *wel asaduli sud Foer more information cl668-900 or 669-4159.- FlPà vlew Lodge wfflhosà g i Satrda, Aug.290: a.m. t. 4 Aiziilmerday legrï "' shuld co n caro mrei" ormn(668-851) Noeh Ohaw caplt, O. Parenit Famnles*Assdotion l meet on July 1», 8 pau., ai Christ Church, MSay' and HMllroft strets ohiawa, for a 'a sessOn.'New . members u gueuts are welcome. For 'information, cal 668-7579 or 1,~e J. - ~ -~ ~ -~ *Non-poi oommun tgrou s. N m ' Whlbyorhsva lTU e'nJa. a a n *<ibstw Whlb fpomboruhlplnay Ãhw- 9OfVacaIonBOb", f ipace their .*S«lcool ai, St. Andrelw. pbgeet n0cost. frm ages 4 to 10 are invlted tô Pri ahom ,*dy attend -monJuly 13-17. Vacatic Bbl coolli inesm fro S9 t. 11:45 ami.eaci day. M»i church la located at 209 Cochrui.è SummEFmNCAMP Stwi,,y. Stuý1ents wMenjc Tii Whtby Otimsiclu'.Bible stmoes crafts. ua o' iorFun cam b t 1JlUW& alm u omui~ and, wli continue ARm 4.aic a ji Cam cludes oocer, basilé à t" a mtà t'i badzitoù . ileyl>11church e' mi lirdey, July 9Gfrcm footb;; all, »Q 0 a~n nd s-a 7 t. 80p.m.or any.mcng ming as well as- arts and crai..dur Vacation Bible Shc Wdnedalsda ýýt1p dyt Ci a$5r 'ýýchld t. a 'itiier .ontaîj lc ti aimum f 1 5pefiumiy) Scince ý Centre., Regular camp houri are 8:30 arnm. -t. 4:80 pmn, ONE PARENT PAM uls at,,a:cou 'Of, $80per week. Exten- Osbawa bhapter One Purent ded car, houri are fm &-30 FamilisAsulati nwillmet, arn.. to 6pi.at a cost. of $0Oo Tuesday, July ý 14, 8, pm., ~rweek. -For more information sim al elmn wnilGeorge MeGhee at 430-3434. > g7si . . a r-____ RABYETITIG COURSE St. JohnAmbulane, Wuh brancb, williiod a babyridtingý course for yugssaged il th 14 on Saturday, 4uy , ;8:î30 a.m. -to 4:30 P.m. YoungsersWinl leara- ho* t. safely flnid .a bab . nitng joab and 1Whotc'e for, cire. For more- informnation, «oeil*ii.office ai 668-9006 or 668:4159,, or register in person ai 1517 Dundas Si. E. <APPRECJAT[ON DAY RealaiSummit *Realiy ,(1991) *Ltd. wiliiod nanrmua beginning ai 2:30 Pmn. iu ganma sud activiti es.Ti.pool wll b. ci froni to 7 p.m., and a -danng te.alivi band".wiil > bn a 8p.m. There wlil b. an, infomatoncaHlà lisu North ING TOUR OWN An upcoming wSohop wlD £wous'on -1w wé iiëcan emPower mûrselvest. make chang«.s-sad hqw<'t.o vercome obstaclest., wo.ksiop wllb. o ff.red i Durham âM onçaTuesdayJu 7, sud Wednesday, Jiy 3,fo 7<'tO91 Miio l e g is $16'per câl iii. Famlly Eucein Reaour-Centre ai 579-12021.- F and convemtiOnlýNew members) and guesti re elcomne.* For More informaton, a 3-508M o 433-Q436 The. travel> commuite. ofi.b Whty eios Cutr soffering a dinner/dmnce cruise oui ef Toro)nt. Xlabouron Wednesdayo, July, 29. 'A, bus wlil leave the. centre (801 Brock St . .> ai6 p.m. A hoi' and cold buffet dinner wMi whicu has been ciiareredyuhe centre. The coet is $45 per piereon. Cil iii. office 'ai 668.1445for registration informationh oeUMM <Durham11 Save-a-He.rt la offing tI'ii.foilowlng 0FR coure. in Julyasd Augusi: basicrescuer (12 hQurs, 40) iei Tiiuriday, July 14, 16, 219, 23,7*t 10 .., FidapyiEaurdyAuag 21,St.10 p~ Aug. 22 gi.m. t,-5 p.m; basc rebcae Srecricti 14eu hr, -$33): and 22,tV'1P.m., atù' huari,$0" tday/ u25 y 4uly 7 sud- 9, 7 té- lO-p.m. Sturday,-Pt&8,9 aa.t. 4p.m. Hcpkins Ot, W4Advance regi.tatonfoi. ailcouresi. required.by, cafing iii. office ai IIVAL DAY Thursday- Frlday - Satutday JUY9thpp lOh lt,1992 Frtidaiy, July lOth at t-fO FESTIVAL TENT (Lakefrc Tickets'availab lein PortPerrat theý SFollowing Sp'onsrs Country Style Donuts * IGA - Emmerson Children's-Den Nuts About Chocolate.' Port Perry Prlntlng Tickets available as weI at Irwin Smith Music Ltd. Tiçkétasol,îîv o ra SI E WLK SL ÀM ÀMe (v - ISS I' e- e.