PAGE e~~~ W~TBYFREj- PtRE J, WDEDY PI 19 Whitby Chamber of Commerce to, host top Tory Cabinet mInilsters Barba mcDffougail, federa Minister cf Extenal Affairs, and Otto Jelinek, federal Minister of Revenue, will visit the Whitby Chamber of Commerce office on Wednesdy, April 15 from 4:45 to 6 pa. "The Chamber is hopn that bintroducing its membeshp to tdeciion-maker. iour country, a relatioship cmi h. bit to easu discussion 'between our elected officiaIs and thie average .Canadian'," says Deb Filp, genera manager of the Whitby Chamber. "Tii. buiness community is in dire need of reassurance and a, sens.e «ofstübility fin-,our governmment This ap'proach:might heIp the -business person forge the Min wlth government and ease some perceived- tension," said ldmers eto the Chamber of Commerce are invited along with guesta. flics who wish to attend should contact the Chamber office at 668-4506. Pr-ovincial Liberal. leader Layn McLà eod wil b. puest speaker at a luncheon meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commnerce on .April 28. The. luncheon, t Hegydenshore Pavilion, will begin with a recep- tien et 11:30 a.m. For reservations cal 668-4506. Frui t, vegetable store openls - By Marlo Boucher, A new fruit and vegetable store 'rècently opened i east Whitby. .Cutrara's, at Garrard Rd. and Dundas St. E., ha& evelythfing ini fruits and vegetables, deli pro- ducts such. as cheeses, sliced meats, potatoes, and breads, as well as flowers and plants, says Shelley Cutrara, part-owner. Sinceé the opening of the store on Feb. 19,. bushiess has been slow!ly grwing,* particularly on weekeénds, aih. Beys. "We flnd that word-of-mouth has been helping a lot to, get people become aware of our new busmiess," she says. RYAN PETRICH - gives a 'high fi.e t Gertthe Bimny at, Canaiani Tire lat S at urarduring«the- StyAlert, Stay ah' program touchmes, summor «afty to chldren. md »h ht ANTHEONY AND SHELLEY CUTRABA, owners1 of the newly opened Cutraras Food Emporium in the Coun- try Square Plaza. The store specialin fresh fruit and vegetablos. Photo by MrkIemr, WhIty r. Pr.M DR. JUDIT GAAL M.Sc., M.D., is pleased to accept new patients in her practice of Family Medicine Dr. Gaal replaces Dr. Bob Chaulk on a fuli -time permanent basis at the Dundas Centre Medical Building 220 Dundas St. W., Suite 404, Whitby 668-5300 f CORPORATION 0F THET I 1992 INTERIM TAX NOTICE Mm scon intaiim o taes or M ledueandpaybleApril 15 onth ef day of defauftaMiddmheflst day of eahMe mns R I ez."on-pa Men continues, at the rate of 1-1/4% per month, «U RI Taxs ay b. pald ai yWhby bank %witoUt collecton charge,«o ai "h MAaldpa1 OficS MRoséland Road Eut. Whitby. Onta .In addoimi. f you ame a TD Banik coetmer, taxes miay be paid by Weephone through TD Bankine. * U E B~*~~d£é L O- I ÇaWl1 Once the domain cf the. weathy,'financial planning is becom*ingt more important and accessible for ail Canà ains Now you can obtain advice frma wide range cof professions and financlaliInstitutions. What in a funa l Aflnancial plan insastrategy to guide youi magng or money to meet sot i long-torm goals. Your planning aIiould include: 1. Cash. Tduin mroney ÉMke Saving Bon ds, money market funds and other vehicles that cmi b. accesaed quicld ndeaily. 2. Piçotectaon. Lit, health and qisability isurance is emsntial if youý and your farnily are to maintain your standard of livià ,« i the event ot death or mi4oe illness or injury. 3. Guaranteed investraents. Safely invest part ot your money for the future. Guaranteed cleposits are ideal for RRSPs., 4. Equity investruents. This includes segregated funds run b life insurance comparues as wei as mutual funda and directly held stocks. Equities can elive«r greater returns than guaranteed investments, but at more risk. Where cmn1get aplan? Manky professionals do financial planig. That includes, acountants, lite insance agents, lawyers and ivestment fund agents. he Future is 's EDUCE. LEUSE ECYCLE with 7- 0rlff4 OÀ STI2MS Alwar~look for, soldtrlhg Life' insurance agents, fo.r example, receive post-lienmi education through the fr Underwriters - Association training, course and the university-level Chartered Life Undezrnter pogamTe Life Canada aIse offers comprehensive finailplanning instruction throughthe Chartred Financial Conulant pogrm.Graduates receive the W<geUonCH.P.C. Members of the Canadien Association ot Financial Planners take trinimng ,leadng teý desgntin s a a Chartered PinanilPanner (CFP) or the more advanced Registered Financial Planner (RFP). >Accountants, bunkers and trust company officers have their own professional courses. Understand 'that financial Planning can b. very broad in scope, se your adviser may oeil in various specia]ists. For examfple, an accounitant may analyze your tax situation and prepare your returns but cail in an insurance agent and lawyer for estate How are planners pard? There are three types ot planners. Fee-only ,Planes charge hourly rats, ften. strting at $100 or $150. -Afiaca plan miay coit $500 to $5O00 and normnally includes ful DANFORTH esthldished 100 exeniination cf tax, lifestyle and estato issue. Other planners may collect fees fro clients, as well as c i"sios frin companies whooe poductathey oeIl. ýý . The third gr)upcf planners chargé'. clients no tee. T,,y are Tiie two m4or e financial. PlIanning associations -LUAC and CAP-- require mnembers te, diSloe their me 1ans Ot compensation --upfront. LUAC teels your letter of engagement should alost ate: . 1. Thé agency the ýplanner reprsnts. ' 2.Teplanner's qualiica tios. 3. The. identity of, the supplier . of financial producta recommended by the plannier. 4. The. planners direct or indirect ownership or interest in any recommende rdca 5. Whether the planner receives compensation other than fromý you with respect te, the services provided. What kind oflpiann inlubot? That depends on your needs and objectives. No matter what his or ber background, your financial planner should bu -a trusted counsellor. Its esSential te find someone with solid training who cmi conimunicate clearly and who undesads your needs and commeis. Ask people you know for rcmedtos tii. best .advertisement ' is a satifled client. The L4e Undrwrig ers Associa"o of Canada pmv-idésa prcwmni 0f raining aà d educa- io IecscUng ta the awmard Of. the tities Chartered L* .Undrwrjter (CLU) and Chartered Fiuzaci Consultant (CH.R.C. If au have questions abaut inanuid pian- I*mW r W, D o m ÙOnt SB or your locahe Li Under- writersAussocio m U Ci1ba at~~ 686-471) editon~'RRJ% essential for. Tahing a look at financial planning