Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1992, p. 29

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WHWmTBYF IU RSSI WMDSDAY. JUNE 10,1992, PAGE 29 W itby e d l campinsi f' - S-iP* nâl Whitby's premier re unde-li soccer teainsponored 4y the Bank of, Montrelwere, finalis in the ',*,itby Cosmera! Gas invitational socce ounmetrecently. In'divional round-robin play,ý Whitby Raider were flawless' with victories ýof 5-0 over ýA4 agi 6-0 over Simücoe and, 5- over Tii.foeardline cf Danny' Mattin, Mark Engeage, Chris PaulGrahain ' MacLs»and Mlichaecbleiffer .lied many excellent oppo«tuities to score. M baucean led , the.Whitby scorers with five goals, Mattin Under. 1sblanked In final Whitby Woivsrines under-12 ~reisrrapsoccer tean were J naisa in, .the Whitby Consumer' Gas invitational tumrnament held recently. hIthe. opening ,>gaines Wolverns outscored their opposition 21-0 as they defeated Peterborougli5-O, Pickering 9-0 and Bâmptk7-O. Seven scorers took part in the strong Whitby offense: Kevin Pope (six, Paul, Novak (five), Geore Eamnna (thre), l~yn Sith (three), Kevîn Dai va o), Btoss Hamili "and- Antonio Scala one each). The strong halfback lime of Jason Schleiffer, Smith, Michael Hadden and Matthsw Whelan, anchored the Whitby attacic. A strong defensve .team, *cf ,Matt Smith, Scal, Adam Molnar and Darryi Gtqjewski supported goaltender 7Steven ,Krpsitra ,to earn the three consecutive firet round shutouts.* hI the semil-final gaine, Whitby started out slow but came on in the second h aif to defeat Beileville 7-2. fSchleiffer and Novak'connected for two g"alsapiece, wliile singles went to- Mark Abernethy, Pope. and Epaminondas. hIthe ýchanipionship ,gaine against .leagus rivais Agincourt, Whitby faougt hard' but came Up short by a 2-O score. 1 I league'play on 'May 28, Whitby put forth a strong teani effort for -a. hard-fought 3- 1 lwntcory over Wéeod GoultenderRypstra came up with a strong gaine, supported by fulbacks Gwewsld, Scala Moinar and Smith.. Epaininondas notched WhitWys frst goi alith -somesakling, individual footwork. Pope s, cored -the winner with 90od team pasing. Novakscored the insurance goal on a strong rush. I their second leaue gaine on June 4, Vovak scored three9 goals in a6-1victory over Ajax. Pope, DaSiva andEpanhion- das alçté scred for Whitby. and Paul eachhad four goals-and Engelage hàd threè goala Schieiffer uiiedeffectve passesto 'zt ab neatkles of Jason Evelyn, Craig Scott, James West-Bentiey, Radek Szadorski and T.rry, Lawrenson played effectively, as they suppprted the Whitby attack. Brett 7 ýAndrew recirded the three s' hutouts, with -theétrn support of*fùUlbecks Bia Rai*ney, Bryant at., Stefan Nicota and Scott Adamo., Iii he semi=-final gaule against Oshawa .Turul, the, teais remained tied, at A-1.ale regulatitun. luovertime,,WbIntby emerged successililby a4-1 margm Engielage ýand Mm eaeach recorded two gols ne of, MiacLOOn' on a penalty shot., i Brett Andrewý played extremely well i.goal for- the Whitby VIcoy hIthe n *osip gine Whitby feU behind 3-")in te fet haif tod-a sklled North .York Azurri, ., but.-fo'îught ,back, aggessiveiy ini the second haif, on two goals by. Engelage. to narrow Under -'13 3. ties, for- i'elettes in tournament, team wins consolati on' Whitby's -under-13 refioy saccer won the consolation titi. at Whitby's -Consumer'p - Gas tournament.: ' They defeated Brampton 3-1, Simca. 