Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1992, p. 10

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PAGÇ 10, WITBYFMREI FRESi WEDNESDA, pJULYt smo By MarloBoucher The potential effecta of layoffa sud temporary closure of the Art Gallery of Ontario on Whitby's Station Gallery are not yet' known. Some of the exhibitions sche- duled for The Station Gallery in the next few months may ho cancelled because of the tempor- ary closure of the AGO in Toronto until Jan., 24, 1993, says Linda Paulocik, msunager of Tlhe Station Gallery. She sald different shows may have ta hoe changed leus fre- quently. heewill ho no such closure of the Station Gallery ini Whitby, shAO s ~recently announced that 244 of ý445 ,jobsB" at the gallerywill ho lost through layofs 'sud attrition but, some staff memnbers are expected ta retrntewok n January when the gallery reopens. Some progrgnms provided tirouâh AÙ(*will stili ho pm- tielru¶h dût the province. .Theseiclude -'Artiste with Their Work, P a prormta includes up ta, 70 Onai-ased artiste who exhibit sud talk about their work in various com- munities. Whitby-band'part of charity concert WhitbyA'«Me Life' will ho one Of three bands performinq at a JuIly'25 concert in Pickering to raise funds for the (Jhildren's Wish Foundation. Harem Scarèem, which includes drummer Darren Smith of Whitby, sud Britton will also erform at the charity event -to eheld at the Metro East Trade Centre. Molson Canadian Rocks sud Q107 are.sponsors of the event to THE LION & TEUNICOIRN Fflda,"u 10 & Saturday, JuIy il ROB MCNA Y Sunday, JuIy 12 SURPRISE GUESTý, 112 Coiborne St.E Whitby e 666-3034 G NOTES BEACH PARTY WEEKEND Friday July 10 &Saturday July il MIDNIGHT RAMBLERS Sunday July 12 ROLLINGSTONES CO VER BAND (no cover charge) 114 Dundas St. E. (Off Perry St.) Whitby 430-8637 THE PROSPECT 0 F WHITBY Summer undas8 m 11lpm Paddy & Debbie Cauley KARAOKE - WEO. TO SAT. Sundays 2 pm Io 6 pm PETE JOHNSTONE Checko ouLr new menu! Broek St. N. & Mary JersnLanes 666-5092 ho hosted'by Q107's John Der- ringepr. Iis the fourth annual concert, sud includes a pig roasti burgers, raffles and door prizes. Tickets are $15 in advsuce sud $20 at, the door for the show which hogins at 5 p.m. sud con- tinues until 'l a.m. The cost includes fbod Advance tickets are available at the National Bank on Westney Rd. in Ajax or local fans of The Life can cail666-8533 for tickets. Other numbers for advsuce tick- ets are 428-8224 or 427-7553. Ail attendingz are also asked ta, bring a stuffedl anfimal. CHARLES 'H. COOPER, winner of best work on paper, and Station Gallery cura- tonial assistant Jennifer Michie look at Cooper's winning entry. The gallery- is holding an exhibition of works by artists who entered their work in the, gallery's annual juried exhibition. Guest. juror By Mark Reesor There will ho lots of sand sud (hopefully) sun this weekend in downtawn Witb . GrNotes is trckngin100 1tons of sand ta turn itsparking lot into aL beach part, complete with a beach volleyballcompetition. Owner ]Rob Egan can't guaran- tee the sun, but promises the event will go ahead ramn or shine. 1He also hopes té have a dunk tank on hand (with funds raised ta, go ta charity) sud plenty of celebrities ta dunk. The party' will run all day Saturday sud Sunday in conjunc- Fe..stival Days in Port Perry The Ég Chamber of Com- merce wnill hold ýthe 2th annual Festival Days Couintry .192 July 9 te il. Openin. cerem onies will take p lac onThrsday, July9,àt thé bandshell starting at 7:15 pa. There ;;à ho karaoke from the 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Lake- (e4nfestival tent. There will ho a Polka Dot Door performance on Friday July 10 starting at,4 p.m., at the festival tent. Also on July 10 near the. Queen St. stageé, there will ho a Pèpsi tasting contest, Rainbow