PAGE 28, WHITYFRPM PRESSWEDNEAY, APRI l 5,1992 PICKERING SPACIOUS 3-BEDROOM APARTMVENTS e 4appliances *Close ta GO transit, Pickering Town Centre, HWilway 401 *Immelate occupancy FROM $825 PER MONTH Cali 420-3139, or visit rentaV/model office at 1480 Pickering Parkway, #306 Undernewmanagement BROOKLIN - BEAUTIFUL, clean large 1-bedroom apartment. Frldgs, stave, p arking. Close ta ail amenities. Hydro extra. Avallable now. $525. 655-4544 days. or 655-8989 evenlngs. SHARED ACCOMMODATION - Persan ta share 3 bedraom, flnished basement. Ajax, close ta ail emenities. Centrai air. 428-3588. CENTURY HOME - unique Anne of Green Gbls t-y le.Detached garage, fully fenced ad Qit one-way Street, close ta Oshawa General Hospial. Pets aliowed. $995, f irat &lest, plus utilities. Cali 721-0919. TOWNHOUSE - ans year old. End unit. 3 bedrooma, 5 appl- ances, air.' conditionlnq arage. Pets OK. Gardener. Available June 1f92. $%,060 monthly. Whitby <416) 430-8931. Rassland/Brack area. NEED A CAR? BANKRUPT? Credit problems? Lease ta own. Eaw ow aymets.Modela up ta ÃŽÃ89.725198 o 66-3775. 1984 MAZDA B2000 TRUCK parts: Doors $60 ea.. 5-speed transmission $60, elternatar $50, front grill $25. 281-9379. 1978 BUICK ELECTRA LTD. Air, cruise PIS, PIS, P/W, Pl ssats, gooJ rubber. Fair condition. $%,395, certfi ed. Cal 723-5852. INad oacor- CWRepoblems? *W hmave tom es(w mpo)s * Lmas. own wy luior mode LIASEGUIDE AUTOLEASIN WHITBY - Junior Executive, 60 ft. lot. Three & 1 bedrooms, ingraund pool, central air, main floor family room w/flreplace.> Close to shopping, schooIl & 401. Immediate possesin $179,000. Cal 432-8925. NO AGENTS. BLACK CREEK TRAIL AREA COURTICIE $243,900. Brightl Attractive! 2625 sq. ft. 4-bedroomn home, quiet crescent, well cared property, close to schools, shopping. Spacious greenhouse kitchen, walkouts. 'Many upg rades. For appolntment caîl 432-7241. [ I cJflL5 GEORGIAN BAY, - 3-bedroom Vlceray. Sandy 'beach, er Wasaga Beach & Midland, tennis. May be vlswed on vîdea. 434-6631. MORTGAGES AND LOANS for any pu7rass. Qikaproval. Al ifancial Ltd. 571-2880. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your bank. says- *NO." Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMVENTS. 1981 FORD BRONCO, .6 Clnestandard,- 3 speed wh O.3uUniroyal tires wth chrome rims. $2,300. 1979 Honda 750 motorcycle - needs cosmetic work. Asking $300. Phono 430-7450. 1980 FORD VAN, 6' cylinder, eutomatc, short * box, flnished Inside. $1,000, as la. 433-0332. 1980 BUICK CENTURY wagon - PS, PB. $500 ob.o. 430-6905. 1981 MONTE CARLO 350-, auto# PS, PB. $%400.Oeil 430-2737. à M INSURANCE * 3-9725 I PINE RIDGE INSURANCE ELECTRIC DRYER FOR SALE $150. Call Ron, 668-5230. CHESTERFIELD SL;TÈS, love- seats, sectionals, less than hait price. Large selection. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. BIRCH TREES - Mourtain Paper blrch, 10 ft. to 15 ft., $15 to $25. Oeil 655-321lt REPOSSESSED water softenlng s=stms selling, $495 & up. Dura CU Pure sa: 50 lbs. $60, 8 lbs. $9. Ulra violet purifiers & bulbs for ail makes. 655-4544. 4 RED SKELTON TICKETS for May 4.. Ons 'Rocklin Back to the 60d' for this Saturday. Cmli Doug alter 5:30, 655-3638. PINE WOODCRAFTS for sale. Made ta order. J & R Woodcraft, 728-1938. RENT OR BUY used weddlng g owns. Also wanted - prom dresses,. graduation dresses. 686-5248. Sewing Machine Repairs Ail Mkes Complote Tune-up $39.95 Recondiioned Sewing Machines frvm $5900 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 K(ing St W. Oshawa ------ --- ----EêtM ---- ---- ....1 1976 PETERBO ROUGH 14-V2 ft irelss boat, 70 HP motor an. fiblr $,50 Cali 430-2737. SAILBOAT - 20 ft. heavy duty traller, 4 HP Mercury outboerd. 