Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1992, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WIIIIYFPUE PRESS,,WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1992 coMPAIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTION located in Whitby. W. are, holding meetings for,;singples -and -have varcussoialevnts ie. dfincing, bowling swimimin ,gfi P' cardst iheatré, n 'ghfub % go,~ u k - dun in> ontetc." 7'tto10- p.m'. Membership applic- :able., New -members iwelcome. >Phono 1-800461-7391. TheoM Durham Région Union of IijrdWor*kers ' Will hold 'a 5eneral'meeting, on Wednesda 10, 7:-30 pam., athoe-A Hadll, PhilpMurrayAeOh Engee Culign at571-667 VOLUNTEER ADMIISTRTORS, Tii. Durhanx -Region Associa- tion for'-Vlolunteer. Adminiseta- tors <DRAVA)'wll -meet on Thurhay, June 11, 2 pamn, at Northview Ceormmunity -Centreý 150OBeatrice St. E;., Oshawa. volunteer c-riasadmins-. trators cf noni-profit agencies "are wlcoeme to ->attend.' Fo r more6, informaàtion- cal Donna Hutton, .,ax-P1ckering Red Cross»,a Tii. Ontario CountyIKennel Club will host their annual dog show and obedience trials on FridaY, Saturday and Sunday,' June 12, 13 and 14 at Harmony Va]ley Conservation Area. Ail are welcomne to, watch the competition, and refreshinents will ha available. Directions: Talc. Hamo ]Rd. north from Hwy 2 te Cobtts Rd., turn east te radview Rd then turn left and foilow signs to area enftrance. THEOS INTERNAIONAL CONFERENCE TEOS International Confer- ence for the widowed will b. held on Juxie 12, 13 and- 14 at the Baptist Leadership Educto Centre, Tunon R.,Whitby. The theme will b. <Bulding Commumities,' and keynote speaker wilbL Betty Jane Wylie, author of "New Beginnings.' Several workshops will ha offered. Ail are welconie te attend. For more information, calI 668-2648. FUN FAIR Corne out for a Night cf Entertaitnent at E.A,. Fairman p ublic school's seventh annual FPair te haheld on, Thursday, June il frorn 6 te 8:30 p.m. There will ha -something for eveir'one, including a haunted house, cunk tank, bake table, Krazy Castle, gaznes and a barbecue. Come rain or shine. whattU PA DAY PROGRAM The Oshawa YWCA will hold a, PA Day prograrn on fflday, June 12, 9 a.m. te 4 pam. (extended <hours availab*e) at' the ofIflie, Mc ' o>S. Oshawa, for ages '5 tol12.osis $15 prcid There will ha crafts ad mo among the outdoor ciiis Oel576-8800.te pre-register. La LohlaECà LaLcheleaue c f Oshawa e.m.to 1 pn.,at 24. Jva Ct., Whiby CId o0sand baby n",dahousehold "'itemstoys bocks' and unquecao nbb Producé wHiihasold. Al c ceé dswâl'beosed locally te elp prgnant adnrigmothers. BAYSflTJ]NG COURSE St. John Ambulance -'- Whitby branch, will hold a babysitting course for children aged il te 14 on. Saturday, June 13, July il and Aug. 8, from, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Youngsters wil learn how te can 1for a baby, a pre-achooler, a school-aged chuld and a child with special needs. How te handle emergency situations will also be learned. F or furtiier information cal 668-9006 or 668-4159 or register in person at 1517 Dundas St. E., Whitby. CLUB CARIB DANCE Club Carib of Oshawa Inc. wilî hold a 'Pe-Fista Dance' on Saturday, June 13, at the. YWCA, 33 McGrigor St. (corner cf Simca. St. S.). Admission is $15 paer person. Caribbean snacks wil ho servd betweon 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. There wiil b. door and spot dance prizes. For 'tickets, cal 725-7195,435-0139 or 728-4293. MIEETING Ajax-Pickering and Whitby Association fr Community iàving will hold tii. annuel, general meeting on Monday, June 15, 8 p.m., at the Pickering Central ,Libraay, One the 'Esplanade (Pickering municipal building,' east cf Pickering Town Centre). Secial speaker will b. Julien Beylej of Ontario Association or Comrnuntiy Living and chair cf the policy, planning and.prorties coin- mittee. Ail are welcome. The businesses in downtown Whitby have planned an extensive program of activities from June 