PAGE 24, WHJTYPMEEPREss, WEDNESDAy, JUNE10, 1992 OFSAA g..oldfo 3 Whitysuet asnBrumle A reton', ascii « ha trac an fied campionsfip over the we.kend. Brereton,ý of Anderson CI 'de rvlSam Davis of Picker- ighti senior boys? long jump hent î - .9 Brereton leaped6.4mte while Davis- had'abet um o 6.93. 'Brereton also wontii. event last year. Brereton was «'also 0on. lof thé favourites i the 100m run, but fliiiid flfth. BobEsmie of Sud- bury won i 1017 secnds.- Brereton had' a thne of 10.69 seconds for tii. distance when h. flnisbed Èrst in the. regionà l com- petition. ýWoodey asofroinAnderson, won: the unior boys trple jump witb a distance of 14.16. -1Woodbey facedrival ,Jason Brumley of -Henry Street Hlig School'me elOmn hurdies. Both were aongtii.favourites. Brumley Won the weet with a time !of ;14.24 -seconds. ýWoodbeèy finishedfourth. Jon --Hopknsof Henry iwas ýscnd in,, he province in junior Hejunmed.68 metres bebind Steve Daweio'ofEoriiden (ibronitol Scarborough) Who leaped 6.70* metres. >Esi Benyarïku.oôf Father Leo J. AustiS2ena=yScbool had second- a _ hidplace finse at OFSAA WaynePrima 4th pick WyePrimoau of Whitby was seetdfourth overaîl artii.e Ontario Hockey League (junior) draft over the wveekenid. For Primeau, who turned 16 on June 4, it was tii. next stop toward what could someday b an NHL career -- just as big brother Keith, of the'Detroit Red Wingshas acconiplished. .Like Keith, Wye is a big domiat ing centre who excelled i Whitby innr hockey. Wayne bad 43' mals and 63 assist in 75as a Whitby midget player las t season. Thatwas- enough. for Owen Sound, .who aurpraedsoin. by making Wayne ti. fourti overil pick. Wayne was rated 22nd. in draft 'Wayne said ho had talked te' several interosted. clubs before the draft, and one of the m ot enthusiastic was Owen Sound, Wayne said ho was extremely happy te be picked by the. hockey club. Jef OWeill was picked fret overaîl by Guelph Storm. Brett Lidros, younger brother of Eric, was selected second by Kingston Frontenacs. Third pick was Bill McCauley, by Detroit. Keith Prineau, Picked third overaîl by Detroit m - the 1991 NHL draft, was among family membere who were on hand at Maple -Leaf Gardon's when Wayne wras selected. Whitb y bantam s win ~Lakers toi Whty's bantam lacrosse tam wo n iconvining ashion, thi cemnh i p at tii. on PBy Liakers Classic 1992 tournainent i Péterborough May 30-31. Warriors overpowered oaci of their four opnents, inc"udng PeterborUgh 4-3 hitii.fl Whitby displayed strong defence, speed and passingsills te defeat Brampton154,Hail- ton 13-2 and St. Catharines 104 te reachthe final. Pat Jones had four goals and 14 assiste for WVhitby i the four gmamescyr Jason Ward had four goals and nine assiste, Marty OBrienbhad nine goals and three assiste, and Saul Edgar bad soven goals and four assista. Steve Voituk had six goals and four assiste, Arthur Whaley tbree goals and six assiste, Paul -Web two goals and seven assiste, Lrnament Paul, Salie twio goals ana si; assiste. Gavi Prout had three goals and four assista, Neil Maynard had a ga and five assiste, Steve, Death ?to goals and four assiste Ryan Haris tbre. goals anâ three assistas. David Stabile had two goals and tbree assiste,, Bryan Power three goals and an assiat; Zack Aitkeni two goals and two assiste Luke McKay on. goalantw assiste. .Brent ILazary had, three ass- ista, goalie Mike Rowland had two assista, and Gee Nash on. The. teain, coaciied by Jim Bishop with- assistant coaches Pave Eêçar, and Waýyne Lazary, is proparmng for their next tour- nament i Whitby June, 13 and 14. Bantai aestillundfeated The Wbiùtb bantam basebail team Tan its LOBA record te 7-0 in the. qst week with tbree wins. ý O Tusda,,Wbitby thrashed Ajax 13-1. Jerzy Aronowicz went the. distance on the mound, albowing only two bite. On Saturday, Kingoton came to town for a doublebeader.. Whitby outscoring 18-6. - won both maies, Kingston 11-3 and Chnis Allison, Darryl Jennings, Day. Partlow and Josh Miller pitch. for Wbitby. Aaron Le and Jenniinge had koy bite for Whitby. THE OSHAWA VIINGS first team elut out Barrie 14-0Oin rugby action Sunday