Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 4

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PfGE 4, WM1TBFM R MWS WEDNESAY, JUNE 24, 1M9 CORPORATION 0F THE TrueQàWN 0F WHITBYTý SOUD WASTE COLLCTION SERVICE CANADA DAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19119921 conlocledon lluuluy,19i2y2, 199 amaDm.oywêig ,!b = colocted on Wséus y lu y10 92 Wl b. cÃ"Uectsd on, ,192 Pey$ee ~yu rocydtng scdule for your next detgnLedrocydhig cllecion dy Yud Wam nrmuily oolected on Wséasdaty, %kty 19 1992 wN be ooIecied on W.*wsday, Jhiy8, 1902. Vour co-oporaton la appredated, and pbeu remember to hvyor mm~ wastos (garbage yard wntos and recydables) out for coholion by 7:00am. on your deslnaled coblction dy. Ifyou wlsh furiherInformaton, ypiu.Sâil ".Town of Whb, o'ernt onsCntre, at 6684.347,70 mr. to 4:00, p.m., Mondayt WANT YOUR' HOUSE SOLD? For service and resuits ask for LILIAN NORTH sales rep RE/MAX Sumit Realty (199 1) Ltd. 668-3800 686-5865 U Member of Oshawa & Toronto Boards BIA celebration of Canadaea 125th Toreh prcession, staged battie LIon eventsý. A.stagecfbattie and torciiro cession are among everal uvi- ties that will b.held ini down- town. Whitby, to celebrate CanadWs 125th birthday. And area residents are being invited b h Downtown Wbitby, Busns Improvement Area to in-in tii. celebration that beawith a flag-raising. on Satdy June 20. On friàay, Jume 26 the Witby Iiges unning Club wiIl lead a niEht-time torch procession, scheduled to start at 10 pirn, on Ontario St. at Brock St. a to g dlong Byron St. to Dundas àt. SThe. procession ends at Beaver Lumber on Dundas St. E., where a torch procession ceremony, wll then b. held. SSevera events will b. held on Sat4urday, June 27. Numerous performances. are scii.dul.d at the Centre for the Arts, including a variety show, to Participants ithe. Centre for the. Arts wfll b.artiste Rowena BrdeDorothyHefWngIBill FaeDorothy Byrne, KaleMary :.Pemberton a HarryThompson. A parade iilbe held,str9i~ at 10:30 a.m., from King St. t Francis St. and aonq un esS. to the. Perr St. pankglot. Aceremony willb. held at the cenotaph at flundas and Green e treets. 'Students frozn.tie Whitby Montessori Sciiool will sing tiie national anthem and the poem <'I.,AmnCanada' ýwfill b. recited. There will asob. a special flag dedication by Legýion mem- bers. 1FErom il a.m. to 2 p.m., there will be aptting zooat Byron St. S. and Dundas S MMt.IW.;face paint- in at -several locationsi; hot dog sl tvarlous locations'. At 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.r. mnmbm., of the. MilitarYR- enactment Society Of Canada will hold a sitag.d battie, off Dundas St. E., next to PizzaPiz za. A historical bus tour will b. iield at 1 p.m., starting at Col- borne and Green streets.* On Tiiesda , Juxie 30, at moon, at the. four corners, tiiere will b. a calw-cutting ceremonýy and draw to determùin, tii winner of a trio> to Montreol. Ballots for tiie draw are avail- able at participatingbüsinesses. IF YOU THINK IT WON'THAPPEN BEFORE THINKI. Jackle C. - A=TR BEV otrFEBLYnuliI[[Scl. fpca ple oFl rgaiOl INCLUES DARIE ANDEVAUAIO WHITBY SW 223 Broc St. N. 55 Sime StS.# 666-5050 46-212 DEEIESTANSENS, shown 'with 'son..Daniel, rýeceved a Prime on Saturda at te four corners for her wbnin ds- n heii covercontest for the BIA celebration event for CanadaPs 1luth bfrthday. Jillian Follert (photo at right) recites her winnmng entry in the 'What Canada Mêensto.Me' contest. P%hby Maudo. PfMeWhltby Pro. 1%u .50% To 100% OF FICTL]KUi KAMING wIIcn purc6asing one of over 200 cifferent w.- " PK1NTS I5Y Ko'bert I5ateman ée Carli - renciers J okn* Sere . Lester é& KRon Parker Jobn Ne6 9é&John boots Laura E>crr5 é& Golebrook Kiersteacl anc1 other notable artiits 5AVE. (OP TO $3oo ON A rKAMIZ) FJNT Cà/I for ful i etais. -TH k'A I R S fIcY±1 Y 27Qseen St., IPort Perry (+16) 9,65-25+3 rC<rn taxpotoned PROM PAGER 1 Corcoran, witii eigiit fuil-time empoyees losing their j1obs becaus. of the. taxi evy on bercans. The meeting witii Ra., alon witii Durhami Centre' MPP Drummond White ýand Durhami East MI'? Gord Mlles,«Was positive and tiiat &oti sides agree the. problem can b. resol- Crcoran smid thei. indi cated Ïo Ras that 'Jobs w: being lost as more timepasses., With*l te et'two weeks, the, Premier wiil have a meeting with lborand ~aagem.nti the. cannin anid brwmg indus- tri es,,h.id. "We must ýnow,, more tam ever,, continue wlth our 1fght to save the. can industiy,"he saId. Corcoran said If thie next stop in the élimination of pop cane, it would mean Ii. end of tiie Whitbhr plant of Ball Packagng. Last SaturdaýL i; mltn NDP convention delegates passeda resolution Which stated t thtei.NDP hoicyi «opro. moto environmental protectioni whileprem.ving jobs" and there- fore,#tMe provincial government s83hould "revlw its environmiental le onboersold i metal cane" -anZ that it iiould «d.lay any planned introduction of a depst on soft drink cans." .Furtiier, the delegates also cal- lsd for no meaatres to b. impie- mented in the future «until and uneis the.Ontario gvrmn introduces programi of relocation allowances3, retraining and edu- cational uipgra4gto reduce the. negative impac nemployment."0 [BEDO.MGALERY e vvhil 1 suppli% Last h à "IL ýC à Mi - , . Ir% . -

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