PAGE X WMBY FM HPURehWEtMMDY, JUY 1,1992 The TV may be blasting in'the other room, but at this moment'you're proving an imnportantý point about newspaper advertising. It, requires your willing participation. And your, fuil attention. That's a. daim that 15"x 2" 2 su e 1 in h I10 uceradio and television ca'n't make. PE P R N E P R N~And that's what makes newspaper advertising so- oefl edr entertainent. They'l1 search page t0 page until the find it.1 And when PI ZAthey do, they'll read every Word. 'You're proving our oin right now. When people tum to their ppr.teytmteewith interet hc S IZ Emean::th::'s whereýyour advertising message needs to be. avialit's difficult deciding how best to OnIy OnIy advertise your business. But everythirig becomn'es a littie"simpler when,, you remember one mile.. Adiinltpig vial $1 .00 ea. Addtonltoings ava be: 50 ea.- Doube chese $2.0 Dublechese: 1.5 Add. More J oy.To Y"Our Hm ,And,'Sa-ve U'p To ,$700! Thnere's neyer b een a better time tw switch your home or cottage energy needs, to natural Propane gas.FraliedrnSpro Propane wiil give you up to $700 to conver ou ome to Propane. Pl us, if you rent or purchase a Propane Water Heater we'll do the installation Free!* With .0% Financingt o Superior rpae'sfive year Montly Payment Plant.switchi'g to Propne iseay Sowa c t now! Cae your local Superior Propane Branch today for detailsen how you can benefit from Propane and add more joyto your home. Su.bjet toS>up«ior.Propane', glidelinea for a standard domeatic water heater mtallation. Ral not availablo on .,ailmodo1â. Conut <Yom local Supeior PropaneBranch for dcauil f 10% ,dowyn payment roquirod. On approved credit. ama - -- MW-----NOM - -0301-M- -MU - IMMU OM 1300 UME0100 @0000001 MZZW amaa I 505 Vctori St. ., W It U P.1riorI ropa'ne. 1668-'3328'. wMon. ta Fn. 8ami-5pm, à Pilaurday 9am- pm