Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEMI'YFRPM PIRESSWEDNSDAY, MAY 13,19Un rookhn e: Phone68-6111 dates ý.are scheduled. Reg etratoiforthe' Jüne 6- bab show at the Brooklin, SprngFP air will b. held on, May 30,Junie1 and- 3. heewfll b. no'registration on the. day of the, show. Registration'coot> le $4. Itegistration on the three dates. is at Brookliin United Church. ' Registration on Saturday, May. 30 and Monday une -1 je from2 to 5 p.m. egistration on Wed- nesdayJýune 3 is from 7 toa9 Age',groupeao tebysan girls classesare: n on'.four monithe; four to-elght monthie' eight to, 12 monthe;* 12 'ta 16 monthe;,16 ta 24 montihi. Homecraft registration upcoming1! Entry forme for theý homecraft ,be takén Sïturday, May 3 competition at the Brooklin Monday June 1 2toS .m t Spring Pair cen b. obtained at BrooklmhUità«thurch.ý Whitby PublieIàbrary branches ,Anyonewho;can help utwt (main library, Rossland Bd. aüd, the dlUsplayV of enïtriesýon Thurs- Brooklin). ýday, Juine 480a.m.ta4 p. Entries', will. b. acceptedIb cen call:PareenýJackson >at mail until May 27, nre iÇ65449 ROBERT. COX (centre), son Robert Jr. Cames Joy, who's, won, four of 'her Is (left) and trainer Robert.MNi with fie rcs Photo by Mark Roe.r, W1tby Ir". Pr. .,-Cam is a 'Jo'for ,owner, By Mark Reesor, Nobody wee tooimpresd with -Camd'Joy whenBob Cox of ashbi4npickçd her up at a standard-bred znxe sl uetovr ayear l7gendazyCam Pelle, Coi bought her for juet The. hors. world. is, more than a little imprese ithCm's Joy now though - Iles on four of her lest five races ini Barrie, and j entered in the Seagram's VO Pacing Series. Tramer . Robert McNeil isn't sure ,what she's worth now.ý It'a bard it ay' ybeca use she's g.tting botter." But h. notes e.c'an beat borfssM the $15000, to $20,000..range, «and. she sjuet startingiito learn.»-àb ' Coi says he boubtCam' Joy -as vbrod mare' but whenlthe ýfoal weel four or five ýmoniiJôld they, weaned it and took -the:, unusual step* of puttin ber back ilu traiing. «Ten we!eke lat er we had her backAtheii racetrack. «5Sh. shlpwed speed right.o ý,ýy "bu e. bd ung'mucus. Ittook us -a while tq,.clear that U, but now. ebe' t;ar tin t Mt1l&eil hah hi h'opes.'for anotherofC.ox' horesLaw , owesired by Abercrmbie, a leading U.S. hors.- -I Ljawni won twice e't; Greeniwood at the beginning of the. yeare-beforecoming down> with lung mucus and allergies - McNeilý says he's acoming eround now, tbough.» Cox, 77, hebeen involveéd'with horse racig for 12- years, and, is an iihonourary member of "th 'e Canadien Trotting Associa-.. tion. Megot into. the sport, after hie witb's nepheWi «talked' me imta' buying my fret It's now a hobby keenly enjoyedtby Cox and bis -oldeet son». «I i je what kees hie life' going,~ says Robert junior. Agoffice opeu-house May 25: Logservice, recognition MEAN STACHOW (left) and Helen Duff received 1f. mebership pins for their 1many.yersOf service to the United Church Women of Canada, at a ceremonY at Myrtie United Church onMbay 3. Photo by Peter Tombll%, Whitby Fr. Pr.m The uesdy dp- prograin at the. Brokn Community Centre wiIl continue until the. end of Mfay. Seniore -are welcome at the contre between 1:30 and 4 pafor carpet,' bowling and shuflboad. For more T he DunraRegion' (Port Periy) office ofif the Ontario' Ministiyof Agriculture & Food. will clebrate an official opening and open house on Monday, May 25 atl10am. The. new - facilities at 60 VanEdward Dr., on tbe eouth side of Port Perry, will provide improved accese - ta cliente in Durbam Region. Elmer Buchanan, Minister of, Agriculture and Food, will, b. on, band taoffcalyopen tenew The. ministry office lias provided ,services ta the- agricultural industry in- the reon since .-:1908. ,Services include 'farm '.finencial manage- ment, credit counsellng, business analysis , crop'and livestock management, .pest management, leaderehip training, 4-H progams, plant product inse- tion sud dmeat insectio. I4 Golf instruction ýoff.ered The Optimiet Club of Brooklin la once again offering' an inetructional golf pr *rm The epgrmwl run for five consecutive 9atturdays, May 23 until'June 20. Lessons wlll b. for one hour,, at 1:30 or 3 pm. The prograra offers -etudents age 9 to 17 an opportunity ta b. taught by a, pro. This ie the second such program organized by the club. "Thisepragram -allowe an toraent that llË .Grant MiDeonà. The pnrogarnleat,'J God&Clubjust west d -Pgisattion is $20'- instrtion y 1a failties and a custoe club.. Rgetration foi avalale iý lfrom Brook] Signe, 76 Baldwin St. For ',orcminfoematio b.e beld on addition, the -Durham -office 1rovdes. information on govern. ment programs affecting farmere. >For more'informaiton, contact John -Pinlay, agriculftural repre- sentative, Durham, BeRgion, .at 416-985>2003 or 1-800-63-8023. neii Optimiet Club of Brokln la onme agai»n -Cffiri4igan instructionl tnnsprogram,- b.ginning May,14. The prorm - will ,runevy Thureday e.vening, for, fivé weeke et'prsmicient Brki"n Memoral Arena Park, ['1hunderbird w piisEonaI l ietructîion 16vn u ne group from 6:30 ta 70P.m. and a second group r etudent. from 7:30,ta 8:30 p.m. à include -1g ',jeavilbl>t ro, any ndividua aged 9 ta 15 n-szgolf teda fv ek f instrution. There ie no les for the prcgram. rmBuaet Applications are available L. Brookhin. 76 ifldwin St., Brooklin. For M4, contact mSd-ifoemation -cotac Gb»t Photocopies, Fax Service Custom Labels & Decats Wedding Invitations Business Cards, Compete Sign Product[on BROOKLIN BULLETIN 76 Baldwin Street, Brooklln Fax 655-3715 Cali655-4434

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