at Oshawa's Là à keyiew Park. Vikings romain undefeatod after four bague gamexs in the iret division of the: Toronto Rugb Union. Photo by MutRk Eeo, Whitby Fr.. Pr Whitby nidgets are handed first loss Wbitby Hughes Hawks suf- fered their fint boss of the season i migtsfab on June 3. Scaboough upset Whitby 7-2. hanon Jones iiad three si-, gbes for Whitby. Jennifer Carrol and pitcher Lisa Hicks each had two singles. Adrienne Marlow, and Cornie Dewit oach drove i a run for Whitby. Whitby got back on the. win- ning track with a 5-2 decision over Oshawa on June 4. Nancy Ponton had a triple, double and single, drove i two runs and soered twice te boad Whitby., Carrol it a double and a single and droveýin two rume. Sho was runner-upi 100m for inidot-a gils, with, a time« of métres foir.thfd i Iong~x Shar-on'Forýdinand o!Trfaga Câstie .School iWhitby was. third in juni grls' shot put. -5 *Herdistane 'was 10.5 motrès. ià izn mtandings, Henry was second in junior boys. tournament. for'Whitby' 'Whitby's midget bseai1 ta won on. gaine and lot two in tho Oakvill. tournament held ovor the past weekend. Whitby Dunedin Construction lost a close one to Brantford in the openor, 6-5. -Keith Mille held Brantford to only four hits but two'of thein were homers. Whitby produced seven hits but left 12 mon on base. 1Dan Stephenson and Mls had two apiecewhile sigles went to Steve Wod Tirn Imeson and Tni .Puddister. . Witby faced atough lofty in the second gaxue but theéamg came.,from seven unearnedrn i -the second inning asý the Oakville A teain won 8-2.. The .only 'offence for VWhy came 'fror their catcher- Brett Rayne ashosmashed a, two-run borner, driving in their only runs ofth gie.t O'lthor te were Chris Mac., Ned . Balan, Stephenson, and Jamnie DMore, -the' pitcher who threw w.llin front of a saky defence. ,"W tb- inl] p thi ünge favorite Clarksmon as they & untdout1il its en route, téa Steheso bad'three bits and two -RBIs. Rayne ý1hadd thre. its and droveini one run; P,ýddister, wath two, alonv ith Imeson 'anid Ba"an wthone aece, prov.d the balance of the. Pfence. Imeson took the win on the ýmound, allowing 'only .few.]bits9. Rayne was chosenh series MVP as ti. teazn, wraà pped up their fret toDurney of théemseasn. nicks putcnec a strong gamo. < Dorrepaal Hawks keep -~ ~~-s soarizg Christine Dorrepaai of Whitby was first'overali hi tiie age 7-8A clase at a recent gynastics meet at the. East York Gymnas- tics Club. Competiùg a amomber of Gominm .Gym-nastice, Dorrepaal' also rovd, an- award for. moat outetendigbar routine. Her score on bars was 9.5. Andi Plitz of Whitby was lOth overaîli the age 8B category., Another record for Thrasher Alan Thrasher of Whitbyagin set a new record at a recent traek and field competition for dieablod athlotes. Thrasher 17, broko both the. Ontario anà Ca'nadi an recordesi 100m run wbile competing in St.. Catharines in May. Thrasher, wiio has cerebral pabsy, was competig i the CP5 category (categories ýrange from CPi and CP2 wheelciiair divi- ,sione te, CP8, normai walking). He also won gold ithe~ 200m and 400m ruma. Thrasher had establisiod new Ontario and Canadian recorde ini the 400m at a previous meet i Windsor.,- Thraaiier competed in the. ieet - as a tune-up for-tii. provincial championhipe iSudbury July 3-5. Tbrasher had proviousby quabied for the chanipionsbilpe. Whitby -Hughes Jeawks con- tinu. te batter tii. oppositioni banitain girls softbali Lest 'week 'Wbit)y doeted Barrie 15-3 arid Pickering 18-2. Jenny' Coe finied on the mound for -Whitby, facing six batters and allowing one bit. Whitby scred 10 runseitiie scnd fin mng. .Whitby also iiad a big second innig aantPickering, sconing il1 rune. Karen Kett tossed a one-bitter for Wih iin ýa, 12-3 decision Kett struck out nine battons in her five innings of play.' Susan Penton bit a. triple Muile Michelle Tiieriaubt had a double and a singbde for Wbitby. 1Jénny Cole also tbrew a one- bitter as Whitby blasted Aurora 8-1. Heather (boulding bit a borne run, Marci Rowlandad adouble anid twoshigbes, and Kett bit a double and a single. .Wbitb>y je now undefeated in six gaines.