W~TB ~EPRESS, WMN8D&Yp JULY 10 lm ,PAGE 5 Town' chooses stop infrMQafent intersetio Bhty Marlo Boucher Whty council has decided te, install a'multi-waytop sign at. the initersection ofMcaBld and KennettDr., After considering reports on whetherte instala pedestrian crossover or a multi-way' stop. sign, council decided last weekc thie time had come te make a decision. Borne residents requested the stop S#gnto help slow down the trane mthe area and éeuro the safety -of the children croissig the streot te DHillier Park. J~Councillor Judi Longfiold i- troduced. the motion for the rnulti-way stop sign. She said the mntorsQction is bus9,v with trafrie and not safe for children despite some surveys that indicate a stop sign ia not noeded ini the aria. Councillor John Dolis tra urged, fhatthe. decision ho made hofore dildron are out of school anid Town put the parkin the area andhkas an obligation to put a stepsigni at the intersecti. &ouncillor Ross Batten said pèestrian crossinga are danger- oua becauso many drivers do not slow down for, thom. The, Town should try the mliwystop sign te, detormine teeffotivenesa and, if necoa- arremovo it at a later date, ho Hospîtal board mombers shouldno et h elected, says Whitby General Hospitaiboard chair Ed Buffett. If board members wero te ho é lected and made accountable te the. public, it would ho "a regres- sivo ste p i my viow,» ho sayrs. Buftt says with an o éectod board, fewer people would donate mnyand volunteers would net gvo as much free timo. Board members are a]ready being .held accountablo imany ways, includingp approval of a hospital'. budget by the Ministry of oHealth and the district healt h council, hosays. Buffett says ho believes a non- electod board showcases a hotter ~reprsentation of Whitbyrosi dents who are really willigt gvo timo and effort for thegéoôd *of theobommunity. There haven'tbee any major complainte fromresidents te have board members electod, ho saïchoel board members are elected and the scheol board can tax residents through property taxie, ho says. If hospital board mombers were aIseo lected, coiild they. havL the right te tax people, tee, aéSicaBuffett. If an electod hospital board did flot tax rosidents, it would be one that did net tax peopon, hsansd A six-page reporonhiad other subjects la expectod te ho relessed in mid-July, ho says. I3EACI IC>M BER' Home Leisure MOD la- Councillor 'Marcel Brunelle said. a peetrian crossing would bepreferable because it would be a more environmentally-frindly'. alternative -- there would ho less carbon monoide from, cars. that woôuld, only h ave to, stop Whon sonieono is crossing the satreet. ' There are no schools in the area and the park is mostly used in the sumnmer. Brunelle said thé stop sign. will create more pollu- tion during the winter months when there is less need for a stop Brunelle said the effecte on the environment must not ho over- looked. and'every new stop sign holps p roduce more carbon monode. «It doesn't make any sense and' it la flot; right" ho saidc. The stop sgn Would coat about $500 -but help croate the use of an additional 336 litres of fuel in cars per day, according te with minimal daily costa because vehicles would on4yha eto op when pedestrians, are crossig the.street. Town operations committe. had .previousely sent the matter back te staff twice for a report on the pedestrian crossover and a rnulti-way stop sign. - - - - - - - - - JPICKERING HOME & DESIGN CENTRE (Brock Rd. and Hwy #401) 428-9767 I I - -- - - Com piee Pâ&ir of Single-Visin $99 Expires JuIy3 06O0jÇY'Not t e sec 31/9 J, v F 'I v t, - - -- - - - MI d with other promolions - No warranty on selected frames IRegular, L O O LWe Iu EYE EXAMS '1 I foalS xprnJuy3/~t 370 Brock St. S. I9ý â Roeg Includes selected tramnes IGA Plaza, Whitby. 666-3831 - - - - . R R39 -Plastic Lenses (Up to -4 or+f4) "A-CONS1GNMENT --The 41/rJ1%b SHOP" * e p nytpqiyatesfo resae ... Gent/y used clothing. Ladies' & Chlldren's fashions 113 Dundas St. W.*, Wl Eve Hea ver - Joan Mllburn hby666-9225ý the Prospect OfWhtbyý SBrolck & Mary St., Whitby 666-5092I . i % j free parking. at rear ~tç i t I. 't t HANDCRAFTEiD DESIGNS IN NATURAL FIBRES .50OFF "SUMMER SALE" AT 131 Byron St. N., Whitby (Pearson Lanes) 666-9368 SELECT YOUR CHOICE for only" Wediiesday to Saturday- 5 Pm to 9 Pm~ $7 9 (Reservations Recommended)7. 9 e 6 oz. N.Y. Sirloin with mnushroom baked.potato& vegetable e Seafood Supreme creamy mixture of crab, shrimp& sole in awine sauce toppeci. with melted cheddar, served with- rice or pasta l> Chicken a-la-king on a bed of rice or pasta e Chicken Parmagani. tender chicken breast with a zesty tomato sauce, topped with melted cheese served with vegetable (Regular menu also available) and choice of, rice or pasta 1 .11