-PAGE 28.èW PUÉE PUS.'V'gDN90SAYAPR1V22;1992 CERAMIC TIUING - free esti- NICE, QUIET -MOTEL rooms for 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTr COUNTRY UIVING, Brookîin WHITBY " Junior Executive, 60 ft. mates. Over 25 years expenonce. rent near Brooklin. $175 weekly. avallable June 1, downtown area - 2'bedroom basement apait- lot. Three & 1 bedrooms, Ilnground Qualty workmanshl. Recesslon CaIl 655-5308. Whtby, $598fmonth. Includes ment. Clean,1 separate entrance, 2 poolq central air,, main floor famlly rates. Cail Paul at 57f6340. ___________ hydro, heat & water, fridge& car parking. $625/month, hydro & roomn w/flreplace.. Close 'to stoVe, 1 parking 9pac Also h eat lncluded. 655-3004. shopping, sohool & 401. Immediate BASMEN ROM ~garage Is availabe or additoa possessFo. $1900. Ci WEEMN SEVIE ONSAI aror rent432-8925ionl n..$NO7AGENT. C WE-SRVIE &INSai gas-ird Furihd private washroom. use charge. For Information, please cali 3-95 OAET. condiîtionîn9 ý urrail..,On twn f -ej 728-9679. BROO KUN - BEAUTIFUL. dlean îurnaces. No goug ng. measonable rates. Cali 4309t PAINTERS PLUS - Service and quaiity are. not an accident. For 10%o ff and no GST, cail BiII or Geri, 404-1224. GUARANTEED SERVICE on mowers, blowers, tractors, outboards, snowmobiles & saws. 21 y9ars . sanrie location. Pickering marine, 837-0653. WO RD PROCESSING *WordPerfect * ulimteAdvantage *Léotus 1-2-8 Secretary on holidays or maternity leave? Work piling up? Call Penny for reasonable rates & fait turnaround, including free pick-up & delivery to ail businesses. -Business Reports * Mailng lists * Labels PNY668-5230 Clean, éomfortable and quet. 668-8343. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS available for rent by mature individuals. Asklng $389 a month which includes heat, hydro, cable and laundry facilities. Phone 666-5288. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? Il you had advertlsed here, 1,000 e keyou would be readîng this now. 668-111 RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.mn. FOR RIENT OR LEASE - 1,500 s. rft., il, ft. c e111ng, rive-in 10 ft. doo. ail43-8378. W HITBY & BASEMENT Appliances, laundry, parking, pool. Wai to downtown. Quiet area. $525. 985-8503. BRIGHT, SPACIQUS 3-bedroom Centrai Whitby. Wall-to-wall car- pet, dishwasher, covered parking. $870. Available June 1. 668-4643. MARY/ADELAI DE, OSHAWA - Brlght, one-bedroom studio ap t., clean, quiet, triplex. Close to Gm and 'Oshawa Generai Hospital. Everything includied. Suit working single. Avallable Apnil 25. $525. First &last. 721-0919. COZY & CLEAN 1-bedroom basement apartment on quiet street. Fully broadloomed, separ- ate entrance. $525 unfurnished, $575 furnlshed, utilities & cable included. 666-2092. Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CAIL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. LANDSCAPING ~" -by r-u o.. EUNIVERSITY WERKS ..î~4$ RRsFnoel98O- *B&D Fencinigt - Professonal Design - t £fl i'!kP É - Interlocking Brick Drives, Patios, WalksÀ Retaining WaIls e Work Guaranteed 'Wood FenCing - Wood Docks 7f7Y J1 Grenes Froe Gompelive Est/mates * *PostSe - 666-9690 LAwnerU1Ts NG * rFences starting et ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIlIrResidential our specielty* $13 per foot *Seniors' discounts - * *lnsured* PHONE 668-7951 * Free estimates* Toll-free pager 1-416-559-6703ê * ~ ** ~571-5814 Surowdyozsf in 1(*/0-Dicoun elgance - décorate ngleayum with a différence! onsrn sl&anfl- Choose:. o w iùûtourshawroonw jaÊi108 Brock SS, Whin: large 1-bedroom apartment. Frldge, stove,, parking. Close to ail amenities. Hydro extra. Avallable nom. $525. 655-4544 days or 655-8989 evenlngs. WHITBY TOWNHOUSE for rent. 3 bedroom, f ireplace, famlly room. Many extras. Available J une «L $950/month, plus utilities. Calil 436-2839. CENTURY HOME - unique Anne of Green Gables style.Detached garage, fully fenced yard.