Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1992 EUTO0R1NG Elementary students are offered an opportunity te review areas of difficulty in math and language arts (reading, writing and spelling) in tutoring program offered by the YMCA Durham Region. Small group tessons (four students> run daily, for an hour, ini two-week sessions beginning June 29, July 13, July 27, Aug.10 and Aug. 24. Classes are held at Whithy Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E. in Whitby and North Oshawa Club House, 1139 Mar St. N. in Oshawa. Cati the Y offce at 668-6868 or 686-7849 for further information and registration or ask at a child's achool for a copy of the detailed summer tutoring brochure. SINGER International singing artiat Karen Heixbuch will present the musical drama, 'Story of Ruth,' on. Sunday, July 5 at 10:30 a.m., at Whith~y Christian Assembly located at the corner of Rossianci Rd. and Brock St. in* Whitby. Eveiyone is invited. EENDED UOURS Bellwood community school summer camp off Thickson Rd. .ust north of tiU 401, runs from lune 29 te Aug. 7. A full day for ages 6 te 13 runs from,9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; extended hours are 7:30 a.m. te 6 p.m.; fee is $75 >r week. Preschool for ages 3 toE is from 9:30 te 11:30 a.m. Monday to Thursday. Fee is $1L for two days. For more information cati 571-4770. CLUB CAB The regular general meeting of Club Caib of Oshawa Inc. wil be held on Sun day, June 28, 7:30 ~ m., at Sumn fe Pak Club- ouse, Stqcey/McKim avenues, Oshawa. Ail welcome.- LA LECHE L.a Leche Leaguie Oshawa will hold its regular monthly meeting9 on July 8. Mothers and nursing babies are welcome. For more information, including location, caîl 723-0542. BREASTFEED1NG PROJECT Victerian Order of Nurses (VON) offers a free service te, new mothers te, answer their individual questions and provide information and encouragement in the early weeloe when breast- feeding is beingq established. The support gr-oupfor nursing moth- ers and babes is held each Thursday morningi Oshawa. For more information including location, caîl the VOIN at 571- 3151. WOMEN TRAVELLING ALONE The neit 'iÀving Well' lecture, 'Women Travelling Atone,' will be held at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S, on Wednesda ,June 24,1:30 p.m. Gerry smig m OH> will present severul tips on how te walk and drive alone, precautions te take and ways te become street-wise. There is a $1 fee at the door., Cail the centre at 668-1424 te reserve a space. BOOT SALE A boot sale (basically a large coup yard sale with a twist) wiil hl tKahn Auction Barn, Brock Rd., Plckerang, on atraJane 27, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m.Th event is sponsored by the Ontario Rfiin Lberal Association. There wiilbe mn bargains, and refreshments I-'f be served. Anyone wishing. te bring sale' items may cail 428-3201. Everyone is welcome. FREE CAR CABE CINIC 1A free spring car care dlinic will be held on Thursday, June 18, Thursday, June 25 and Fniday, June 26, 7 te, 8:30 p.m. at Whitby Baptist Church4, 411 Gilbert St. E., paridng lot church gym if ram). Register early with Hemry at 668-9711 days or 668-3453 evenings, or with Albert at 430-8388 or 430-3210 eveins.Bring a car for hand-on practice of minor maintenance. ENVIRONMENTAL FUN CLOCA 'players of. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will perform a free public show on Saturday, July 25, 1 p.m., at Heber Down Conservation Area. Through the use of puppots, atonies and games, the players wl present a program desgnedfor children aged five te ten te learn about the environinent and te gain a new respect for its protection. For more information cal Alma Hili or Catherine Cawker at 579-0411. Cancelation due te inclement weather is available by calling 579-0411 the day of the show. To getto Heber Down, follow TautonRd.west te Country Lane Rd., go north and folow the sign at the end of the road. Meet in the day-use parking lot. COMPUTER CAMoP The YMCA Durham Rego will hold a 'computer camp'ftise summer. Campera will learn that computr are not juatfo games, but alsjo fnte use for daig story-w riting, creating neslet- ters and bannera, greeting cards, posters and flyers, and advertise- ments. There is aise, time spont outdoors in gaies, crafis, song and swimming, and weekly nature and cookout day. Fee is $290 for a two-week session. Cal 668-6868 for information and registration. FIDDLE CLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Old TMme Fiddle Club will meet on Wed- nesday, July 1, 7:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby for an evening of old-time round and square.dancing, siniging and *iîtar-$laying.Al Welcome. Assnis 902. For more infor- mation call 436-9019 or 655- 3023. TEDDY BEARS PICNIC Pickering Museum Village (three km east of Brock Rd., on HwyJ7 at Greenwood) will hold a tdybear picnic on Sunday, Je28, il a.m. te, 5 p.m. Thiere will b. a teddy bear hospital, face painting, po y ides, clowns, the Sphere Cown band and bear prîzes. Refreshients will be available. For more information, cail 683-8401 or 420-4620. GRAND SLAM The firat annual 'Grand Slain Against Heurt' Disease will be heldM on Thursday, June 25, 7:30 p.m.at, Durham. College, by E00O radio- and the Oshawa Generals te raise funds for the Heurt & Stroke Foundation. Lit- tle league teanîs can register for achance te, play an inning againat the General. CKI)O will a