Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1992, p. 1

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Finé are cnsidered -for ~ llgal upn WAYNE PRIMEAU dons the sweater o)flu the Ontario junior A hockey draft in hie new hockey team, Owen Sounid, Toronto over the weekend. See story foilowing bis selectooat fourth overail, on age 2&. PlitobywMakl. Whitby Fr.. Pr. By Màrio Boucher The Town public Works *depart- ment will present -a report, next, Monday ta deal with Illegal dumpingof çarbage Ln' Witb.-ý Proéposed is ýa reward. l.of O for anyone -who sees someone, illogally dumpmnggarbago laM* townh anMd reports it to, the Town office, says.Wayne ,Hancock. pub- linwre directr.. The Town laid ^charges recontly. in connection with iii.- gai dumping of garbage ho says. Hancock says the 1?own may start a program to get residents inovdand, help, Town staff catch and prosocutoeoPle Who have no respect forte environ- ment.» Ono local resident John Blum- beU told The Free Pros. not % g has been don. about illegal dumping despite bis têle- p hono cals to Town offiéï after, oe récnt1y as>aw 1someone .dump-. ing garbage on Cochrane St.- bet- ween Rossland Rd. and Taunton Blumbergssayu thearea ilaa disgràeasitis fuiloftrash., Nody in concerned wi1;h -the envionmnt o thii eighýbôurs9 ~iditsmua stndup and hlp' stéop things ,from gttin g wore ta la e thing.ta offer ME PAGE.9 Rodresurfacngri workostpne B y Mro Boucher Rearfaingwork àon Meadow ]Rd. and Westwood Rd. has been, postponed indefinitoly by Town counicil. At Monday's meeting council approved a recommentaion to wait until _Soptembor. before.- makinçg a furthor decision ffardmg resurfacing of Meadow .oftin-FoesttoWestwood Rd., and Westwood Rd., from Garrard Rd. ta Meadow Ores. A report la ta ho made at the first operations comniitteo meet- ing nSepembr f arh d to theavaiâbility of funds or sible reconstruction worlc in- stead of the proposed resurl'acÎng work. The repr will determine road needa in Whibj and when recon- structon of eeadow and West- wood Rda. could take place. "We're d-aIg with a group of people who have been eztremely reasonable,' aaid councilor Deni- nia Fox. The residents are notalig mo !onyoapecically but are looknfo a conmtment by 4oni orth reconstruction of tho roade where they ,live, ho said. Many rosidents havebeen liv- ing on those streets for many years and have approached Town councfi lu a "responsible fash- The!9o*pera tions commnittee's origana1 diretion may have been iýé6 t tes Popehe said Fox*c worksi ' direc- tar Wayne an'ucock about why work on the two streets han been put off for the last few years. Hancock said Meadow Rd. was rated as adequte ila 1977 thon as a 1-5 year'need from 1678 ta 1991 on the TownýqjriOrity .114, while Westwood Lwas .also rated as adequate in 1977 thon au ai --S eaneed'from 1678 té 1990 and flnally a 'now need' asat year. The two streets are deteriorat- ing but notas fast assnome of the othor streets i Whitby, ho said. Councillor Don Mitchell said residents have made it clear that they want reconstruction dono as opposed ta resurfacin~ But ho said council has to bo fairtaail ratepayers in Whitby and a priority Iiat .for ail the, different streets* should deterinine where road work ccurs first. Hancock said resurfacing doos keep the road in god condition at a, low coat and t hesu which helpa determine the condition of the rod, a relativély good» at tlia time. Councillor Joe Drumm said it la costly ta tho Town ta, bring rural roade ta, urban standards, and, the provincia goverament has aakod ail munipaliostes look at rosurfaingrwork whene- ver possible in order ta keep costs down. There are about 50 other streets in town that can use the money-for this project, ho said. Drumrn said reaidenta on Mea- *dow. and Westwood Rda. have waiteda lonq time for work ta ho done on their streets and hope- fully it will occur within the next two or three years. Hancock' said the- allocation from the provincial government for the project cannot bo kejpt and used next year, and if it ia not used, "the ainount* of grants given ta the Town byto ern- ment will ho decreased. SMayor Tom Edwards sald it in better ta use the moriey, for othor pro nto atwn than ta bos. -it Mnd receivo les. in. 1993q Hancock, said Whitby i. already gtting eyltl ud- ing or henedathat it han. «.1 boheve that it in now time for Meadow Rd. ta -become a modem street with the elimina- tion of ditches and the construc- tion of curbs and sidewalks,» said Diane Stolar, who spoke at Iength about ber blind dauùghter who la- eiperienci'ng 4aiculty because of the lackof curbs and sidowa]ks on the. streeÎts. "Our position i. that..*130,000 ila tee much ta spendclon' a ban- da*,»said' Nicholan'Michael Hall. «Uprdin g this project>-from resu raceinj ta reconstruction,*i., in our estimation, theonly per- manontf and cost-offective.,so.lu- tion,» ho said. Councillor Dennis Fox,-aaked- both Stolar and Hall when thoyd like te ueo the project done.., Both answered as soon as Pos- sible and Hall added that it may b. botter to gt ono'street off the 'ned' list anid thon doal"with the other on.. The matter will now ho dealt with at the first opertion en mito.meeininSeptember. ByNMarlo Boucher The former Sinclair achool lm Whitby- will ho torn down, but prsof the old school will ho, preserved and- incorporated ita the new bhigh schoël planned for Taunton Rd On, Monday, the. Durham Board of Eduication rejected a tender frocm Cula Gardons who wanted the boar d ta pay $25,000 toadthe refurbishing of the old Sinclair school, says vice- chair of the. board Patricia Bow- man. Plana; now cail for tIi. demoli- tio' of the achool but for the preseration of the datestone, selected ivindow frames and a representative ton f h oi ginial brick wall ah. says. 1 he decorativo featureis will maintain thisp irit and histary Of thoe old school and will ho lacer- porated into what will ho named Sinclair Secondary School, ah. Bowman saya it ia disappoint- ing that the old achool will not ho malatained as -on.s3tructure but it isaitili exciting to keep part of the achool. «Vie have done everything ps sible ta, keep and mitanthe apirit and batorical value of tI. 0ld uScho and bring it inta the. new facility," she says. Carmen Construction will' demollah the. achool sometime in the. nert few weoks,, ahe says. The tender for 'the now Sin- clair achool will ho reviewed this fail b~y the board and if accepted& cosrction could, begin- at that time onthe new aecondaiy achool sud ýthe -education cenrtre on Tauntan]Rd., ah. say. aýe'ewlhigh'-school la achedii- led ta opEn for the 1994-95,achool year. At th"Fair pages 22,:23 Decision reac-hed,,Moniday nigfht Ol -shool tobe demoish ed

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