* Quiet, one-way street, close to Oshawa Generel Hospitai. Pets allowed. $995, f irst & last, plus utilities. Caei 721-0919. GEORGIAN BAY - 3-bedroom Vlceroy. Sandy beach, near Wasaga Beach & Midland, tennis. May be vlewed on video. 434-6631. CROSS CANADA'MARKE TPLAC Ir'S'FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL. VACATIONfTRAVEL, CANAL CnUiSES: fus duys aboard KAWARTNA VOYAGEUR. scetrar Trtv-Sevemr Walorway or Rideau Canai; privais stsie- rooron. meais, Ie brochue; cr80é Capfaln Marc. Bau 6. .19e. 13V 6H9: <705) 321S767. WINNIPEG WEEKEND gofawsy. 849/nighl, 2 adulis, fres continental, parbiog. clidren n/c. Indoor, pool. restaurant. foungo. Closo-shopping, anmna, shrporf. Aktioor Inn. 1740 Ellice. 1-.800-665-8813. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LiKE f0 correspond cgr, unailachod Chrisflan penpie across Canada: ai deonWulione. 0aitnailonaINles, for cvmpanronstr9s or maiiago? Auligrove. P.O. Bau 205. Chase, B.C., VOE IfMO. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERrIES 10 BE SOLO for unpuld taues. Crocn Landt avaitability.FrtInonnallon on bolfi ciii: Propeflles, Depi. CN, Box W380. Stn Otawa, 2C 3.11 MORTGAGES FAST MOTAGE MO0NEY Ave/aGio tfor Homeoocorst Pay Bills. Credil Curits' Examople:Botrow Sf0,000. Repay $100 Montlrlyt Nu quahIyinghassios. Calitniranslcon FrnanclToi- Ireso1-800-268-1429. STEEL BUILDINGS DEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StrUacal Type.- not quonsef - 3Wa4 S7344; 41iu72 $10,276; 50M60 S5.882; 601tf26 $22.972 - o11cr o/zou avaitabie -Spitng Cloaroance - Paragon - 24 i/ours BUILDINGS - *ONE PHIONE CALS. CAJ4 GIVE YOU s toc cosl erection. by direct toleplione oritor froro Onfaria Maolacturor...28 x30 Valuo $3,700. Noc $2964, 40x50 Vakue $6.800. i/oc SS.593. Giler silos avalfabie 1-600668-5422. Pioneer tivif In Steel Builngs ince f980. StFoNG 'SELLEBRATION« or, Buldiga unim Future Steel. No gimmo:fls. jusi so0it value for your money, Cah tokfré 11-600- 668-86S3. StAN TECII STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Comoplote pro. engineered AI/Sîqo sand WoodItSioot buildings. CSA & CWB cAndied. Soit etecîrd citlh corrlractng avaitable. Cas f oday for Ites brochures. 1 -890561.2200. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PRorr FROM Tf/EARECESSION? EvOry foc years às rfroy diltereot opporlurty comoes along rom ANYTHINO flou flave 00cr sOOr,. Mirnium tnvosimnt 5S499. Cal Todayl <Sf9) 944- 6000. MAltE SSS UFIVEWAY oealing units for sprayiog ,spflsit. Infeitocbing brick, acrylc sealors, foundatlon coatings. LIno paiviers, biocers. fleatit tlanks. Commercial tacrsprsy equçrir. Irrtion. ,(416)3723902. EXTRA INCOME' Grow bahwonna ln your basemerd or gara"o. Orlofless operalion. Loor Inveafroorl. Markot guatrnleed! Froi, iturroalon. Eaity Bird Ecology. R Raf. Srultwi. Ontario. LORI 2A0 (416>6434252. A RlARE, LUCRATIVE MLM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY In Alverfriig Space Sales lof an Crponiunfty Seoflers Magazinte. Prormol your busmness and moite ronery doig sol (416) 637- 804 @nt. 36. INIDSEED OfSTRIi8UTOflS WANTED: oerrlrgs avaflable for namoons clh storago for *BIRDS CHOICE* bliritao. Snocledgeo0f birds. ostabîleit cortascts anseso". Excelletr ofrpofuriy, Exoeliert prorootu. Cal 1-800-563-7333. SNAP ON TOOLS ami seefihia arritiobus people db o utit Oh. ta became Toi Deaters. Sales expérience aitdtîtanciat Invimort sla fquit. Ed Whlff on (519) 6SS-6690 Lonadon. CAREER TRAINING ý LEAF1N AUCTIONEERING ai the soufhwosiem Ontaio Sdiooi 0f Auclioneorhig. Neuf clans: JuIy 111.7. Infonnallon, corgact: southweutem ont"aloSchoot nf AutoneerinR.R.05, WoodsfocýK Orgalo. NOS 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EARN A SECOND INCOMEI Income Tex or Bookkfeeplng courses by correspondance. Pro. brochures. Na obligation. U il R Tex ServIces, 1345 Pombina ligfray, Winnipeg. Manitoba A37 2B6. 