Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 27

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WMTW FREE PRES8L WEDNESDAY, APRI l 15 1992, PAGE 27 I ......I........r n PRONSSIONAL ~I-POSINAMO CERAIOC TIUNG -, free esti- mates. Over 25 years expérience. QafyWorkmansh1p. Rercession M (yalln tape à fnng) * Roc Roms e Bamment. eTextureSpaylng *Pahitng exterlr/InWWo) *TrIm FAeu smates 576-7503 WE SERVICE- & INsTrALL air conditioning and al gas-fired furnaces. No go ug ing. Reasonable rates. Cal 430-299t G RANDMA'S COMPANY. Green cleans (no chemils). Homes and offices.ý We offer nmather-in-law clean' (ready, for inspectionl). Ail emp loyees, are police-security checked,' bonded & insurec. Menber af Whit by -Chamber of Coimmerce. , 725-9177 (24-hour answerlng).'.. «theu ELECTRICIAN RUSS WILDE. 666-21-27. Hand Crafted Porcelain, Gl1asses, Green Ware and Doil Supplies at... The Doit Shopp e 1621 McEwen Dr., Whitby à723-6377 tB&D fencing# & Decks SeWork Guaranteed *eGarden Sheds SoPost Set ences startjng ai PHONE 668-7951 * 11l-free pager 1-41655-673 PAINTERS PLUS - Service and quality are not an accident. For 10% off and no GST, cal Bill or Geri, 404-1224. GUARANTEED, SERVICE on mowers, blowers, tractors, outboards, snowmobiles & saws. 21 years same location. Pickering Marine, 837-0653. CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES & drapery aterations. Ceramic tile installation. For your free estimate and ln-home shopping, cal 432-1714. WORD PROCESSING - WordPerfect Multimate Advantage *Lotus 1-2-3 Secretary on holidays or maternity leave? Work piling up? Cail Penny for reasonable rates & fast turnaround, including free pick-up & deliveiy toalal businesses. Business Reports *Mailing [iste * Labels PENNY 668-5230 ZZZBEST 4?: LAWN CU1TING *Owner doos ail work Residential aur specialty *Seniors' discounts -Insured Free estimates 571-5814 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119, FOR AN APPOINTMENT.- e -scla EN VIR O, Air Conditioning Inw. COMERCJAL IINDUSTRIAL eAir Conditioning aHeating * Refrigeration_ Bus. 619-0412t Bus. 619-0413 NICE, QUIET MOTEL rooms for rent near Brookîin. $175 weekly. Cali 655-5308. THICKSOWROSSLAND area - furnlshed room. Parking, cable. Share bath, kitchen, laundry. Quiet home. First, last and references. Cali 721-2218. WHITBY - UNFURNISHED room for rent, $270/month. Gentleman preferred. 666-8366. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.' FOR RENT OR LEASE - 1,500 sq. ft., il ft. ceiling, drive-in 10 ft. door. Cali 430-837. The Mutual Group HEc25BTRAN or uotahon 725-6564. ills a PLIllji à -% LANDSCAPUNG by UNI VERSITY WERKS -SifCe 1980 - Quality Construction & Professianal Design Interlocking Brick Drives, Patios, WalksÉ Refaining Walis Wood Fencing Wood DeCksM àFree Competitive EstimatesÉ 666-9690 SUPERIOR QUALITY WINDOWS & DOORS >A.C.M. ENTEI RPRIES 201 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa I433-2323 I--A------------ ------ A NEW CO-OPERATWVE HOUSING PROJECT IN WEIBY IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR: ' 15, 2 & 3 B3edroo>m Apartments Bright, Spacious Units OCCUPANCY SCHEDULED FOR LAIE 1992 FOR AN APPLICATION OR MORE INFORMATION CALL (416) 666 - 9438 NEWLY RENOVATrED two- BROOKUN - ONE BEDROOM bedroom apartment ln Whitby. aparment available for June 1. $550, 1lncluding heat & hydro. For CloseaMIl amenities. Cai (416) appoîntment, cail 668-4197. 