Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 26

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C OMPUTERIlEILEC TRONICSý TECHNOLOGY BUSIN ESS APPUICATIONS:, BEDFORD' ACCëOUNTING LOTUS 1-2-3, D BASE, 'DOS,' WORD PROCESSINO HOSPITALITY TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS ,!DNTA CHAI~ :R±SI D j BUSINE .SISECRETARIAL BANKING SERVICÙS ACCOUNTINC LEGAL MIEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, -WORDPROCESSING * Fnanclal Assistance'MayN. A vaYlabie ASKABUT URNe T OUSE 2 Campuses Un Durham, OSHAWA. OSHAWA CENTRE. 1 (Shops up Top) 723-1 163 PICKERING >1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Fa=m Rd., 420-1344 AUTOCAD CQOURSE computer draftng). No. experlence required. la'8 hoiurs 1225...",Leam 1reai computersIilis. DOS included. Gaown Tooley, .* A.S.A.T., FM.A.A.T.O. .723-27t CORPORATION 0F THE * ......... TOWN 0F WHITBN-' DIRECTOR 0F MARKETING AND ECONOMNO DEVELOPMENT mbnor=ato of the Tomn Of Wh ty rogressive and fast growing comuniy, eceires applicantsftls senior executive positioni. Responsibie ta the Achuunlstratorthue successful applicant wil have slgnificant experience le economnio development and."h capability ta deel an economie develpment.stranad action plan ta ensure commercLial -aid ledustrial assessment growth aid employment You- will also provide a key leadership raIe le supplyinq econombo and, business information, liaison aid advloe to prospective aid exdlting businesses/lndusb trls aencoure . faclitateandevnnmdite Investment, expansion andlor location of deséed business develo 'et.A Sound lcnobegeof financial institutions aid investments Is eaiorequired. You wiil have well developed communication akilis coupied with the expertise essential for.thue preparation of wntten reportsanad verbal crmsentations, and ta deal effectively with the public, gavemment us mssad industiy on ail related issues and econorio ricios. This position aiso hIghrights the need for sti'ong leterpersonal skills. A recognized degree in Business, Economics. Planning, or equivaient oe preferred. If you have five (5) ta seven 7)yam of progessive management expenence with a praven rcoa leaders ip in economnic and business deveIopment this position wil ho of iterest ta you. Salary subject tIosMille, abilty'aid qualifications. Please fowani a detailed resumeè under confidentià! caver Inclcating education.,expelece, references, et., no later than Wednesday, June 19, 1992.1 PERSONNEL DEPARTMEI4T THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN2M5 E- KUWAUT SAUDI- WORKERS needed. u35 &àup, per hour. Tex free. Bath skllled & unskllled. For- Inf, oeil 615-779-5505, ext. K384. EARN MONEY readlng booksl $30,000/year Incarne potentIel. D~tfls(1)805-96-8000, ext. CY-335. YOU CAN EARN up ta $627 per woék assmbling produots et home. Amazing a4- hour recorded mesae reveals detei ls.il now, 705-739-7184, ext. 24. WHOLESALE ONLYdealers!Ip for big steel company. Englneered, manufactured, aidpacagdfor dealer. Delivery tasie.Na inventory inestment. Meke money on bath sales & iconst., edd. ta present business. Must, quaiify for. opening. (303) 759-3200,. ext. 2003.. ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE Studio le' now* offering A BALLRIOOM DANCE TEAO MER S' PROGRAM.' Enroil now. Oel Arthur' Murray Dance Studio (a recognized educatioaeIinstitution). <.0 OSHAWA 0- QDRIVINO SCHOOL 9shwa . 