6-1 and Mississauiga 3-O before basing tW Streetsviile 5-O. Tii. teai» went an ta win the. consolation final, i» extra time, by a score of 3-O. Tan members are Chris Scliranz, Shaun Rainey, George Mayer, Gardon Veénner, Chris Tremblay, Jonathan Vander Ven, CUf C' loino, Sean Sorensen, .Anron ichoa Joseph Longo, Aide» Laverty, Brad Kauffebdt, Nel Gladstone, David Farquhareoan d Boss Duncan. By Sania ebig Hello. Sonia Bebbington her. WVoefliiy do I begin tusý column», becaiusit shaH b.uy -but. Ther. is much W msy, sud as I do it, I con penliape avoid the. painf il propec cfpurseparotion, dear of it does occupy a d k uerof my thoughte, as will a morsl of food occujpy son. presence when lodged between the. teetii. Strength *té- 'us,, friends%,sud .uijoy the following with fini» regardandsteadfast dispostion STuesdaýy of last w"kwae a svsnig ofcultur, sud distinction at DOV wh.n students -frmo ut OAC art close dispiay.d recent works in our spaclous foyer. Tii. colection was meut impressive, .sud included p*ce by al of Me. Bachuki OAC students. Youre truly was ii attendance ut th.evment, and could -b. heard quipping inteligent, insiglitftlremarks before esch piece. My caver was blown, however, when I absentmindedly stepped befr, a trophy case, also housedl in the foyer, sud commented on its disturbing expose of mades insinifmicance in the. everchagi~ context Of :Vaec.g"fontsurprising was the fact that two other art phonies concurred with sobemn nods. Also taking place slat we Whitby, Iroquois Soccer Club under-14 girl rep teain, sposord btheDundas Street Doental Ute, had a disappointing outing i the recent Whitby rep tournament. The Pelettes lost their first gaine 1-O W Pickering sud tied Scarborough 1-1, the Whitby goal from Terri Baker. On Sunday they tied Thornhfl 2-2. on gosls firom Jennifer Henry and Jennifer Dickson, and then tied Oshawa 1-1 when Catherine Cronin» scoreL. The Pélettes.,did much better in the Peterborough tournament last weekend. Saturday in.fsaw Whitby boss a close,7hlrrrd ught gainetW hst Peterborough by a 1-O score. Saturday afternaan Whitbyme Oshawa Kficks B snd defeated them 2-1. Oshawa scored firet and led 1-O at the hall'. But *i the second half Catie Challoner gave, Andrea Babony the bail on a mice tip and Babony put it in the far corner Wo tie it Up. Later Susanne Wisdom bofted a goal ick up the field snd Henry got it Wo Debbie Hamniton who put it in the. net for the win. Sunda morning the. Pelettes were still sleeping and ot t Oshawa K(icksà A by a 1-0 score. By their second- gainethey had roused theinselves aud fought liard to win'over Pickering4-3. e- Pickering scared first but then Wisdôm put the bail forward Wé Megan Aiken who took it in and scored. 1A littie later Aiken found the. bail i a rnixup cf se'aieal.players j' I was the promý for Our' grade 12 graduates.- rin certain it was a wonderful experieuce for al who went. I, however, was net invited, sud shaHl therefoee refr-ain ýfrim fcomment, lest it b. thougiit.that I fabicte anyiing which appear herei. On. event, conversely, whfich cannot go without mention waà pur schoal'e annual fun, fair, bazaar sud yean-eud blowout, occumw on Friday. This fesival, oft eradedas the. biglght cf the. Deuiis O'onnor y.ar, coSist of mnusic, cralle, food sud cultural exposetaged by DU~C staff. Tii. sonewhat dismai weatii.r of the. day did net damnpen our qsprt, and ail events w.nt on as sciieduled, save. the bluegrase, sbiudig planned for a rather moiet section of the. rearî ay*g field. No trouble, ~aever, as L. CogNian sud bis acomodating bond off.red Wo play inside thiifot office, with the added advantage of being ppdtbraughout the. scol aven tue public addres seystem. This firet. show of gaod-natured co-openation set the nood for the day, and the. rest c f Friday'e operations follawed suit. Overnight, each teacher liad assumed the r.spon.sbility a! tr nfring -thei lsran into expositiùons o! orte riective of theisle r esuits cf thder labours wer eme~oyed by a.lon. that day af- gaodwiil sud Sanie of tii more memorabbe efforts j»cluded The. Mrm, Ran 'fribute' Emparjun of Obsolet., 'frivia, Mn. smarts- House- 'f cynicism, Mrm Foies Meditation mecca, hMs.Gsie's novelty etazid basiga bea.iang-collection a! inspirantianal posters Guldauce sHouses a!Mirrors, su Mr. Veudrie Pavilia'n a! Stuff, with venison enough, for .ail. Shawn -RYeagan, patron tW this last dispbay,'t* said' te b.e recaveing nicely fran su archeiy wound. Ail in al, this was a day of friende,. fun, sud fond nemoris