Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1992, p. 28

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PAE 28, lWHIBFREPR0! ENEDYJNA,19 By Miranida Waters This ichool year has -whizzed ~,pehapsquiker t1an you Lot mercp il the.nflo that will suroly generate talk. ElverZy Ã"spSotsteam '.at Henry .put evrythinjthey got,' Into provmng therelle nothing. btter than being aHawlc. Stdent council« kept u laugiiing w!th, -great triekZa and Pro Sprit Week ta fiidriaigitwaq time weIl spent'> StdùsCf lthe. Month' lctd orpois. and good' manner- Wr aY, Jà nKathleen,ý Mat1 Teesaan1Stephen. Surpassng' the trends and hipjst fado, hi hnou ofMark, eveyon aspopping their tab,.- -. i Giving:-upý one'sý pride te b.- Save for aa, Bielped to rais. funds for the. United Way.. .Although we at Henry perfer flot te baastp- A chor<'fio=Wales w. wWere honoured to, hast. The. boys' voleybail teams, Boun fo Calaryta visit places unknoin. Entertaining at Cuilen Gardens, Kwanis and Wonderland;, W.re Henrys mii ensenibles,and talented bands. Boxers, sweatshirts and jeans, I must say, Were sported by teachers on 'Dress Down Day!' This pers prom was a gala :That wôù'-sbon b. forgotten by thase who, were-there. Jason Adams was the. gradié valedictorian choice, Because 'ofUiýdl - razy humour and strange '%oicé. With dipolmaÃŽ, a'ýd and determinatin ntheir hèàrt Good ýluckto..our graà -as from Fienmy they dept Sad.god iestéor. Rotary students Flaia BIiroiend Justin Brown, You've bfroifght new. .wisdo and outlooks toOur.smnall town. This 'year was the ,best'no other could compare, Thanks' -te .ail thouj who wouldnt s.ttle forfair.ý*' Now, lot me ih a l fb suimmer ta aIl, --- And we' i e. you at echool again i thii. fai. Award .for* St. Matthew's. St. Matthew Evn list (atiio. 'onzdti.shofor ther lic scli OaofWitby ison. of 187 ziighqatyphsi educatiaQn schools acroo Canada that reicei- Pi'r8w5am. in y od a w a rd sI e è h l . co olsq u ali yln f o r tii awrýd matbaaunium.of The Cénadian iAsociionfor. 150 minutés cf Iphysoical,,duc- My Educationanio «a _tinp.wo ùstn RecreaQon (CAHPER) la con- intramùural pprmaaac juntio wih Ftness Canada, oactMvties anTê quajitistff. Ahigh ischoo p1a1 edfor the Site o tii.é' oldSinclair 'public sciiol. iWMtby will be. named Sinclair Secondary School. Thé. Dunham Board of Educa- teio plans to'remove the- old scolfrom ,the. pro6porty, on Taunton Rd. Tii. ew high school is sciiedu- led to becomplýete for the. begin- ngof the 1994-95 school year. Ig. school will b. named after thqe Sinclarfaxnily. The oiginal -Sinclair, far iiù southwest Osiiawa was settled in 1830. John Sinclair later donated land la est Whitby for the. Sin- clairpublic 'schooL-; ,I .1>l . was a&trustée for the. sciool, for a nurnberofyears. Amng early>teachers at Sin- clair" public achool, wereDr Robert Thoraton, and Miss Mow- bray,' w h ae eaeMrs. Wh~ e ee n rt n oest A Whitby student has won second prize in a national writ- ing contest.1 Jessica Westhead's -fiction piece, «Tii Accident,' was second in tii. annual Parker Penfl'G writingcontest. Tii. contest, which had more than .1,200 - entries in both French and English, is an annual evont at TG Magazine (Voices of Toda'sGneration). Westhead, 17, a student- at Henry Street High School won a $250 cash scholarship and a Par- ker Pen pen lp*ft set. The. foilowing is her prizewin- ning entry: THE ACCIDENT By Jessica Westhead "Give me some rom." The grey people backed qway a little. James bent over the. body. Ris stomnaci tightened. Oh, Lord, this wasn't alive anymore. Dead. Don.. It lookod like it used te bè a waman, with curly hair that was now ail wet and sticky. Ho panted and wiped at hie moutii. He had te, use a life-saving technique on 'the. leaking woman-meat here on the. gae, even though ah. iiad te b. dd. He knew it. But h. had no authority, and he'd have to keep at it until iielp came, or h. could be held rosponsible. James' oyes rolled. You didn't wear your seatheît, my doar. Didn't tbey always- teil you te, who s8s- far gono she's on, the moon. She's dead, Honey, and Irm giving her moutii-te-mouth. What a stooge you married, huh? Iwisii you know wiiere I was. You- could- span-feed me my dinner in between breaths. néiA houldn't even have stopped the car. H. nover even saw the. accident happen. But ho was generally a nice peran, and now that ho waàs here, h. -had ta stay. James imagilned what' bis mother would think. H. could picture her standing over hlm in on. cf .her flower-print dese chiding, 'Weil, James, you reoily picked a fine ltime te get useful. Lot of good lt's doing anybody. Why do't you wise up and go it's terrific. And' I l ove the lie you pickod out for' James last week, doar. He's nover bad a whit of fashion ýsense epocally wiiere aâccessoruos are concerned. You take sucii good car. of my son." Like -h. was an invalid or something. Not a whit of fashion sens.. Couldn't cook a mea] te Save -ubs 1f.. Well, he was langhing