the Clown sud magic act. An auction will start at 7:30 p.m. on the Queen St. stage, and karaoke will start at 8:30 p.m. at the Latcham Centre. Country amateur night conteet will hob MId "at takefot'tn -hom 7:30p.m." te i 'aà. with -dancing ta, thesounds of '*arren Sutclffe sud the Blue Steel Band. Oddfellows bingo, will on the main street. Events on Saturday, July il include 'a&'pef h tarting at 10 aâ. 4rf'ýheQÜeU'St- stage; armwrestlinig competition (registration at noon), tarting at 1 p.m., at Lakefront Qý"t dire - Iows bingo, main street; Pepsi tasting contest, near Queen St. stage' Rainbow the Clown, magic, act, 4ueen St. stage; karaoke, 9 pan. to i arn., at IAtcham Andy Iules & the Stingrays will perform, starting at 9 p.m., at the Lakefront tent. .................. . ...............................*........... . . . 1PRICE PORCELAI.N sc irTPTTTIRVEn Glenda Milrod, selected the work- and awards for, the paintinge,- photographs," sculpture and works on paper as well as works celebrating Canada's 125th birth- day. The 'exhibition continues until Aug. 2.- .Photo by MrI Boucher WhiIby Fm ePres tion 'with the Downtown Busii- ness Improvement Area sidewalk sale, and there will be speciai entertainent day andl night. Brass band concerts .in -paxrk T he Whitby Brass Band will maefour performances at Rotary Centennial Park in Whitby this summer. The band will prformn in the gazebo at'the park, Brock St. S.3, on Thursdaysi, July 16 sud 30, Aug. 13 and 27. Performances begin at 7:30, p.m..The band plays a variety of music, -nging from the classice ta 'Bohemenian Rhapsodlyta marches.. Bring a awnchair.< Fi..hya art at gallry *M xhbiio ~f art- work -fea-- tinued to maintain with ites scay turigfih; rom tepermanent -ancestor. colletionelleoen a h oet Increasing *concern with McLugiiGaley& nJly1. environmnental isuesmaeon ..* Thxhbtonénludes tradi-; more aware of the fragile nature, tional stilil ifes showing. recently of this co4nection: in the* works' ca Iuh hon"tbes;, Sbil Gold- of Norval iMorrisseau and Otis' esten auighurnan- ae -'a4auskas, those concerna are f ishp and the more s1iuter, baaewt ?xpressed as a celebration of the ment s3tili life of Anasai nedependency of hurnans and McEwen. natue Such works show the connec- The exhibition continues until< tion that humanity has con- Aug. 30. WATERCOLOUIR WORKEOP The Whitby Public Library will hold a workshop for youngsters aged 6. ta 12 to discover the mdgic. of watercolours- with local artist Rowena Dyldns Bridger, on Thursday, July 23, 2 to,4 px. in the program room. There is a $2 fee and spaces arelimited.' Registration is at the children's desk. PBESCHOLPROGRAM Registrations are' now. hoingr takenÎý at the <Whitby Pubic* Library, children's desk, for pre-schol programs,,for'children- aged 4 sud 5& 'Those horrible, scary mojmi tr'will ho held on Wednesday, JuILy15, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.,'and c *dien will hear stories, create a collage monster. sud king, gong. 'Liove miakes the world go round withlaugter READING'OLYMCS sud soie wiiI be heid Wednesday, NAIL S Read your way to fun at the Aug. 12,10:30 to 11:15 amn. Reg. $40.OO Sunimer Reading Olymapics <Children aged -6 and older maýy Z utruntil Julyr 10 at the SPblic library, children's MORNINGS, AT THE -MOVIRS e firs me'wl ohl The Whitby Public Ilibraywll Muy, 15, 2 te 3 pan., in the 'hold fl1s for cbildren ,cf'aa progrin room. There will be on Mondffs in the* jrogramroom gaecraftsand films. The There Who ere«nt themes, -olympics will run for six weeks. each time: JuMY 13,mce July 20, AGO .closing effeet ôn local gallery stil unkowna [ D---------------------------------U---- ------- ------ W: . , --'l-171-1- 1-- ",>..ý. ýl-- 1 - jâji.L%ý - - - " , ---j &.j - - F.V:,

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