728-0091 Fuit Drivers EducatMon Courses COMMENCING JUNE I3TH Saturday 4 wk course JUNE 22N D Mon. - Thurs. 4 day course, PRIVATELESSONS. REGISTEAED & APPROVED BY THÉ ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE We dlivr fyer SHAKLEE An~~~ Ingn ~fui'fr people *Eam extraIncome rmonth, *Detemiine Work cedule *Start parttirne *Eam excellent beéefit 433,4067 PRODUCTSIMNHARMONY WITH NATURE& PEOPLE, CLEANING - RESIDENTIAL, commercial, offices, Short term& long torni. 404-8657. EXPERIENCED',>,houswcleaner avallable ta dlean your home or small office. Oost: $lolhour. Oai 666-6888, or leave message. CUSTOM DESIGN aid. dres- rnaklng. Weddlng and. evening g ownbridesmalds 4 grad%, sute, et.RenoVation and alâteration. Garments misa made from a picture. 723-3259. HAVE YOU TRIED the rest? Now cail the, best Iln.-fumture 'strippln g end réfinishing.Antiques, êe.- ilaunton Rd. W. 668-6897. NEW -COMPLUR &TRAIING :PQckage. -286 with 1,hard, drive,- càour VGA mnonitor, plus 30 hou'rs ,o pieaesons ln. LotusiWPs.1 and DOS fori$999. Oeil 668-7755. LER& EARN- 8 hours af WP5.1,,Lotus, DOS ith a privete inatructr-for. $99% plus mfanuel, 4' hours ai . ýfr9e'prectlce tîUnie and certiflàict. el>68-7755. EXPERIENCED, TUTORING for high, school1 math & sciences b 3rd yeer pre-med student Reasonable rates. Oelil Dean, 430-1215, HANDYMAN, SERVICES - Clean yadbasements cut trees. PahUg m d" né9~ Tdm 576-7503 PAINTERS PLUS - Seirvlce and q aiyare not a cidn.For Gleri, 404-1224. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERB!Y'.,; Re-upholstery of antiques. ~l kinds of recoverlnçj. Your, febric -or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 yeers experience. 430-7568, Whitby. Md&N-TERPRZES .- Commercial and ResWidnial %dng" dean-u ..p -llsi We also o tree rqmoval, rlght, repairs,, renovetions -& bantlrralservice&s. 'Fully lnsure. iscounts for seniors. 427-8752, AIjax. QRANDMA'S COMPANY. Green clearis <na chemicals). Homles aid offices. We aller emother-in-law dlem' (ready for Inspecloi). -Al empboyeesý are polle-ÜSecrty checked, ,bonded 1& 'lnsured. Member oai.Whtby Ohamiber.,aio Commerce. 725-9177. (24- hour answering). Do YOU NEED DAY CARE for SEMABLE DAY- CARE'in my war achool, child, thli summer? home, Brookwoad are&. Lunches, Mm has- large fenced yard er snacks. Fene yadacvies park. Meals,- snacks, activities.. walk ta playgrounids id echools. 40VBrock. 666-0942.' Recelp. 66-9382. * QUAUTYm CARING day ,«care offered by ïmother and ex-teacher ln non-smoking enviranment., Full or part-tlme. .R=ece8ipta '&refe- ýencéepovided. Fellingbroiok area. 666-32218.- TAEADVANTAGE ai aur 98 per perd cverage ai Whitby when buying' or seliing your warce. Witby Free Piess. 668-0594. I f - L JOB OPPORTU1NITYý MUSUC' FOR, YOUNG CHILDREN» Do you'enjoy yourig children? Do you have, a musical background? MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN <M.Y.C.) couldale the job for you. Music leachers are needed le your ommunfty wth Grade 8 Piano and Grade If you are iereabed ln Ieachiri Iis program on a part-limeorfi-iebs please oeil Barb Greer collect. .705-292-996 Or 705-292-5388 for detailsoa upcoming trlnng session. Specialîzing in Early Childhood Education. For Peaoe of Mind.ý Perry Huse Day Care Centre Ltd. 129ý Peýrry St., Wlty668-9476' \à-

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