985-0856. MARY/ADELAIDE, OSHAWA - 13right, one-bedroom studio pt.9 cdea quiet, triplex. Close ta M LARGE 3 BEDROOM - Central and Oshawa General Hospital. Whitby, à?yr. odbidn.Nal Everything included. Suit working 1.000 sq wall-to-waI carpe. single. Available April 25. $525.Coed parking. $870/month. First & last. 721-0919. Avalable June i 668-4643. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IrS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL THINK SIG - CAL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONÎTRAVEIL CANAL CRUISES; fîve days aboard I<AWARTHA VOYAGEUR. Scanic TrentSevern Wagerway or Rideau Canai; privai. state-rooms, meais. free brochure. write Captik Marc. Box 6, Ouilla. LUV 6H9; (705) 327-5707. ADOPTION LOVING, PROFESSIONAL COUPLE ishes to provIde wonderiul home for infant. Woiking with government- approved icenseil. Please caUl (416) 884-1951. coliect for Erriy or Davidi afer Gpm. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada: ail denortinations. ail nationeitles. for corepanionshlp or marrnage? Asigrove. P.O. Box 205.Chase, BC., VOE I MO OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOI.P for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For informeson on bol8 wrile: Properlies. Dept CN. Box 53W, Sta F. Otawa. K2C 3J1 MORTGAGES FAST MORTGAGE MONEY Avaiable for Homeownersi Pay Bi. Credit Cardef .Exaie:Borrow S10.000. Repay S100 MonthipI No quaiilying hassies. Calt intransicon Finenciet Toii.ree 1.800.268-1429ý STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES- Steml Straitwali Type - flot quonset - 32x54 57344., 40:72 Si10,276. SOx9O 515,882; 60x126 $22.972 - oiher sires avaitabie .Spring Clearance . Paragon .24 Hours l1400263-8490. BUILDINGS.- ONE PHONE CALL CAN GIVE YOU a tow cosi erection. by direct tlephone order from Ontario Manutactuîer ...28 x30 Value S3.700. Now S2,944. 40x50 Value $6.800. Now S5,593. Other sizes availebie 1-800- 668-5422. Pioneer I tit n Steel Buildings since 1980. SPAING *SELLEBRATION* on Buildings from Future Steel. No gimmiclis, just soiid value for your money. CaIl toil-trer. 1-800668-8653. - ARTICLES FOR SALE SAWMILL MACHINERY - Used. Circular &Band tMls - Filing Mer±inery, Planera. Eeiecc- Diesel MS ls Compiete or Part. SAWMILL JIM - Con Ship rodayf (705) 4955156 - (705) 497-8998 Fax Anytare. EMPLOYMENT OPPOR1IJNIT1ES EXPEHIENCED OUTBOARD and i surndrive mecianièc required immediatuily. Boat Mart (Red Deer> Ltd. (403)342-7015. EXPERIENCE tarm Ile In Denmark. Contact the Internationlla Agriullural Exchange Association, 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB. T2TOE2. * CONTESTS POETRY CONTEST $12000 in prîzea..Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 fines or less to National Library of Poesry, Box 704-NC Owngs Mis. Md. 21117. BUJSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance prograrnas <Federat & Provincial> for your new or existing smatI busiess. Information (5 14> 9372422 eut. 98. NEED MONEY or want mote money. Up to S1,000 per day, possible Real and tangble. - Il I possibte ta save the faim. 4033802900. CAREER OPPORTUNtTIES 111IE ROLE CF THE NURSE In Ctinicel Trials'. A semnaar ai the Royal York ln Toronto. May 481 and Sin. Ca Clincal Researdi Consultanti. (519) 438-7506. AUCTIONS EAST CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD Zone Grass Roots SalOMay 2nd, 1992, Belevile Fair Grounds. Sale 7pm, Auctioneer Doug Armstrong (705) 748-3604. Catalogues. Kat1y t-adden, (613) 9U2-2414. ESTATE AUCTION Saturgay Apr. 25 10:30 &.m. Main St. Fediero Hey 82 irsdh of Belleville. Newr 1889 bous. cenoas to 24' cruisera. Sulvan Auctioneers 613-477-2082. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PROFIT FROM THE RECESSION? Every gow peas aa truly different opportunity cornes along trom ANYTHING you have ever seen. Minimum tnvestment $409. Cail MAKE SU5 ORIVEWAY seuling unita for sprmhinq aspirall. lngtrlckng brick, aoeyti seaiers, foundation coatigs. Line paintera, blowers, heatad tanks. Commercial lawnspray equipment. information. (416)372-3902. EXTRA INCOMEI 0mow baitworma ln your basemeot or garage. Odorleus operatlon. 10w Invealmnent. Market guaranteedl Free Information. Early Bird Ecology R.R.C1,. Snrilirville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. 416> 6434252. BIRDSEED DISTRIBUTORS WANTED: Openinga availatile for somneorle dUr storage for *BlRDS CHOICE" birdiseed. Knowledge of birds, establshed contacts an assei. Exceltent opportunity, Excellent product. Cal1-800- 563-7333. SNAP ON 'TOOLS are seeklng enlbittous people who wouid Ike to beome Tool Deaiers. Sales expoenea nd ltnancial investrnent la required. Ed Whinen <519) 686- 6690 London. HELP WANTED HRE'S TNE CURE FOR THE 'NO MONEY BLUES' Indepeodence. job Oexbiiiy n nnud potentiel cen be youis. So...shake of oi ss. e iCa. us today et 1-800- 661-3305. MA CHERtE HOME FASH-ION SHOWS Oakvdie. Onteno (Est. 1075>ý SALES NELP WANTED SICE 1976 weve been Canada$ 01 dispiay whoiesaier. We souk 2 repsloi service estabbatd retail stores ln your area. Eamn 5900-S 100O weekly, commgisson. (416) 756. 2156 or (416) 756-3174. RECREAIONAL VENICLES RIV. & CAMPING TRAILER Sprmng Cleening Aucuion Sale, New Store Grand Openîng & New Modet- Coachmen Traiers & R.V. Show & Sale. APRIL 24, 25. & 26 Royal Trader & R.V. Centre in Tevoiee Ont. (519) 343-2122. Award Winnlng CAMPOROUNO Ope n Now. Featuring indoor Pool. Hoi Tubs, Sauna. Ooly 3 miles Io Faits. Niagara Fads KOA, 8625 Lundys Lane. (416>356-CAMP. (416)354-6472. COMINO EVENTS .IURIED CRAFT SHOW Mdeesi Regonal April 15.Mey 24, Welingtorr County Museum. Co.Rd. 18 f nidway ELORAIFERGUS>. jExtrerdinery 100+ disptays. Mon-Fil. 930-4:30. Set..Sun. 1 -5. Wide varleri exceptional crats. A trutypleasant experiencel CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTtONEERING aithtie Southwester Ontario Sctiool of Auctioaeung. Neat ciasa: July 11-17. Information, contact: Southwesîern Ontario School oI Auctioneering. R.R.B5, Woodsîock, Ontario. N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115. TRUCK< DRIVER trainng AZ and DZ courses, also air brake. dagerous goods . doiensive driving. log bock and borde crossng. Rodgers Suisool, Onians ntlest Cali 1. 800-668-0031. jYour ad could appear ln cammunity newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada. or any individital province. Space is Lmited. 50 Cai This Newspaper Todmyl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" Ta reach a wîder market, advedtise throughou t he regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Commundty Newspa.porAssociations Central Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 newspepers- $35F07r5 o AIl Canada 572 newsapers - $974 (or 25 words For further Information please cati the Whltby Free Press Classlfleds - 66e.0594 I * rka~9Qn ~ '<Fa vu,54 BPersonal & Business InCome Tax __________ Financial 1300KWORKS Stat ements GTReturns 666-2760 TOAY 3.ýi. mmumma 8 RRIFs - ANNUITIFS 0 m a 1 m

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