1.800-665-5144. MISCELLANEOUS MUSICAL VALUES - Omr44rords $279; Buffon Accordians, 1 row Sf149, 2 roc $259$1.550, 3 row S569-$2.135; Mandolirus '41854859; Banjos $23941,299: Dukimorsm $8941I50; Sf uderd Viol ir,î $9.S485; Prolessionat Violins $645.$6,100: floland RD300 Preowned Digital Piano $1.49S; Korg 88 Noie Digitl Piano $1,995; 6 Pace Onium $399. Casio 61,Noie Keyboard $349. Wuaer Console Organ $5,995; Large Sefecilon Guif ais & AMpliiers. Hildebrandt Masic, Sfteinbaach, (204) 326-f1395. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE G3overraneaizedfsurpkis vehflces. U.S. and Canadian lac as $100. BMW9. Caitiltans, Cheo. Foids. Mercedes, Porsches, ftnicktsvers. Ainazkag 24.1w recorited message remias defaisu 4f8-69&-3307. ARTS AND CRAFTS COURSES Thé Hatibuflon Sct»W etolFie Arts. oferirrg f80 Art s andit Cmos couroses during sammer 1992. For intarmetionibrocflure: S.S.F.C. Box 839. Hafituflon. Ontario KOM f SO (705) 457-f1680. CAMPGROUNDS Acerd WIrs*rg CAMPGROLIND Open Noor. Fealuring Initoor Pool. Hot Tubs. Sauna. Only 3 mles fa Falls. Niagara Falls KOA. 8625 Lurs8ys Lame <416) 356-CAMP. (416) 354-6472. COMING EVENTS CRUISE CANADAS CALMt-WATER RIVERS onboarit eiegarit uvemtigN treplica steandsoais. Romaraic dites,1000 Island$, International aenayll/ocks,-cale.caching ait fjords. $629.001,Dla-brochure 1-80-267-7868. HELP WANTED Mature & soderit summer fhlp for Cflaleau Woodiand Resori I Habbuflon. Cook. kichen. calling, bar, housebeeping. office, o401f recreallon. Accoro. Avalabi.. Srif e: 1 Sulgrave Cros., W6locd"a M&185. FOR SALE STAINED GLASS SUPPLIES by mal ogiter. Iruiructionai videos andt f84 page catalogue available. Write or oeil: Thé Glass Place. Bux 18. Lancaster, Onfario KOC INO Tel: 1-000.-363- 7855. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CANACIAN MADE recrealionai trernysolnes. lO-yoar wuraty, FIhs ln performance. safefir and durablity. eay facfory direct anditaitohunlasso f dollars. Phone (306) 931-800f. SALES HELP WANTED SINCE 1970 cors beon Canadas 0f1aoay whoiesajer. We ,ooii 2 reps Io service «Osfs8oed rotai t aores in your ares. Eam S900-S110DOetitky. comnmission. (416) 756-2158 or i416) 756-3174. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS. LOANS & assistance prograros <Federaf & Provicial for your nec or oaletlng imail business. iriormetion (5f4) 937-2422 ort. 98. ARTICLES FOR SALE Tobacco.- Gmoper ocn. For lais tharn coat ci on@ th. procluca over à hunayd. For klormafkmn sertitSA 5..Io C.W.Vdalson R.R. #3. PoriSyol. CM. LOA f KO. Y our ad couîd appear ln communîty nowspapers ln Ontario, or rght across Canada, jor any ndviduel province. Space le Umited, so Call This Newspap.r Todayî BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a soîder market, adveflse throcghoudt1he regîional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community NewspaperAssociations Central Ontario 55 nowopapers - $160 for 25 words - Att Ontario 171 necrapaperu - $350(0f5oro9i;;rds AtCnada 572 newaprs r- $974 for 25 words For further Information please cali the Whîtby Free Press Casîfeds - 668-0594. - I With Y=u s5upport, canbe Hi AN beaten.L±JaEl Please give. Hand Crafted Porcelain Dolis, Classes, Green Ware and Doîl Supplies at... The Doil Shoppe 1621 McEwCn Dr., Whiflby 723-6377 BPersonal & Business Income Tax _____________ Financial 1300KWORKS S tmet 666-2760 TC4 CUSTOM DRAPERIES made by an interior designer workeing from home at affordable prices. Large seection of fabrics & wall coverings, or wiIl use dlient's own fabric. Free consultation and many references provided. Cail Brian at 430-8407 1 ma@