Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 1

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By Mark Reesor Ontario Minister of.Transpor- tation ' Gifles Pouliot is expeced to respond to a Whitbhr resident'a 'p yt'rsdayo. te -401/407 The Comiittée of Concerned Citizens of West Whitby umt te . petition of 1,092 names, opposing the 'technically _prefer- red route'P te Poulot through Durham dentreMPP Drummond White last Wednesdlay. Commitee aokesman Rob Buýrgessays he 9 ben toldthe mnster has eight daya te pre- pare a response te the petition. The committee represents the communities of West -Lynde, & ueen'si Common, Queen'éa ahse, Otter Creek and Mace- donian Village. In a -letter addressed te the Ontario Legisilature, the Com- mittee says, the- proposed link will paso within half a mile of their communities. "Carbon monoxide emissions an d noise levels will have a severe impact.on the quality of life of the residential property- ownera of West Whitby, and no,: sou4 r.nosebamme, natwa or .àtf il, 'vflegate thia im- pact. Burgesa aays «ýpeople are really ticked off,» noting.nmore signa- tures have corne in since the petition »was submitted - "we muet- be up, te about 1,600 in total.» Residents are also up in arme about subsidized co-operative townhouses going into.the Otter Creek ares. 'l'here have been quite a few pple tat have said that'a it -- the're puttig thefr houses Up for sale and eýit*the hell out... you, should e the nu mber of for sale signe that went up around here.n Burgess says Otter Creek «ha been allowed te evolve into a middle to upper middle, claus subdivision.. ««A lot of people exprpssed the idea that you juat eau t mix the two groupa withcut expectin*g sooner or later aomebody's goin say, BHey, they've got teo mucg and I have nothing,'"and the-,-e goingtehelp themselves towa tever their neighbour ha.» VIICTOIAN RATS were on ,dispa mirror are .(backrwfo le) Sunday afternoon when a Toronto Chantai Davidchuk, Karyn, Gingras, colièctor showed some of her'finest -Angle Hairrs, Carole Harringtonï., at Lafontaine Trading Post, Check- (front) Rhea' Roummeau and Saàrah' ing out their favourite bats in a Power. Photo byMahrk Roomor, Whfltbylw.Po Town agendas. now avalabl-e earlier By Mario Boucher during -business burs, but will Whitbyi residents will uow be cost the public 25 cents per page able teo btain - whenever pos- photocopied, up te a maximum of aible - Whitby concil agendas $5. on Fridays beore Monday night, Councillor, Marcel. Brunelle meýetmga. added that there should be a A motion was passed, by a vote review after a *Year te determine of 5-3,- at the Whitby council if enough . eple'are making use meeting on. Monday te. make of the'agendas before the week- agendas availabl<e te the public. end. The motion, introduced by The motion was passed by ýa councillor Dennis Fox aIsose vote of 5-3, with Fox, Brunelle, geste that a copy of tke agenda coundillors Judi Longfield, Don be available at th e Brookli and Mitchell and Mayor Tom Whitb4y branches of the WhitbY Edwards in favour of te aen- Public Iàbrary on the Saturday <las being available on Fridlays prior te a meeting. whnvrpsible. Town clerk Don McKay esti- Counci* rs Joe'Drumm Rosa mated the coat of Ieaving oneO Batten and John Dolstra voted copy at eauh library at about against the motion. $1, 100 for a year. «Tis whole issue of the Copies of the agendas will aso agndahs en a concern of be available. at the municipal mene foalng long tume,» said building.on the daLy of a meeting Fox. FPox said many residents have been- requlesting more tume te, read and undertand the issues In the agendas in order te ask intelligent questio-ns at meetings. "Iý think that as a clouncil we ByMario Boucher Art'Robinson's company, 447871 Ontario Ltd., has been fmeëd $36,000 in provincial court for 20, violations -of the Ontario Fieý Code at Arts Auto Wrecker on Taunton. Rd. E.- near the Whitby-Oshawaborder. At a hearinglast week, Justice of the- Peace Robertt L4ggate haete maybe bend over back- wards at timeès te showýv the Pub- lic- that we're tryingeverything, that..we posasibly eau do te make SEE PAGE 5 *fouud Robison guilty of impro- per fire safetýr at hie tire <lump. including no access for fire 'vehi. dles aud the lack of water suppl) on'theproperty. Ilu addition te the, fine on the- comany, ]Robinson himself wàu, $,000. SEE PAGE 3 ~ S Il ~ t *êIîS.4 ~.4 *'JZ,1t-...,S.. ~ . s s.... * Province to respond to, petition against freeway linkt Fines t otal"$36,OOO for wrecking yaerd Iviolations.

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