Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1992, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WM'rBYF REE PRM, , NESDAY, JUNE 10, 1992 Prk, odcosrcIon..tenders, WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD? For service -and resuIts' ask for LIIAN ýNOMRTH Sales&rep RE/MAX, SummitRlealty (1991),Ltd. 668-3800-686-5865 01 Member of Oshawa & 'Toronto ]Boards SEEING IS BELIEVING - $162»90. Lovely parquet and broadloom. W/O bsmt'., rec room Wfth wet bar, 1. 1/2 bath, N/G pool, attached garage. Il146' lot. A sparkling delight! Joan Scott, 436-1800. BROOKLIN CHARMER $204,900.11 Absqlutely gorgeous!! Natural wood french doors. New kt.,»& bath in '91. 4 br. plus stairs to attic. 66'xl 62' lot. 1 1/2 storey gar/studio. Caîl now! Unda Kubota, associate broker, 436-1800. 9 MONTUIS NEW - $1 535500. Ail brick home. Luxuriously upgraded. Just south of Prngle Çreek Plaza. Absolutely stunning. Shirley Sinden, 436-1800. ]POWER OF-SALE $1 45,900 NorthwestWhftby. Needs renovation. Available immediately. Close to public school and park Blair Buchanan, 436-1800.. ByMroBoucher Town'council bas, selected the two comnpam:es that will under-, take the Gilbert St "E. rec ,on- struction and phase two of the redevelopmentoàf Ashburà Park., Latweek, perations commit- tee: decided te send-thé twomat- -ters w vithout recommendation te council. Botb GCeorge H. ,Heàrding, for, the Ashburn -proje'ct,' and Pachino .Cntruction Co. -Ltd. for Gilbert St4 subnaitted tender p ackages that weri just short of te required 10 per cent deposit of the tetal tender price. The _Town bas previously allowed bidders a 24-hour pernod te pay the difference ina the ten- dei deposit. 1ý But Pilera Construction of Canada Ltd., which bid for Gil- botSt. and Oshawa Gardera Service Lt., which bld .for Ash- burn, teld committe. »that the, Town cannot. start te give any leway te -anybody, and that the tendermg 4procesasbohuld b. fol- lowed accor lgYý. Cou]calfïroved -thelowten- der of $4,4 from Pilený Con- struction ôfCanadaLtd. forthe reconstruction of ,Gilbert, St. E. and- the ,low."tender of '$66,098 froiù0OahawaâGarderaServiceèLtd' E~~ ~%DI z for phase, two of the redevelop-' ment of Ashburn Park. oFunding 'foQr thereconstruction ofGilber,7St. E. la estimated at $770 000 wlth asubaidy- of.about $58,uoo from the Mmstry Of Transpotation, appoimately $100fr theMinistry of Mumcipal Affaira and iLut $342,0from Durbham Region..' The cost te -the Town'is approxI- mately $220,000.' Theprect- includes a pave- met idlnQf8.5 metres, curb and gutter, storm a ewers, and sidewalks on both aides of the ohsen st reet. Durham Refflon is 'te replace.the watermain and saM-L taiys ewer. .FuNndingi for the redevelopment of Asburn, Park bas been inclu- deil the' 1992 -capital budget The ' estimaled teot ai' 'coat is $74 089" Paus two. of the project in- ply ofMgaular tL, sP111yand. placinge of infield- maternai, con- creé crbig, supp1,'and'plant- igof'-40'-treeessod reste- ra n. WiUiamson fud uilty ByMmdo Boucher Pia Wiliamson, presiderat and owner of Consortim GroM of Compaz)iea formerly ba.einir downownWhi*tb', ias 'been found guilty of,48 v!olatioras of. tfin <incal security act. = t, 500 investors lost an ..atimatd obred $7.4 million through bdreal estate -deals 'witb -ConsortiumPropertiesIhc." and ConsortiumFinanicial Inc. Davi LÀgawgr for the Ontariéo Securities Commission <(oec>, isasking or amaxim>um ~k"k Clean-it Centre 500 Hopkins St., Whitby '666-1224 2j 4 kg Rte, etc. two-year jail sentence minus a day as weil as afine of $350,000 for Williamsoni. Sentencing'-was expected te b.e announcedyesterday.. Williamson wbo now lives ina Florida, took bi34O,0O0 from Con-. sortiumi nancial mIc. te buy 'a b ouse'iuàd inveat ina restaurant. 8h. ýalso*'took anhnicoe amount f f-monepy from Coônsor- < tium Prop.erties Trac, for -a variety of thin'ga in 'luding personal mortgage payme'nta, théo servce of a, nanny aMd te pay creit icard When theo OSC'freezed aill bank accounta of. the Consortium Group of Companies, in Octeber cf 1990, Williamaon atarted new accounts for new businesses, witbin a couple of days. At'about tIo s'ame tiriineohégnoried a cease-trsdiag order by bhosting invester me-tings in- ber-own home bere i VMy. The RCMP is aise invéetgat- ing the case at thia time.' WVhitby man dies afterý fightmng fire B y Mawdo Boucher Pirefighter Andrew Des- Lauriers from-Whitby died about. 24 hours àfter battlmg. a tirei North York on TusaJast week. DesLaurier, ,47, waMinured, duiga fire irn ofce builing iran Milsa when ho became' trapped.inuid. and was overcome bysemoke and passed out.- Twenty -minutes later, he was brougfht out- by other ffretightera' and taken. te the Sunnybrook Health Science. Centre and even-' tually tranaferred to Toronîto- General Hospital where h. died of inj*uries last Wednesday night. DesLauriers was not wearing'a mask for breath in ra a ie whenjfound by, the other'fhre- neht Sbut Itie official'is ugs te-dh may have been, trying te call for help at the tirne when he was overcome- by the amoke ina- aide the building'. At Monda' council meeting, councillor Judi Lonýgfield spke briefly on. DesLauriers -andbis dedication as a firefighter and' said she hopes this type of situia-. tion doesn't ha pen aan 8h. 'offerZ nencso n béhalf of-Whitbiy council. , :DesLuries who lived-on Bel- mont Ct., hadbeen on'the force for the past 25 yeas. ~GÎft Ceilificates AvaiWlable Reg. Pdoes 1/2 hr.-$25. - 1 hr.-$45. RossIand MassageTheréapl'Chine RounOffi:ce) Rossland GardenPaza 701- Rossland Rd. E. Suite 204, Whitb - 430-6787 EXCELLENT AREA!' Close to everything. F/P main floor laundry and mud roomý 4 bdàrms.. etc. Please call ROSEMÂRY BROWN 433-2121 ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame Centurion 198, 188 199,1990, 1991. A E AOU 1~ ul Hi everybdy. I need helpi in locatipng ugao ihin reasQnab *le waling distance of Whitb' Downtown Core. My clients, Manning and his wife' would buy WITH CASH, AND N CONDITIONS! Please cati me as soon as possible if j'ou know of anyone who is thinking of sel ing. fla 433-2121 Ask For Rosemary Lm. - . . 1 ý - « 1 1 1 ý EAUQ0R: _ ýj

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