PAGS , WMMTBFREEPUES WEDNESAy, JULY 1, 1992__ A GIANT Canadian flag. made up of 7,000. balloons was put up Saturday at thé Whitby Shopping Fair plaza, part of the plaza merohants' celebration of Canada's I25th birthday. People, paid $1 each to sign one of the balloons -- the money wentItathe Durham chapter of the Canaclian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. (Below) Shannon Gregg enjoys a pony ride at the plaza. RO. MPPs attend chaýmber Session on Labour Act The Whitby Chamber of COmn- treasury critic, and Steve Offer, merce lut woek hosted an infor- labour criti, gave details of theý mation breakfast during 'Dh rçei changes to the Act. twoOppostion MPsdiscussed ToWib hme e the. Otarjo Lb Relations exprossed concerna about the ACL -=poe leisation thht will ýLiberm PPs Gerry Phiflipa, reformteAt Hire a. Student draw winners Amanda 1YAousft Mary Lamn and Bill McBride of Wbitby were winners of the Rire a Student draw held by the Canada Einployment Centre for Students The 'winners phoned in job orders for studlents. Winners received prizea from BLiD Games Ltd. of Brooklin., Thunderbird Golf à and Countryj Club, and Whitby Massage Therapy Clinic hIc. The Oýntarjo County Hostein Club and the Ontarlo County Milk Producers will be hosting this years 'Twilight Meeting' on Friday July 3 et Lo-De-Mode. . Werry ferm is located on Harmoey' Rd., just north of Taunton Rd. in Oshawa. Members of the cornmunity are invitod te, attend an open house from 5 until 10 p.m. Activities. include 4-H displeys, daii 1 princess competition, judging competition, play area, agriculture trivia plus tours of theTdarybea. ickets are aise being sold for a roast beef dinner. Oeil 723-6330 pro teJune 26 so that final dinnor preparations may be made. By MariéBoucher, Early-s4s iaiicate-that'busi-, ness bas been good on Sundays at Whitby stores open for shopping.r Cralw Cadoret, manager o Canadien Tire, says business has been good on Sundays and has, not taken awyb ses from Saturdayse or Mondays. «We've had a faiir'ainount of business 6n the two Sundays we've been opened so far,» he Baye. Cedoret ays business on Sun- days _will ikey< help create a ses mncrease over June 1991. Th. extra business helpa and if the trend continues as is, Cadoret says he's aIl for it. Jan Kuhmeyer, maniager. of K-Mart in Whitby, says opening on Sundays heu been positive for the customers and many of them are waiting at the door for the store te open., Itmeniaet.oarly totell the effect ofSunday eopenige, but t.rsuta have been good ofar, hlm~eye. seys buiest Mékly te o m down during the summer months because many polgote their cottages on the Busines should pick up again in, the. faîl when school resumes and moat people have taloen their vacations , he says., Business on* Sundeys heu not been too bad for Woolco, seys manager Russell Kerr. "We're leased and satisfied with it," ut it's too early. te 'determine how much of. an im- pact Sunday shopping will, have on businesshe saysi. Pearson Lanes owner Bill Lait-' tle says he. predictsa asugs suznmer for business but i ol b. followed by a strong faIl, paticu1arly fréom Octobier 'te The big edvantage for-custo- mers is the extra convenienice they now have says JimBrat' manager of Ãdviracle Food M on Dundas St. W. Sales have remained the sanie so, far with business bemgsjpead over the week, instead of garner. ing new business on Sundays, he seys. Resà taurant's golf tournament to raise fund S.for,,Si ck.Kd By l ro Boîucher The flrst annuel Greek Tcoon golf tournament will takeplacè on Aug. 4 at the Winchester Golf Club. in an effort to, relue money for Sick Chldren's Hospital in Toronte. George Anagnosteu, owner of Greek 1coon Restaureant, says the. tournament is an oppor- tunity for people, repardless of their-handicaps, te enjyoyeadgy of fun whiie ameu'sinng funds for e worthy cheritv. "if eeybd 9de their part, it gos a lonweyeelp charitues like the ki hldensHospi- tai ho says. O lâut the accent of the tourna- ment is te, have fun and the prime for the day reflect just that, he says. Every golfer will roceive -a I Please RecycleThis Newspaper piefethe dinner onteo f ohrprizes to be won, includig-m tofrée dinnors at Greek Icoon wrestaazt as well:as prizes for best scwe worst score '(most honeet golter) and beatdressed golfer~ ho says. Following the-golf tournanient at Wincheser'Golf Club, aà diii- ner will be held eat the Groek TIckets are $70 per person and include green fees for, 18 holes au well as. the dinner. Tickets are availableet the restaurant, 1101 Brock St. S. Book before Juily 27 as there is a limited ainount of space avail- able'for the tournament. MeC allmon, CGA 'Ilboard J. Thomas McCallum of Whitby is on'the board of gover- nors of the Certifled *General Accountents Association of Ontario for 1992-93. McCallum,» who does business valuation and consulting, is trea- surer of the association. BIA celebration, Of Canada 125 JONATHON KERR (photo a ct leit) draws a Canadian flag on a big mural at the Downtown Business Improvement Area's Canada 125 celebration dowrî- town on Saturday. In photo at right, there wasn't, much Vindi so Heather Kerr had ta, blow ta get her flag moving. Photos by Mark Rossa, WhIlby Fise Prou ----------------