20 to June 30. Watch for thé.Whltby Business Umprovement Area Canada 125 Program whlch wiII be Inserted ln the June 17 Edition of the Whltby Free Press. HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: - Officigl Flag Raising Ceremony - Parade - Torch Procession - Face Painting *Military Battle Reenactment - Draw for a Trip for two to Montreal or Ottawa (courtesy of Canadian Partner and the Whitby BIA) lnm-store promotions : Hot Dog Sales- *Centre for the Arts *Petting Zoo *Canada Cake Cutting Ceremony *plus so much more. Hope to see you there! For info cali 666-4189 C00» NEIGHBOUR DAY -Vaious eventa .ar-e pnedýto celobrate 'the »Good NOigdidIour WhLt--on SaturdyI, Juno 13. Théeo wl b. pnake breakfast and an' arts ad ca ipa from 9 a.m. te noon at the Whitby Senors AtivIty Centre, 801 Brick- St. S. Local achool .châtrs and ý-bàhnd wiil perforrn in the' morning, at ]Rotary Pak abo; theOptimist Club wilh'hold abiko rodeo in, the. municipal paring lot .on Green St. ýbehund tifre hall, ta..J',3p;=.; -the Student Emplomont Centre wid*lhold a" frée w or senirsfofur hôur ffe tuetlâir Thélewil ha Wrefresiments, sales and- giveaways -at: difforent locations around Whitby. Activities wiil.also h hld -at Sh ~ rdDtug Mairt and the. M=<corporate sponsos). Help promoÃ"te<,the -Goco4 NoiglhbouÃŽr concept by attaching an orange ribbon te tho car, a.ri and' wear- a Good Nèighbour T-shirt or sweatshirt. Foi'furtiier informnation, cal 668-1424., DOWN SYNDROME \Durham Down Syndrome, Associations annual pic*ic ill ha held on Sundla, une,14,2 p.ntill dusk, atWhitby Baptist hurch 411 Gilbert StB. Ail are wefcomae. Anyone interested in attend-mg can caIl 668-9510 -or 427-6805. RIDGES RATEPAYERS The ]Ridges Area ]Rafepay ers Association will hold: its annueul gnalmeeting on.Wednesday, J une 1l7, 7 p.m., at 10300 Hw 12.,Hot doge and refrehmonts are available. New members are welcome. For more information caîl 985-8948. CAR WASH The.Durhamn Cathoic Young Adulte Group is holding a car wash on Saturday, June 13 il a.m.*-te, 3 p.m., at Paris Âýto Service Centre, southeast corner of Garden St. and Dundas St., E. in Whitby. Refreshments. are. available. A portion cf the. pro- ceeda, will- go to the. Rose of Durham day support prograrn for teenage parents mn Oshawa. BA"ESL St. LeoWs Parish will hold a bake sale and pencake breakfast on Sund , June 14, 10 a.m. te 1, p.m., at t e Brok communit centre., Coat iis $4 for adulte, $2 for kids, free for age 4 and under. For More information cail 655- 4212. PICKLN'SESSON Pineridge Bluegrasa Folklore Society will hold a ipickin'l session' on Sunday, June 14, 1i te 5 p.m., at Camp Samac. main council hall (use north entrance off Conlin Rd.). Pickers, singers. and listeners are ail welcome te, attend. DANCE A dance with music b tii. Oshawa-Wiitby Old Time Fiddle Club will ha held at Westmins- ter Urnit.d Church, 25 Manin ]Rd., Whitby on Saturday, June 13, 8 te, 11:30 pn. There w'ill be communhty groups Whlch are basedln Whitby or have a substantiel Whltby membershlp May upominy meetings orativ es on thi page at ino coot. -DANCE Westminster Umdted Church, 25 Mann dWhitby wRIlhold a,:dance, onSatmia. Jun. 13 starting at,8 P,ïWitamusic. lw >sh'awa.& Whilby. Old Tnm. each, a"d prcedawiillgo'tt e t ,church .building-'fund.Oell rl728047,ï576-8218 -or 668-4Q19 fo inomation and/or tickets., ANNUAL PNCNIC Tii.Hea Inuzy Association cf Dunrham.Region wil hold.,tii- anùual picnic 'on S!