now, wasnt ho?'Sureho was. »Loak Mom, look Shar» -- bore I am. I'm in charge for once. Youre eatingl your words now, I bot. R. giggled mindlesal James looked up from uhs breathing at tiie ring of onlookers who toased hlm with their blanik faces. "You're not in charge, James. You're aur 'whippin boy until the. prfessionals get.hore. paegoand' get somne milk ta have"w Ith dinner tonight, Jaimes? You can do that, cant youT' she'd ribbed him. James. remembèérýd the sal Christmas party theyed. had at their bouse last yar . here w'as;. Shari, with iier brown bair done up in a little bun,. wearing, just enouigii jeweliy to ýb. ,stylisii. Shan',- , the,.. ýperfect iýhStess, mingling1 and making wltty conversation wlitii.he company, always politely offering ber neat trays of hors d'oeuvres -- homemade, cf course, nevoý catered. And Jamýe; with bis lie« on, talkng ta, a fow -cf bis *associates,. eating, 'Sha-ri's sf-repared canapés. 'James,ý accidentaily spilling bis glass -Of The ramn was coming down wear your seatbelt nomer tu' WOiIlizfll And wten are they cornxng, bmm, uc.ntecrebiggni har wenJaesîo u ~ moniry and daddy and Buckeye li ohrral ie hr.Jms tsbe an awfully long scolded by Shari in front of tii. hotardthn Jmlf disr.ti.SfeyBevr n DiersThe two of them had always been whfle ..." hWL r agin.Jms lhuse tha t mldri n er wenhoEd. clasm with the. dopey shap .right as rain. Whenever bis James whimpered. tygutwo reuhing Jamcpe, s a i. acienfarblue pick teacher? I- reaily wish you'd mother came te visit it was He was starting te hate Shari WW that always the way?. struck accirdet.so lu ightarUn listened te them toclay, sister. always, "Shari, you keep sucii a with her condescending voice and truck as culed s tigh aroun He loered bis ace tyoers hairdose. herriperfectai manberrs.fetWill you 'WfRight Rnow n Sharir 'was a telephone polo it remlnded le oerd i fcetahrs danhob.isai Jaescfths filwrppdand blew past her rubber lips. He prébably shaking herhedabs chocolat. cigars people handed flashed back ta when h. was empty. chair1 at tii. table, eu a ~twelve or thirteen, taking a life mourning more for the. lack of otAt crwdha'atee laasvrcus. at the YMCA, and ilk than for bis absence. cici om ti.tuc.Jae uatisi»ng mouth-ta-mouth ontiih"are tar cry, James," h bene h tuk JmsPa ismother -woul dsa. puld vrtetesiocfti rn, uman-sized PRobin 'dol]. Heoay andcied eu teaiec f tbis Sdremembered thlnking, "L hope a:, _James k.pt-breathing bis air "What happened? la anybodv real injured person doesn't feel ' nt the-cament lune isbod hurt?' James shouted at tii. ak like thus." But it did. Only worse. hair was past.d tousi forehead. cf ii.cod.This Robin dol] smeiled sweet and Tii. other witnesses were fizzy Nothanrwe. ripe and heavy, and tasted sa'ur, in the. rein. I said le anybody hurt? I know James spat, andsgld not te wfaf-I îl not, I ill7not... James blinked. Sloltii crcl oene ý he remembered ho Tii. dead woman was bis Grey, blank faces opened and hadnt tald the. mn te corne back mte o."ohmJms closed thlr: moiftbs and looked, at arf hnt orhîp Go home to, Shari." hlm. James saw"what was îying woildThit.knoW If hface twas - 01topvmn.coming. No one els. was ging. again. "Pick up the mllk fixt, will '¶a noec]e o il? They were all just standing there, **j* * ou, iearr Shawri admonished. Tii. peoplje were silent. watdflflg. aetry. -& éoy g al an Tii. rai bitting tiie ruined "Na, ames, th. solid colour ti. chrome cf the. dead woman s car No nmovd.rang ihieis ars. that strip.d tbixig away. Nohen h e membrd h wasIW8 just on my way ta pick Not a wbit cf fashion sens." supoed te identify a member cf Pgm U O IIk"owJaelowatyen the. crowd, and tel] tiiem what ta aestogh fbi ,did thore. Yen spiiled your punch dc Pckot amboywih etite and pet Shari. Loving ail over the carpet." green sweater, or sametbiing. He « wtn Saiwtii her small, ', Terypopeaued rooked around furtively. They round face always slin.She James shiod. h anhe wreailthesam. Eerv~. mae tie estsheher's ie.were wafling 'down the. streot. thm -ai hesae Ioren The Woman's face swm James ,Put bis bande around the. swatrs ua rinwahe-otbefore bMm. It looked lik muLui, onm neek anc.squeed& * poe. No oneas iff weot siing unat hlm. «HéP me, Flasbing rod ligits at the. "Smen oi tiaiblncDarling.Yiou know Fm da btChristinas partyand ail the policôe Gtecl.heabuane help me anyway. I love you, >gesbakn away. e. Ged belt James. You'r my kniglit. Give "What thehl]egon u Hosr.md.Tomi ei ame a kiss." Her lcniglit. TIIat'5h.rer bis moutii.«Ge what e.cailed hlm. "etek.su.oadar -fY. Ti.h~sadeslokdarud James pulled back. No. Ho o numMb at ech oter* sïe athome, prabably adding the.a nad.ola otetkoethe Wasn't blSio as " dntkarofie.lu is and i.maiblize, hn potaos, and wondsring wiiere at 9- Se>Pm ying and thmho w»,JIC&. t') V ~~tbtheullh. was. l'n ber.,shori. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL

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