se a the Generals. Admis- sion îsfree. To register a team, cail Tabatha or Mfarha at 571- 1350. SUMMER CAMPS Palmierston community achool will hold summer camps begin- nng Jane 29. Every week will have a different theme: June 29 te, July 3 is Adventure Week; July 6 te, 10, Sports and Fitness Week; July 13 te 17 Carival Week; July 20 te, 24, M alxerston Wacky Summer Ol-ympics- July 27- te 31, Wet 'N'Wild Week; Aug. 4 te 7 Be a Star Week; Aug. 17 te L, The Great Out- doors. Weekly costs r ange from $65 te $90 (or the camps, for uges 6 te, 13 (pre-camp for ages 3 te, 5). Registration is on Tuesdays and 'Thursdays, 7 te, 8:30 p.m., Saturdays 10 te il a.m., during June. Cati 666-0959 for more information. Non-prof It Whlyor have a desanil Whltby membershlp may place their or actvies on this page at no cost. Profl maklNorn . FriaYa5pm YMCA HBRDOWN CAMP The YMCA day camp at Hleber Down bas suminer camp activities planned for children uged 5 te, 15. Each two-week period is brim-ful l of activities te, excite* and instruct. Ail the traditional camp fun of gamea, atonies, songe, swimnng, outdoor cooking, hikea, crafis, campfires, and optional aleepouts will be a Iipart of the porm apr M wshCanaa.happ birthday with a cake they will bake outdoors in a cardboard box. They will take a Hawaiian vacation right bher. -in Durhamn; they will- timè travel back te, 5,000,000 B.C. and forward. te 3992 A.D., with somes stops in hetween te visit cave men, Sir John A. MacDonald in 1867, the 1890' for the Yukon Gold nush, and whatever oIse strikes their fancy. They will participate in Olympie 'quali1fring ..games' compets with oponing and closing ceremenies," the Olympic torch, and QIympic events - YCamp style. Trainsportation lis fr-e. and available froin coveit camp bus stops across Durham te, regiter cati the 'YMCA at 668.668 WAL&K-A-THON The Oshawa Challenge Walk- ing Club will undertuke a .60km walk-a-thon, fromn the ON Tower te, Oahawa, on July 4 te raise funds for the Umited Way of Newcastle-Oshawa-Whitby. To participate or make pledesr cati Lorraine Morton at 434-2814 or Gary Plumb at 576-0163. DINNERDANCE A spaghetti dinner and dance will b. held on Saturday Jane 27 6 pin. at the Knigàlhta of CoIumbus P~ark, 2795 Ritson Rd. N., north Oshawa. The event has been organized by the Myoblast for Muscular DytOf]hYFuna tion. Dise jockey, lots of door prizea. Tickets, for $20, are avail- able by calling Marian Stafford at 430-3132 or Kery Lyon at 725-7529, rcan b. purchused at the Olive Garden Restaurant in Pickering. COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTION located in Whitby. W. are holding meetings for -singles and have various social events, iLe. dancing, bowling swimmldng golfing, carda, tkeatre, nightcubs, bingo, otuck and dinin ou, etc. Meting are held every Fi.ay, 7 to 10 pm. Memberslup applic- able. New members welcome. Phone 1-800-461-7391. NEW ENROLMENTS NOW Leam to Dance for the Partiesj SIDEWALK SALE <DNTMISI! BEINO YOUR OWN COUNOELLOR An upcomming worlcshop wIll focus on how we can empower ourselves te make changes and how te overcome obstacles te change. The two-session worloehop will be. offered at Durham House on Tuesday, July 7, and Wednesday, July 15, from 7 to 9 m. The fee is $16per cail the Family Education Resource Centre at 579-2021. CAMP VOLUNTEERS The Sunrise Recreational Youth Group for the developmen- tally handicapped needa summer camp volunteers Aug. 17 te 21. Interested volunteers aged, 17 and older with experience work- ing with spécial nieeds children or youth can caîl the Sunrise offic.e at 668-8761. YARD SALE Seventh Day Adventist Church, 300 Kencdwood Rd., will hold a yard sale on Wednesday, Jl.,9a.=. te, 4 pa.. &yone9 WviShfiZIto, rent a space the coot is $10 for a tabla, or M~ if you bring your own table. Food drive drop- off box at the sale. For more information, cail 576-7619, 432-8414 or 721-1573. VACATION BIBLE SOHOOL 'Adventureis on Son Mountain' is-'the theme of Vacationi Bible School te be held July 6 te, 10,9 te 11:30 a.m., atWitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E. Ail childreni aged 5 te 9 are ,welcome. Pre-registration takýs place morninigs from Tuesday te Fni- day. Cost is $5 per chid mai- mum $10 per famnily). For more )nomain, caîl 668-9711. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School will be held at Emmanuel Reformed Church, >ossland Rd. W. and Wàlton'Blvd. July 6 te10, 9 to 11:30 a.m. lhere- will be bible stories, skits, songs, crafts, sports and snacks. For more in- formation calI 668-6544. SEVEC The Society of Educational Visits and Exchanges i Canada (SEVEC) is a non-profit organi- zation which sponsors summer situdent eru exchanges. This summert43Drham Rego ttu- dent win-go te Thetford Mies, Que. Pléde are needed for com- munity fundraising events *in June at Fairview Lodge and Hilladale Manor. For those inter- ested in supporting students, cal 666-3821 <ext. 569). ANNUAL NRMEEG Childroe' Services Council of Durham will hold its annual laneal eetng on Thursday, une 2, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m, at Grandview Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S8,Oshawa. Guest speker will bQ Carola Lune assistant onrad catr"7 .the Inter-Ministry Committee of Services to (5hildren and Youth, who will describe the comzittee's progresu on the reform of services f> e> e e re

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