Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 6

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The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for, Whîtby resîdents! Pubilshed every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario lmc. at 131' Brock St. N., Whîtby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone .668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher MaunocePifher -EËditor Alexandma Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Reg istration #0535'l Proud to bé Canadian To the Editor: Ta the residents af Whitby: l's 10 p.m. and l've j ust Sad dawn, my feet are up, and 'm having a cup af coffee. You See, 1 have just arrived home from my brawnie pack's mother/daughter banquet. 1This year we decided ta invite the girls' fathers so that we could have mare of a fam ly evenlng. Athaugh we enjoyed hlavIng the dada with us, that Is flot why 1 arn writing this. This year aur themne was 'ap 125th Birthday, Canada,' complté with cake, streamers and balloans. T\ keep the girls accupied Whlle, es were clearing the tables, ,w. gave sach brawnlo a cut-out red maplo leaf with the words, "l'm praud ta bo a Canadian because 2which we asked thom ta fuI in. Whnen veryone was finishod, each brownie then read what she had written and then tapod her maplo leat on a large map af Canada. Let nme share with you some of the beaves that the girls read ta us: l'1m proud ta be a 'Canadien., because- "Lots of food and clean wat or.'» mi have a good school, coïtg, church andi friands àt brownies.' mi arn free ta do what 1 want and 1llike thernaple leaf. * 'Its a great countiy ta /aie children.ff 'W. ail unit. together ta, make a happy fanif.' 'Our laid is strong.p4d free.' 'W. have lots of sports.' *Mufticuftureis.' 'We vote.le '. 'lW. have' good arrnies ta protect us." 'I1 cen go whereever I want for a holiday. * 'I1 cari grow up with new friends.' ,t7hero la good medical care and good educat ion.' 'W. don't have wars.' 'We can worsh,), God.' '1 lice maeleIaf trees.' 'l arn'- fre. ta, have many friends.' 'People from a éil dffeèrent cul- tures con live together happily.' 'Canada là a beautiflcountry.' 'W. have wonderful People.' 'Freornm-to play, tospqeak.' 'If is (un to be able ta run around in the green grass&' ' Because of the beautiful land, fIa wersand the trees.' ' IW. have botter schools, lots Of apportunity for the future.' These are girls r"ning fram age 6 ta 9i. They know little of the froblems we as. Canadians are tacing -- economnic recession, GST, rising taxes, unemployment, the question of Canadian unity this lst could go on and on. AIl af those girls see a very bright future.for thomselvos and for their family, and alsa for their country whlch they calI home. I dan't thlnk there was an adult in that room who, for a few minutes, didn't forget ail of aur problema and feel very proud ta be Canadian. Let us aIl in this 125th year take a minute ta think of the great Canada af the past, p rosent and, most 0f aIl, future, and beas praud ai our country as these young girls are. After ail, -they, are aur future, and after* what 1 witnessed tonight, the future looks like a pretty great place. Happy 125th Birthday, Canada. >Jackle Niven <l2th. Whktby brownles Bamboozled To the Edltor: Re: 'Marchant sailors may get war bensite:.' Vstqrpns Affairs Minlter. My, , hwveopportune, and ýranka rght.up there wlth aur bebovsd .own Rene Sootens' cynlcsm wlt.,h his'; ' f Iag-waving abot,'he annlversary of '"Vimy, ,Rige'. ndan outright lie on TV >,.oni Feb.-8ý that ho voted for the GST -bill hw hehowas nat in the Comrmons for the vote. Rt seemas there are no lengths ta whlch aur elected ioderaI lap doge, will not go ta bamboozle the votera. Just thinkç about it - mare than 50 yeams ago, those courageous young guys were sitng duckis on the ocean whlle belng plcked off by -a pck of 'U-.boats,' and just cauetey didn't wear a pretty blue uniform, ln the eyes ai aur eloctod lap doge, the were not as 'brave' as unlformed guys. But now, an electlon la on the horizon and the- lap doge have ta start sniffilng around for a 'cause celebre! Aflar ail, the 'boss la sthlI wallowlng just above the 'prme rate' I n papularity and those In his own place of blrth are threatenlng to start lokJng after themsîlves. Sa, why nat rocognize the remalnlng group af 'nan-sallors -- a" give themn a few loonles. ht won't ost anywhere near what a promlsed day cars bill would have, and bosides, moat of themn have already got 'ans foot under. .How Ironie It la for aur elected membor to ridicule the aId vota In poor hsalIn Fairview Lodge a couple oi yeara ago, and nawhe moul of ofthe'Valour of Vimy:' Jlm MoLan Ajax I *The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters ta the editor on any subject of concem ta aur meaders. LettelEshould be brief and ta the point - rarèly mare tda 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by thie name, ad&ress anid toephone number of dmi writer; hawever, on mequest. y aur name may be ibiheld from publication ifwe agree that there is a valid meason. The paper resiVes -the -ri-reject or edt al letters. Send ta: The Editar, Whithy Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LIN 551, or drap through aur mail slat at 131 Brack St N. *By StephsnG0.Leahy A friend says that the roason ah. walks ta go shopping rather than drives, whenever passible, is ta save money. '1 save mo ney on gaU wear and tear on my car and I *dnt pollute the 'air. I only buy what 1 can carry -- that roaily saves me a lot af money., I also get a lot afI 'ree' exorcise, so I cancelled my membership ln my healh club and.saved *even mare.' I rocently hoard-af an individual, who has a large gardon that produces enough vogetables t ? ve. away ta ',nèlghbours, and ~riends.,,Ho said hi& secret was 'ail1 the first-class dirt ho, makes ln, his compost. heap. Apaet Mo hn fal raIls araund ho picks up bags of beaves people have set out for garbage pickup. These beaves, lie says, alan g with itchewsts mkri'ch, black sali -- botter even than the soul many people buy at gardon centres for dollars a kilo. Botter, and free.' Anothor Individual 'Who hasn't bought a new eloctrical appliance in aver 10 years. If one breaks, ho repaira iR or has it repaired. Whon the TV was finally rroparable, ho askecl fionds and iamily'rmembors if they had an aid TVthey weron't using anymoro. Failing that, garage sales have easily and cheaply suppliod his needs. Ho and his famiîy have nover had .ta do without modemn conveniences but thoy have spont a great doal Iess on thomn than most families, thousands of dollars less. These three oxamplos could easily b. oxpîained as, people who are 'boing green.' They are excellent, examples ai roducing, rocycling and rsusing. But they are also people who are saving themselves money and, over time,< a significattmounit ai maney. Just as imrportant is the fact that a ne is getting same needed exorcise, anothor the flavour and nutrition framn backyard voge- tables, and ths Iast, the stisfac- tion and skilîiln learning ta fix Conrar towhat many peoplo seern ta say, beng an 'environmentalist' or living a green Iffestyle can make us nat only heaiher but weaithier, and mast likely happior. T his way ai living is alsa botter for the local oeconamy, as mýore ai aur wealth would romain in the cocnmunity. For oxample, if 10 per cent ai ail aur shopping trips were dons an foot rather than by car, sales in downtown Whftby and Broaklin would soar. Mails wore created ta serve consumrera in their cars. If thons wers no cars, thero would bo ne mails. Yemaac, ail communities had their, own thriving" stores carnying ail 'ssontial items.1' 1 ft was only when car ownership bocame passible for- most people, combinod with botter roads., that mails wero croated. Local stores could net compote with those in mails because mail stores could' provide mare and cheaper gooda because ai the volume of business they genorated. .Just as important- is the fact that moat stores .in mails are part af chains or large corporations that can obtain goods from the Che t sordesanywhere in the * t '-h ar .,* estimate-, but probably.99-.por cent of alil goda,t uncluding food, does -net came from the land or the community In the 100 km surrounding aur local mail. But a amaîl local morchant la much mare ikèly ta stock a local producit than a largo Chain. As a resuft, local merchants will know a great deal more about the praduct because thoy likely ordered iR from, the persan who produced it. Even the manager at a supermarkot chain store will know virtually. nothing about how the produco was grown, or what the chickens wero ted, or how tho iish were caught. A. local merchant is much more likely ta respond ta aur wishos than a national or To the Edîtor: Response ta Joan Gaes' etter 'Where are aur priorities,'. (Free Press, May 20/91). We are* the parents af, three children. Our oldeat son, 15, is Iabelled deveiopment'ally, handi- capped. We congretulate the Ministry af Cummunitly and Social Services for closing the institutions where people like aur son have been warohoused for yeara, where familles wers given ne other alternative because adequate supports wers net. avallable ta them. Look around ln your community. Notice the children with-disabilitiea living with thoîr families, qalng ta school and participating in recreational pragrama., Thanks very much, but we do net want' anything the institutions afier for aur son; nether daes any other iarnily we knaw. Are you aware that only thre mufti-national corporation.* An: independont store MIl stock what you want, ..net what head office tolîs them ta. When w'e purchase local producta from local merchants we,ý support aur commu'nlty',and,.that' bonelits each one af./us., That la because ail the money ,stays here.,; h doesn't-go ta a Toronta arNew York head office. If Whitby la not, ta becme * J uüst a bedroom3 communityofroi ro, we muat' shop and Work hors as, weil àaslive here. 1ý . 1 1 *Flnally,- if aur anly -criterla in pý,urchaslng agnythlng la ,whato9Ver lsj the ,chodpest#,.We.-willl, ruln m-thla warld. ,Thee aealways péole' who will destrôy the envlranmoent,, cheat th'ose in the third worldwho' do the 'work, bribe "their wayý through enviranmental, and health,ý' regulations, do ýwhatever' It takes ta g ive us the cheap food and products we demand. T1his la one, reason ta shop locally so we can got answers about haw the thinga we want to buy were -made'. And, asking questIons about aur food la an -important_,'part ai staylng hoalthy. Being green roally means each one ai us, and aur communlty as weIl, gettlng heaithler and wealthier. Opinions oxpressed are those of the auf hor. per cent of ail people with deveoapmentai handicapa live in those places? .Because more and'mare oi us want aur ýchildren- with dsvelapmental handicapa living with us at home, families are actively promatlng'the MCSS prograrn, Speclal Services at Home, whene fundin can g directly ta th. family. Faies hfire the .worker oai-their choice, lndivldually suited ta their child'a needa.Nt only la this a major cost saving, the fibre ai famtly, neighbourhoo and community la As far as. Job aecurlty la concerned, If you are as caning as yCuSay you are, yau mwi certainly bhired by a family ta support- their chlld, in. their own home, whsre they belong. John and, Irons Phshpsý Oshawa ---aY--so--- Being. green means shopping Iocally To the ior. At home, where the y bel ong.

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