Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Apr 1992, p. 1

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- -- J J***'r ~., .' - Fight for Town watrogoo0M By Mark Reexor Four Garden'St. residents aregoing to the Ontarie Municipal- Board - i their continuing battle to get fT>wnvwater.' They've ffled an objection to the » construction of a plaza4,* on'.thei- northwest -corner of. Rossland and Garden, streets,4 by Graywood Devlopments.- Graywood manager of developrnent Steve Gutfreund says is company i. reviewing the letter but haan't decded what actionto, take. "I find it a littie puzzling because the objection is lodged against land where no activity bas occurred... we havent even put a shovel li the ground yet and they'e saying that w. are the. cause of ail of their ýprobleins that theye experienced li the Ist few yeMr." Gutfreund saLys targetingGraywood now tocan only indicate that they want smm satisfaction and smo we're the only ones around, they're going to try to look tous to get it... OThey want somnebody to pay the. wbole. shot and they're lolng te my company to pay the whole shot; I dWnt think tbals appropriate." Gutfreund says Graywood was planning te, proceed with construction im'mediately upon getting ail the approvals.. 'fThis has obviously tbrown our plans i jeopardy," he says. The. well, problems started back li 1984, says resident Maigaret McKnight, wben construction was begun on subidivisions in the are. "Over tho. years they've just gone througii and disrupted our wells. We've complained about it, and appeailed te the Town, but they neyer listened te us. I'They always said if anytiiing bappens, we'll help yeu -- they neyer even tried." McKnxght, says she and three neighbours are the only four people left on shallow wells li the midst of "ahl this construction... 'There's over 50 houses that bave'been supplied ,with water through th~e well interference plan; we're the only four that they will- not help. .McKnight says the. Region verbally offerýedto ban the. residents the money te hock thern up te Town water if they paid interest -and the. cost, of extending the.-watermains te their own property. McKnight says tiiey turned down the. offer because nearby residents got free water hookc-up from the Town li 1988. >"They paid .verything, including a thousand dollars inside plumbing te ail those houses up' on Clear S Prinsad Hfllcourt." Durham«manager of development approvals, Clifford Curtis, says the. Region offered te lend thie residents meney te, cover the- frontage charges, "whicii SEE PAGE 3 birthda INSID ALA CONNER adds her naine to tinder age 18 is asked to sign - those the hundredsalaready on a special who miss out can sigu the flag at the Canadian flag being taken around to Canada 125 oelebration this Sunday at every ochool in Whitby. Every student Iroquois Park. Photo by Mark Eoesor, Whltby Fr.. Prý .9M Emme__________________ M K -m- ..«z By Marlo Boucher The provincial'gov.rnment believes the. tirne bas corne toupdate tthe Ontario Labour Relations Act'(OLRA) te reflect of changes li the. woekplace and econorny. Tii. Act hms not been reformed li over 15 years, says Sharon Mur<Iock, parliamentarzy asistant te Minister cf Labor-Bob Mackenzie. Siie was In Whitby last week te discuss proposed reforms of the Act. The, Act provides the. guidelines between employer. and unions formost cf tiie private industzy and parts of the public sector. Murdockaid thei. eistng Act focuses primarily on mal. workers and denies acces. te collective bargaining for many ernployees sucii as women, part-timers and minority groups, particularly in the. growing service sector. 'We now have 47 per cent more wornen in the workforoe, a higii number of part-time work.rs, immigrant workers predominantly found i anufacturing, and a lot cf home workers wiio arenWt able te organize," she said. Tiie government hopes tiie changes i the. Act will create a cimt. c f bettor cooperation b.tween management and' unions instead of dificult relations, tbat mako collective bargaining more dif ficuit, she says. The. reforma propose te: * increase co-operation between employfes and employer. wiien a workplaoe i. undergoing major change;, * improve tiie settlement of grievances between urnons and management;. S *provide increased protection for employees wbo are negotiating their first contract; * giv employees wiio are now barred from organizngthe rigiit te form unions,, and remove from the Act a number of obstacles whicii hamper employees' ability teor ganize;"ý * limit the use of replacement workers during a strike or lockout. Murdock says the. reforms are "net sometbing we've plucked eut of thin air" because .very proposai eiste in federal or provincial laws. The gevernment believes the reforms wil neticrease the. number of strikes, and are designed te eéliminate the *causes of mn strikes and . other disputes beten management and union, she says. lI the. future, the. adversarial nature SEE PAGE 3 By Mark Reesor ,-, Final preperations are under- way for the. big-Proud te b. Canadian basii tus Sunday at lh~e Peace Tower flag arrives' at 1- p.m. witii entourages of runners and ciiildren té tiie strains of 0 Canada 4y the Wiiitby Brass Band and youth ciioirs from St. Marks United Church and Ail Saints Anîglcan Ciiurch. Following speehes and cere- ohes, Ii.rnbegins. Para- ciiutists will drop from the. sky at 1:30 p.m., and tiiere will b. iiot air balloon rides, the. County Town Sigers, faznily entertain- ment by Bryan Wilhston, Scott Ritchi., Billy Brando and Mere- dith Cutting, comedians, a dunk tank, a petting o whuge caes (4 -feet gby é feetand weigiiing -approxirnately -250' roundsiah)doat.d byM cà Poo Mrt ..thelit geson. Hot doge,. hamburgers and otiier refr.siments will be avail-ý able, as will Proud te b. Cana- dian t-shirts and pins. Tii.' entire' event is b.in organized by tiie Whitby and Brooklin Kinsmen Clubs. Cris Douglas of tii. Brooklin club says. he's praying for good weatiier. "Please get on your knees every niçiit for it" - but a little rain won t stop tiiings.. Douglas says tiiey'l just move everyting inside on. of the arenas. Walk-a-thon to raise money for Fi rst Class funÏd Tii. fourtii annual Wiiitby General Hospital 'Walk-a-thon'l will be.hield on Sunday, May 3. Participation in tiie walk-a- thi-iopen to'everyone.Pl e sheets are available from the hospialrecepton tus ear' event is 10 arn. Tiie walk-a-thon wiil bpghl* ggdljqnd gt thejhüspi«' I. i 'M

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