Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 2

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PAGE 2t WHIBY FMEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE &,1992 *M'mIIIU01 PEN ____ ____ _ tothe 'WAREHOUSE jMON:0PUBLIC MN FRI.10.OOO :00. SATUIDA .i 10:00 lu 6:00 New, ower Prices comploe 386 ,DX/33 Systom mncl: 105 Mb Hard -Drive $ 00 1. Mb Ram VGA Colo ur Monitor Hlgh Density'Floppy Dr. 101 Enhanced Keyboard Full Warranty and More... MS DOS 5A0 $59.00? 1501 HOPKINS Sr. WHIIBY MOUSE -, $29.0 (416) FAX 430-8081 430l-0l79.9 - w w w w w SB I~GKI urouum ~onumunuy rar~ I - Officiai Opening& Brooklin Spring Fair Pageant 7:30 p. - Hell Drivers 8:00 p.m. *Parade 10:30 a*.m.". * Crafl Showv & Sale -10:.00 a.m. * GT. réetylTd6kTeam 12:.DO Noon', *Baby Show 2â60 .m.' *Demolition Derby 8:0 p.m. *Truck& Tractor Pull 7:00 p.m. *Square Dancing 8:00 p.m. *Jack Russeil Dog Races 1 11,00 a.ni. * 'Hamess Horse Racçs 130 'p.m. *Fkldler & Stepban - Cômpetition 4:0 > Ce' J P~oi.~sr Days Ffllod Wkh ~NT~ RTA1NM~NT Ar~d Show& i ~N~~t..<I)L?4Nc~ v~r~n 1~n~ M~w~y ~ ~afl~n i - I T~n~ L~a~p~* $b~w~ Ai1~i Muoh. Mu~h: More~ Aduits $6.0 Students/Sniors $5.00 Chlldren under 12 - FREE 4 Day Pass $1 2.00 Cars $2.00 (G.S.T. lncluded) For Information calil723-M'0 I Town to buy another bus ASK ME ABOU M" r 1 ham Hus.ing, ilchuýrch plan outln ed By Mro Boucher: Thorawas littie ýooitlin from resi*denits on ;Mond o a prpsd housing development- andchu rch b~iga the north- west corner of Manning Rd. and Garden St. Jim FIahrt ad Christine Elliott have madea, reonin application for the construction ofafw single fanl esidential dwellina well as ar church at 780 Gardn St. At'*Monday's planning and development comrnittee meeting, planning consultant Kevin Tün- ney said there would ho only ne main building for the church at the ~ ~ 3 sotesone ftepo- thersty. onr ftepo eFlaherty and Elliott are asking for an institutional zoning for the church and residential designa- tion for the housing develop- ment. They have also requestedthat the area ho placed'in an'holding designation until ail the concerns >and, conditions by various -agen- cies have been satisflod.' Tunney said, the church itself mnay rotbe- buiît for another four or fivo years and there are no' immediate plans to, go ahead" with the housing development.,. ]Residents. at the meeting expressed somo concerns aboi4 the housig and churchproject, and- asked whether da, feld, Cres. would ho expanded te Gar- den St. and if parkin would bo- accessible to thoéhuc proporty fromn MayfieldOres. *Tunney. said' Flaherty and Elliott> want to- leave Matyfîeld Ores, as is. and not extend 'it to Gardon St., and there wiould bo no connectioný for -parkngR bet- woen Mayfield O res. ýanad the' churchproperty. , i ý Currently, thÉereis'a*two- storey, snefaniily dwelling on~ the proéperty..It has boon identi- lied by the Local Architectuiral Conservation. Advisory *Commhit- tee as'havinghistorical. and The surrounding area is, pro-« dominantly single, fanxily dwel- linge on Waywell St., Mayfield. Crées. and Limestono Ores. > ,Planning staff' will report back to the plaîning conittee on this appiStion at a later date. DURRIAM REGION'SAsscatomou rVoluntéer. Administration (formeirly,, the Volunteer :C- ornaMtors) bas a n'ew board of detr.Shéwià ,are ý(rear, fro.m eft) vice-president CarlnSih secrtary';Llndsay Drake-NVightungale (front) past- president, Rionny Kaas " ilrpresidentNa Eluarsona. Treamsrerarbara Weeue was absent.' -Married 70 yeara GORDON AND, RUBY LEGOOD of Whtly are oeebratng thefr '7th weddlik anniversaj ae thi moth;they mere married ou June 24, 12.I w as love at flrt sight, -- G rd n f ilo e .Rub home and they were married six weeks IlaterL Photo by Mak Reesor, WhItby 1e Prou. WELLER'S CUSTOM FURNITURE - REFINISIAING - 666-8214 1 u

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