PAÃ" FRE PESS UE 2, l ...... ..... ..... COMPTER COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOOY BUSINESS APPUICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS 1-2-3, D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSINO BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTINO OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up TOP) 723-1163 TRAVEL end TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS 'DETA Ci ± A :R± z-SIDE ,ASISAN SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KINOSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Fa=m Rd. 420-1344 .~< #a#~.~ h ~.:4.:.X:: Il Advertisingr Sales ProfessionalSales. Experience and/or 00 relatod training required. Car essential Submit resumé to: WhIt1 Free Press 13 Brook St. NJBox 206p Whitby LiN 581 Avon SH I. Eam extra cash, seiin your spare time, cai Joan 416-725-9696 WANTED: HAIRSTYUSTI expenoenced or sterling out. 13e eou own boss. In busy downç.wn Prt Perry- hair salon. For dotails oeil 985-3597 and asic for Sheila. EARN. MONEY readlng booksl $30,OOOIyear Incarne potential. Dotails (1) 805-962-80008 ext. CY-335. KUWAIT SAUDI WORKERS needod. j35 & up per hour. Tex free. Both skllled & unskllled. For Info, oelil 615-779-5505, ext. K384. CRUISE UNES NOW HIRINGI $300/$900 weekly *Photographers o Tour guides * asino workers Deck harids - Plus more! Hawaii* Carribean, Bahamas. 1-504-646-4500 Ext. Cl142, 24 hrs. -LEARN& EARN 8 hours of WP5.1, Lotus, DOS wlth a private instructor for $99, plus manuel, 4 hours of free prectice tîme .end certificate. Cel 668-7755. COMPUTER BEGINNERS: Corne to our free sommear on Wed, JulylaietO1:00 m. to bain about Lotus, WordPerfect and what aPC cando foryou. Call BISSMA et 668-7755. j --5 --- -----%- ir-- I CAMEUON - Ladies be the tirst ln your area to eain 40-50% profit marketin sheer,1 non-mun hoslery and sterlng silvor jewellery, Fuli- or part-time. Management oppor- tunities. For appointmont, ael 666-2093.. TO BE THE BEST Seeking f ive key Networklng. leaders to position themseives as pioneeuu Iln the most' Innovetivo, creetivo and lucra- tive business opportunity ln Canada today. Solid 17 ypar old company with 'over $5 billion ln sales worldwlde. Just entered Canada wlth prpduçt everyone wents and no one has. Product sellaeilself. Adf nowl Cati (416) 436-3237 'D>aliig (Çnà g e&tnlsng) eRcRoonu *0 Bamnt eTexuasryn Fmo.eitstiaI L 576-7503 .- STUDENTS NEED WORK - painting -& generel property maintenance. Avallable nowl Must save up for tuition. Flexible hours. Pleaso oeil Jernie, 6683640. PAINTER wth over 20 yeaes experience looking for residential work. Cai anytime, 668-5562 for free estima.. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Ali kinds of recovorinç. Your fabric or mine. Free estimetes. Over 40 years exporlénce. 430-7568, Whftby. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- meking. Weddinl and evenlng gowns brldesmald & grada, silits, etc. R1enovation and alteration. Garments also made from a picture. 723-3259. WING CHUN KUNG-FU* - The ulmate street self-dofonce. Must be 18 and older. Phono 430-0793. Qo OSHAWA! ODRIVINO 172 IngSt E. Cufti #301 Osawa.-2-09 Fuit Drivers Education Courses COMMENCING JULY6TH.-9TH Mon. -Thurs. 4 day course JULY 14TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 day course JULY 20TH Mon. - Thurs. .4 day course PRI VA TE LESSONVS- REGISTERED à APPROVEO BY THE ONTARIO SAFEY LEAGUE HANDYMAN SERVICES - Clean y ards,_ besements cut trees. omethlng 10 soul? ôell, 655-.3004. PAINTERS PLUS - Service and quelity are flot an accident. for 10% off and no GST, oeil Bill or Geri, 404-1224. EXTRA HAND CLEANINO Service. Very prompt and reliable. Reasnabieý rates. Please oel efter Sp.m. 666-3590. HANDYMAN SERVICE,- 'No lob too amali.' -Patios 'Docks,'Generei ropair 'Odd jobs., 427-1674. CLEANINO, PAINTING residential, commercial, offices. Short torm & long twerm. 404-8657. GRANDMAOS COMPANY. Green cleans (no chemicals). Homes and offices. We offer 'mother-ln-law dlean' (ready for Inspectioni). Al empioyge are pollce-securlty checked ' bonded & Insured. Member Of Whltby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 <24-hour answerlng). Whitby Free Press requires a TLEMARKETER Superiorcomuiatinkla and good organizaton essentiel 131 Brook St. NJBox 206s i tby LMN 58, 6686111 .... NEED TO KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY CALL W ~SINCE 1930 JLD . PHONE 668-6653 Our hostess will bring gifts and greeting, along with helpful communlty information. I. WANTED: REUABLE PERSON ta babysitlin mr homo for three children. RossaidBasetî. 32 hours per week. Oeil 668-1642. IF VOUR KIDS -ENJOY swlmming, the park and pionica for the summer, thon oeil 571-590ÃŽ ThlcksorlDundas aiea. BABYSITTER REQUIRED - part-time basis for 2-V/2 year aid twlns. Four ta five times per month, evoninga. West Lynde aiea. 430-1812. DAY CARE AVAILABLEI n my home. Lots of fun. Indoor and outdoor actîvities. Flexible hours. Excellent refs. $7slweek, plus rocelpts. Phono 668-8152. LOVING MOTHER 0F 2 .will providequality, carlng day cars ln a mon-smoking envlronrnent. Fuli- or pait-timo. Mo lunches &snacks. Az aon welcome. Excellent rates, C668-3052. Financlal Assistance May De A vallable AS AOU URNIH CURE 2 Campuses in Durham rhe systern thet provides... *Unscheduled home visita ensuré quality car. for your chmld - Fully trained prvdr roceivo ongoingAvgency supor - Reliabbe local back-up.. cavera Provider ilîness or holldays - Complote Insurenco coverege - Income tex rocoita *Children six wooks and Up - Full or part-Urne For more Informatiocali: 686-3995 4 Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peaoe of Mmnd. Perry Ho use Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 1 1