$aturday,Jua< 13, 2'te 6 Pman.t tii.Knightàf Coubu amp,, Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa. ThereSwil b , f -od, fu and music. Bring a lewn chair, bathiing suit and tqwel,,games or sports equipinent and family and fiends. Ifyou need a ride, or can give somo-one a ride, cal t office at 723-2732ý. OsawlWity COPE mental health, program .an.d CÇOPE committe. ,members wiil sosra mental 'hoalth 'fair. on. Tuesdey. Julie 16, 1 te 4:30 p.m., at Northminster United ,Church, 676 Simcoe' St, N., Oshatwa (corner cf Rowsland' Rd. and Simca. St.). Information wll ha available on local mental health sriecrisis services, club- houss ud comrnunity support prograins. BONSAI SOCIET The ,Matsuyama Bonsai Society will hold an annuel show on Sunday, June 14, 1 te 5 p.mo, at thei. Northview ,Conirunity Centre, 150 eetrice St.E. Oshawa. Admission, is $2; children under ege 12 are fre. Cail 683-2568 or 725-2045 for more information. ALANON AN»ALATEEN Whitby lFriendly Alanon and Whitby Alateen wilhost a 2lst. aniesery - celebration on Tuesday, Julie 16, 8 p.m-,' at St. Mark's church houÉe, Coîborne and Byrn streets, Whitby. There wiil De guest speakers fr-on Alenon and AA, tegether with Ala4teen participation. VOLUNTEERSNEEDE»E <Big Sisters NOW needs Big Sister volunteers, for' the. 50 children on the waiting list. Orientation willbb. held on June 17, 7 te 9 pr., at 179 King St. E., Oshawe. F or more information, caIl 436-0951. ONE PARENT FAMIL9MS Oshawa Chepter, On. Parent Families Association wiil ineet on SUPPORT CROUP MWETINGS IleHead InjuxyAssociation cf Durham Region, wiil hold support group meetings on Wednesday, June 17, 7:30 p.m., et 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Tihe survivors group will meet on the main floor, family and caregivers grop, upetars. AIl are welcome.. For assistance- with tinntiporta- tion% cal the. office nt 723-2732. QUIT SMOKING NOW For the- coot of 12 packs,. of cigarets, you, could ha - an ex-eimoker, if, yqu re0éeter «now for the 'Lung -Assoiation's-stop smoking rprogain 'ýCountdowni. The course- wilbe Ï held at the Glazier Medical Centre, il Glbb St., Oshawa, on June 15,. 7:30 p.m. at-a special discounit rate cf 7Ï5(g, $20 ýsaving), that includes iail ýcuets includlng reference; ex-smoker'imitnnemna and a, relaxation., tape. Pré- regstration 1la required, and may. ha mad& Iby .cash, choque o"r'cre dit card.L To register, or for more information,,' cil ý.tii.association ýat 436-1046. The. AIDS Coite. f Durham- wiil hold a public meig to reýview. t iso statomntadgal on Tuesday, June 16, 6-pàm., at,,78 Simc. St. N. Oshawa.Volunteers and other intereuted- 'community-minded Persona are ýwelcome te attnd. CalI ~ to 7380 ereserve a space. Tlhe Thïïrapeutic Ridi Asso- ciatipn' for Cailenged- Kidé (TRAOK willhold'the third annual. ridaton- on Sunday, June 14 ,through Durham Forest, south of -'Uxbradge.,TRACK pro- -vides horseback. riding. therap1 f'or- .physicall handicapped Iorigdisab , d and 'develop- mnental[y delaye children., For more information'call Marietta L.ash at 416-8fl.6591, CHRONIC FATIGUE> Durham Rgin Chronic Fatigue Syn drom/M Suppr Group, wil meet'on Wedneèsday, June 17, 7 p.m. at A.E. Kings Memorial CmIe Kingsway oleeOsha wa. Cinontic fatigue suferestheir, farnilles and efedarýe welome.' For more information -call Rene. Leahày at 655-4398. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamj ýClub ivill mieet on'- Tuâsday,. un e, 10, ýý7 cafeteria, -first floor.- CoiIectors8 and visitiors are always welcome. Stamps, postcards and caver col- ,lections can be' exchangad, appraised, or sold at auction. For more information cail John" at 725-7962. SCHIZOPHRENIC ".The, support, %0%pFriends cf Schizophrenics Dur arn chap"ter, wiîl meet on WedesdayJ une 17, 7 teý 9 p.m., at St.. kark's Church Houa., 200 Byron St. S. Guest sjpeaker will ha Dr. Mar- garet Fothorgill, STEP unift director at Whitby Psychiatrie Hlospital. She will discuas ScUdzophrenia and the Farnuly.0 F'or more information cai 404. 13019 AFFORDABLE-HOUSING Ontario governinent affordable housing initiatives -will bha discussed at an upcoming meeting of a local, housing advocacy group. MPP Margaret;jHarringo, the NURSINGCIASS:, Tii. nursing ýclasacf 1942 at Ontario Hoapital (nowWitby Psyahatric Iopia)will holà their 5Oth, anmvýersary ý at the- hospital, building-30, on Thurs- dy, June 18, 2 'teo 4 p.m. Ail welcome to help oelebrate the WHIT

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