w -. __ PAGE 4, WHMTY FREE PRESS% WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1992 Be Monio Boucher Ef the recont twinning program between the towns of Wlutby and Longueui is' any indication, national unity shoduld flot ho an Mayor-Tom Edwards council- lors Marcel Brunelle bon Mit- chell and Judi Ià onÃh;I;Z along with about 30 Whitby residents travellod to Longuuil, quebec Junel1G-2lto =akpartminthe amiual twinninir program bot- ween the two cities. Twinning, chair Brunelle iaid at last week's council meeting that they were very well and warmly received *byapoi and wo were uloved to death.w .A]ready about 100 Longueuil residents have expressed the desire to make the tripto Wbitb neit year for the 25tM >nivers aryr otho twinning programý, ho ,d. Brunelle. said, they ail sang O Canada twico at the end of- the weekend. But the EngIs9h ver- sion couldn't ho heard because their- French couniterparts were singing the. French version very high and with a lût of pride. n1%ere has been a lot of talk about separatism but I feel the tide of the country is -turning around,»he said.' Brunielle said most Ionui1 rosidents were, apparentlyin f4vour of Quebec mfdependence, but ho found none of those sen ti-' ments durnthe visit. in-fct tey wanted to talk about the Sensitive issue with us, ho said. "I don't rocall a time when we've been botter roceived,» ho said. 'TM1 look*ig forward to noit year for the 25th twinning pro- t-G Geat ardenValues Beê gin Here. VANDERMEER NURSERY ANNUALS Instant Vivid Colour Reg. $1 .29 Beautify and brighten your Iandscape. Full of buds and blooms 10" BLOOMING HANG;iNG; BAS KETS Reg. $9.95 to $14.95, Pinch fali blooming chrysanthemums. 10-10-27 'ano 0-10-10 Foe Owyjq SALENon""%- Iul flut groms md vogotat i Rg$24 Reg. $4.99 F0 "Where Great Gardens Begin" _____e_ Corner of Bayly & Lakeridge Ajax AJAX WH S427,w2525 Bayly St. E. Co *OPEN SUNDAY. JI ---SaIedpesoffecive-mntitduIy »/2:- rani te como here and recognize à 5 years 'of French and EngBah ho stiid. Brinollo said lho would like Prime Ministor Brian Mulroney and othor members of the federal, and provincial- governmonts te visit Whitby in 1993.to rocogize' 25 years ofactivetwinning. «I'thinký we need te ho proud of ourselves," ho said. Longfiold said if young people can ho convinced te experienco other cultures,- there would not be prblemein, this country. 1 h dafor the twinngro gram .,gn "n1967 rwhenra group ofWbity rover scouts miade theirway te Expo 67 in Montroal by canoe as a Centen- mial projoct. They were welcomed by the Matyor of Longueuil, Marcel Robidas, Who, suggested the two towns bogin a twnnin program bocause of, some' of te towns' similarities, such as hoing beside. alake, or river and size of population. TodyLogueuil is imuch big- ger thanWbitby, in part becauso of an amagaation wvith another municipality,Jacues Cartier. hri 1968,Pbth Whitby and Longuou*ltown counceils passed a resolution te bogin the twinning program the lbllowng yoar. .*Over the years, sporting groups and- student exchne have occurred te help fstra botter tunderstanding of French and English languages and cul- tures in each community. The twinning p oramis also responsible fr ehocreation of the Whitby flag te represent the tewn. Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital employees are panning a cam- paign tohighigt tho impact of proposed fundinig cuts.. Tii. employees, members of tho Ontario Public Service Employees Local 331, say a redu- ced. budget for the. hospital will "have a* major impact on the services we provide to, the com- munity.» E...... DON BROOS on top of teeramp shows how Ihlgh Marty Schlueter can jump with hîs bicycle at a reent bike rode show put on by the Whitby Optlmst Club. bhotby Marte Bouche Whltby Freo Preas *reduced hours for the psycho- therapy unit; * red uction of funding for com- munity and social services. A reduction of beds in psycho- rehabilitation will mean closuro, Of PR3, a residence for 10 lieu- tentant governor warrant patients, says the union. Instead, these residents who have peed for specialized services According to the union, pro- theoul e tteeilrugxu posals for cuts at the hospitalthfait. mclude: The. psychotherapy unit now * elimination of the psycho- operates as a 24-hour program, geriatricday hospital. seven days a week. the proposed * reduction of' 20 bedls in the reduction would make the pro- PsYchorehabilitation(PR3) area:. gram a day hospital with no weekend services, says the union. A reductËon in community ser-' vices would mean fewer adoles- cent services provided te the community, says the. union. The union adds that there has been discussion of the future of the Centre for the Developmen- tally 'Handicapped, an area of specialized care, treating patients who have '4en dian.nosed as hav- ing developmentall yhandicapped and pschiatrcprobýlems. Thei. nonali says that a hospital posting for a manage- ment position, executive assis- tant te the "administýrator, is %ttally ina.ppropriate."1 The union, in a letter te Whitby Psychiatric Hosptal adiistrator Ron BaIllantyne, sayà the hospital has «more than eniough managers, co-ordinaters, sprvisors and bosses.» Atthe sanie time, the hhion daims, uneedod bargaining unit positions are going unfilled. Warm reception for-Whietby visit'ors to Longueuil, Que. PERENNIALS FOR CUTFLOWVERS 0 Cotumbino Peachleaf Belflower QI Shasta Daisy 0 Delpinums Q Lilies Q Painted, Daisy Q Scabiosa Q Veroncia Q Iris Q Liatris Q Yarrow and many more. Mm-m@Mmmdý" Umm" ANNUAL TWINNING