for ail attendante. It was esecally peignant for thase EKYCseis w% Memyeifwil b. inéligible tW attend usxt yeae billig. With ths spirit of tues fesival stiil fesh sud vibrant in aur minds, we wiil leave Denis OConnor tW spread its legacy acras tue globe, sud shaU neyer forget how ejugular it has be.». Thanke W ,yau ail for allowing me the opportunity ta, represent DOCC 'ere this past terin, for huniouring My smarmy instaHmients eacii week, sud for theseurprisingly .low numbeiý of libel suite. I hope .yau have eigjoyedmy work as much as I bave exjoed'writing it for Y014 sud ,with that,. I 'say- goadbye. (Until when?.i..) snd got it out, 1ta Kelly Kéeer who scored. Halffime 1 score was 2-1 for Whitby Bu't earlyi thi econd barf Pckering tied it up and, then went ahead on two quick goal. Late in thei. game, after much liard worlc, Keberer sent the. bail across and Catherie Cronn booted it past the. galie. Twa minutes buter Babony sent the bell'up filbd snd Keberer beat the goalie'on a breakawa. Ii. resuit was enough for a second-place finish behind Peterborough. hIbau1 la Whtby bot to Newm=arket M"2 Hamilton and Aikin scoring for Mitby. Whitby beaten in consolation championship Whitby Wolverines reached the. consolation final, in' the under-12 division of a recent girlssbcce tournament in Whitby tied West Bouge 1-1, Jennifer Kelly scoriug for, Whtby, i the fret;gaine. ,< Pcicsrig defeated Wlutby 2-0. Whitby then tied Erin Milis'2-2, Kelly rhiboth oaS borough 1-O Kelly gstting the. goal, but : Peterborough won wéthet. two teais again met i the. consolation final. In leagu. PlayWhitby tied Narth..York 1-1.i. dîîKeowcz isored for Whitbyo Whitby defeateéd Aurora 3-1 >on ~smaa bdJlieJohnson,, Lindsay liýÎ- MdJuieWonnacott. Celtie plays tc> fc>xzir±h- stiraight tie Durham Celtic tied Ajax War- rions 2-2,i Motor City. men's soccer beague action on Jupe 3. Celtic previously had 2-2 ties against Adria'Pckeri=g and Oshawa Italia -- a reflc n of just how* evenby matched, teams we.e expected to b. in this year'e leT tec p ae ;'o lh rsc yJune Hickstfie 22 Oshawa Kicks Executive Copier B under-14 g.i soca team tied Oshawa Atea m 2-2 last w.ek. Natalie Smith scored bath goals for Kicks, who, received strong goaltendhig..from Clairs. Bramma. aiifata the scor to a close 3-2 before time ran out. .On May 27 W itby egan beague ylay-with a 2-2 tie with West Roug. Ândrew played a' solid gaine in goal,' supported by defnseen Rainey,, Harte, Nicota andAdisn Eneaemad& the moÏt of bis wscoWn oppotunities to soe bath goals for Whitby Raiders. I their second league gaine on June 3, Whitby edged ast York. 2-1. Evelyn soerýed the fret -goal on as asfroin Mattin .but East York tedit,, o n,,a penàltýV shot, early hk thé second haif 1East -York ,ýlater'had another penalty shot, but Andrew made a, great save toýreservethe tie.ý That insi red tiheWit4y attack, and MacLean scored the wuinnggoal juatbefore. ,tinsô Whitby. Trquoi' soccer ROOKIEDIVISON Jue 8 Mark UMni2 Blair fandoehrmk i 8 Oldham Atitc 4 .71.1 OMaZano4 Evum~toe OmanatatIJnIt.d' a Juatin Fm 8 k-rah Khatlab 2. 5atagpaâr Petu&aHOWOuw Ruai Madrld Dany1iIl~ba. Anmd 0.00h17 watt 8 Luka Caraco 2 Brian Sldpp D.eM ucq i Torin A.C. Miun 0Juvantua Chria Wood 9 Napoit Gnt Banka 1 A.C. houa Chad Thlodau 2 Duxn"a.United 2 Abrdma Ia raan n Danw EIla2 CoUtie David Sart8 Grant Edmon~d Mainfual spura O Sa. Kobimnovch 4 mothawull O Notb YokEockata 2 lanuDuna 2 Eimnot.ri.aa Joedan BaaP"a-. eau"o. 6 Ltnoqos Bouan ne Cannall Ga 1 Podi* Pla Ejyan uit lEyan Pntt Soccar a lm I F. Princlta 2 DanÙIo rr D.La inauranco sStt M at.8 Pat Baudatt Wllby Athisa Purple Hawks Chria CoUWa Ste,.Lee Chria Baby Dannie baunut* Danlat Dnme Ganus 6 Midaa Mufio 1 Podro% Plan Ben Prtt Cam r 1 DUMnot Stewart Sharp Mathaw fBArma 7 Mldaa MouMu je0&nith ~<~h~J ~Lk, ~,ku ~ .- ~Yf..v ~ .... .. v.. - 1 DENIS O'CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL

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