4 sals, many extras. Ail in excellent & sall-ewey condition. Cali <416) 666-3169. RECIESSION SPECIALI Re-paira ta: washers - dryers 0 stoves dlshwashers. AIl makos and models. Wo'l pey PST and GST. 683-8519 or 430-7382. SALEI 1140H QUAUTY CROSLEY appliances. 10 year limited warranty. Guaranteed rebullt apartment frldges $250, staves $160, washers& dryers. New gag Istovos $549.' New dlshwashers, ý3 water levels $388. Rebuilt timers Applianco parts. BBQ bumners, steel or cat Iran. Hank s Agliances 191 Bkor St. E., Unit 6, Anew babyà ? ZENITH 1410 COLOUR TV,. excellent picture, $75 .bo Kenmore, fulI-size mlcrowave, new $175 ob.o. Antique bathtub with'feet, $100 o.b.o. Kitchen range. hood, almond colour. good condition, $25'o.b.o. 721-0919. 9 PT. X 5 FT. fold-eway plng pong table, brand new, aIlà accessories lncluded. Asking $100. <416) 436-5348. MATTRESSES and box springs at haIt price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. 8-FT. SUDE-IN CAMPER unit, 3-way fridge, new furnace, propane stove. Everythlng ln good working condition. $1,995. 666-2195. WASHER, 3 years aid, white, must se. $275. Sofa bed, onlyl1 ~ear aid, excellent buy, $350. el WASHER & DRYER, Kenmore heavy duty, almond colour. Goo working condition. Asklng $375.' Cail 430-7450. "LEAVE YOUR CARES et home with us." 'Professionai pet/home sitters, are fully bonded and lnsured. Custom. Homewatch internatonal. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - -3 bedroam, fuliy furnished, air conditloned homes. Pools, hot tubs, boaches, attractions. Chiid-, ren weicame. Less than motel. $275 weekly. 683-5503. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orano, 4th. or 5th Concession lino, 7 km. east of Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campground. Beautiful. $887. 1-416-786-2562. COCOA, FLORIDA luxurco - .2 bedromr, 2 bath, US$1,200 monthly, US$700 2-week min. Close toalal major attractions. Oel 430-1583. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gotting auto insurance beceuse of ege, poor driving record or suspension of liconse? Perheps we i cen help. Phono 666-2090. ln this world, there's always room for one more! CALL VOUR WELCOME WAGON HOSTESS NOW. 66"-653 5OTH ANNIVERSARY -Open House for. HAROLD & EVELYN DENNIS at Broo0klin United Church from 2 ta 420 p.m., on April 25. Best wishes only, please. BEST WISHES for a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. Theocdassifeds are a, specia way, to send greetingsl Cam 668M6111 GOSPEL ' MUSIC CONCERT feetulng 'The Snlders' from Verna. Ontarlo, will be presented ln Bume Church, Ashburn, on Sundey, April 26 eti 7:30 p'm:A group of young singers =z edUP ba four-piece banid wIll p rosent a wide varlety of Gospel Music tram tradituonal ta contemporery, enijoy- able ta everyane. Please, make this known ta your friends and ne'gh- bours. Offerlng and a social tie following. MOVINGI FURNITURE, tays etc. 62 Hlolllday Dr., "Whitb. Saturdey, April 18-830; am.', TAKE ADVANTAGE of aur 98 per cent covera9eof Whitby when buying or selling your wares. Whitb Free Press. 6,68-0594. "MOE MOWS LAWNSI -Mo' Lawn Care. Reasonable rates. For free estimate, ceill 430-8927, evenlngs. (à mr. trim lawn and garden service gomemnt icensed professionals specializIng ln property maintenance tree and shrub prunming Iandscaping FREE ESTIMATIES 623-9711 1.AWN MAINTENANCE, prunlng, grass seedling, sadlng, ý Sprlng clean-ups. Renovations of gardons, rock gardons, plantng flrewood., Dufha Landscapang, <418)ý SPANKY'8 Proprty altnancs' - Rential and ,ConmemkaL, Lawmitiq iogi dmainten- StNCE 193 ~LM ji~~~~~~~~~~~M Whe-Q e?.- 6Oý ---- ----------n o QOpi Fx ~04 r-