WDMTY UM PRES8,WEDNESAYU JVLY o1, 39, iMa21a Debate over Hilstone projeet. Edwards asks for fuit -fact s o""n finances By Malo Boucher A decision on the Hilstono project for, a ne w .regonal administration building in aown- town Oshawa was expected te b. mnade lato yesterday. Thie $37, million -pro ect would likely be cancelledif regional council decides te turn it down this week. if"régional' council ,ap provoès theé4-Firèftop of the developinent, it cails. for an aâ!oement on parkinjspaces, proporty and> liti- gation issues., Hilstone would thon'have te prosent a linancial package as Woll as thç building, desiigns te muncil forapproval. But Whitby Mayôr Tom Bdwards said ho wanted te know the financial implications beforo making any deisions, on the projeet. «Shouldndt we know what the financial package is first " ho asked during régional counci'a lengthy debate last week on the 1Rilstone project. Edwards said council is not M* a position te, make a decision and shiouldn't until they have> ail tho. facts. «I want te know what the whole project will cost,» ho said. Edwards said ho wants te, know exactly what kind of an' offect theo project will have on Whltby taxpayors before making aydecisions. Ifm there is su ch 'a. demand for office space, as Hilstene says, why not construct thé office -tewer frst and put thés. people te work, and -thon'Iproceod with the régional building, ho ýsaid. >"I "want te get a, financlal package and %'mhot prepared te, vote until thon," ho said. (JouncillorZJo.Drumi said ho questions -the size of the pro- psd -building, With >about. 230,000 square feet'overali but only 150,000 square foot needed forth. Région.. That's 'about 80,000 square feet of emptyspaces that thé Région will ave try and rent, ho siaid* This could result in thé second proposed building i Whitby beig crapped, heosaid. At last. week's meeting, park- mng fiaces and their cost were one of the major issues discussed by*council. The original plan caîls for 900 parking paes for regionaI staff a the M ý St; parking garage and a tlr*Wlevêi underground For te underground parking, the Reio would pay albout $3.9 ,million for two of the under- grudfoors and the City of Oshaw $1.6million for'the tbird, onefoa total of 274 'parking zre parking ha. been pro- misedto. counicillors outaide of Oshawa.' The high cost -for parkingwas debated and ýnew options were' suggested, including cnstruing les. expensivearp;ià g on the -vacant Genera Motorsi land acrosa the street froin the po posed régional building, with 183f. parking sipaces,.-or leasing 450 parking spacea in the MaryS. garage a t a- cost .of *81,0<10 annually for maintenance fées.' At lait weekes meeting, there [Donations9t httb eea- WHITBY GENERAL HOSPITAL nurse Home Foundation and Order of the Eas- manager Kathy Bruce* anid-Dr. Anthony* tem Star, who donated $5,000 to purchase D'Angelo show a hypothermia bianket u nit the unit. From Ieft are Betty Jo Corbett, to memberrs 0 the Florence Nightingale,,Margaret Lynn and ArihurîUoyd. Photo by Mark Reeso, Whtpy Fm re rss CULLEN GARDIENS has donated $15,O to Whitby Generai Hospita's First Cîass - Fund Campaign, in conjunction with Cullen Gardon's' I 2thi birthdayt party on June 20. *WHITBY LIONS CLUB recently handed Peterý Culien- right) reetg Te* over a cheque for $25,000 to Whitby Bainbridge,' representlng te hsitai, -Wlt Generai Hospital.1 From Ieft are Tonry the cheque. Len Cullen is a patient 'at the hospital aftor undergolng triple bypass Bainbridge, chair of the WGH foundation surgery for a heart attack. He is expected Lions-Club. ta .be back.at the Gardons by September." Photo by Mark Reesor, Whisby Free Prous Photo by M LwicPKts, WNtby Free Pres wero a few deputations, some. in' favour of thé project bocauso it, will help provido new jobs in the area and, perhaps rojuvénaté thé downtewn cor. of Oshawa. Others objected te tho cost and timinâç of thé project during a récession and that people are already paying to many taxes. The entiro prooct isestiinated te 1cost '1$62 mlioWith $3 7 million for a nino-stor'e r*onal administrative buildi ad*$25- million for a private office tewér. Thé Région could then make an agrooment for a.lease-to-own for .à bout 30 years on the administrative building or buy thé building throughdéabontur- inz the cost whon it, is comnpleted i 1994. In 1989, r onal council voted te, locato tténew r'o*a1 administrative building in lown- townn Oshawasud ýthé rêgional hoadquartersin Whitby. In June,. 1991, thée égon appointed HBlstne Dévelop- monts Canada Ltd. as thé duvé- lopor of théeproject jn Oshawa, and uthoià e Uistone te pro- ceed. -BM 125 contest winnersý FROMPAGE 10 lort'swinning entry- PIRO DC MADLAN Fim proud te b. a Canadian, rnproud te sing our song. ]Pm proud te livé hère in Canada, alI year long. Fin, proud of aur dlean flowing river., rmn proud of au'r beautiful treos. rin proud that hère we have laws, '*,ý that ay o!eallowed te bé fre. Fm proud that 'Canada wel- cames people froin ail othér lands. Pmn proud that Canada'. always willing teléend a h. ling hand. rlm proud'te bDe a Canadian, Fm proud to, wear red and white I love boing a proud Canadn, with alI my mîghtl THE REGIONAL I~M UNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC..MEET.ING. Take notice.that the Reglonai Planning Committo. wliI onsider et a meeting* to b. heidon Truesdyi Julv 14 1992t 10:00OA. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM <1615 DUNDAS STE. WHITIBY 4TH FLOORi LANG TOWER, WEST.ËUIWDING, WHirFBY MAU AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN l.T amendimont as submlttedib the'appilcant. proposes a waste disposai facllity comprising db bth temprry storage and, a prmaentberm, ail to be comprised 0Of shefr b-product mateil=wtin a portion of the site indicated an the map beiow. Subsoquently -the Régional Council wiII considér recommen- dation ôf théeielanning Commite. at a meeting Io b. héld on: WadnesdayJu M2 92a10A.Ma OlNOILOCAMBERS REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WIBY Thé report relatedto the propsdaemntlaaibifo nlo n ln the offices of the Planning c aumn 1615 Dundas St E., 4th ,Flooôr, Lang Tower Westildnghib MAail, Whltby, or bcaling Bart Carewel, Planning Department <416) 728-7731 (zh b)1"86-1 651 (Toronto). Reusts to make a préentatio before thé Planning Committe. concerningtheppoéaméendment must b. forWarddd ta Dr. M. MichaelM.e- .I..,Comisin - fPlanning, 1615 ,Dundas t.E., 4t loL n we, est BulingWi al Wh tyOntario LiN 2L1 n hould, b. eod by FrIdaLanyTo« précdIng the meeting. Nquests ta make 'a preséntation before the Régional Council concelrni h praposéd amendment muet b. fofrwarded -I thé RéioalCrkRégional Headqures LIiUSsoslanid Road East, Whh, ntario LiN 6A3 and shouid b. receivédl 48 hours prior ta the Régfional Councl P.<eéingi. FILE NO.: OPA 90.013 and 88.001 GARY HERREMA REGIONAL CHAIR C.W. LUNDY AM.T. REGIOtILÃ"LR ~~~~w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rv I Ir .wwvu mVWvvvvwv rw O VW V V V f