si AAJ ~ Ji'itnq 4YAUZ(ta f I->Wcgrif ,Jqit t~ Yamm{ PAGIE 10. WIUMTY MUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1992 g JANE WJLLSON, Marg Bird and 'everything -from traditional fare to Allan -Walkinshaw with samples of French, Thal, Chinese- or Italian din- the foods they'il serve for The ners. The $75 tickets (tax deduet- Station Gaflery's 'Evening of Fine ible) are going fast say organizers; Dinlng' event on April 25. Ten tickets must b. conftrmed by April friends of the gallery are hosting 109by calling the gidlery., dinners in their h!ýomnes, eaturng IPhot by M*Eoeuo, Whltby Fm Pr.m THE LION & THE UNICOIRN Join us on Sunday April l9th for EASTER DINNER "special menu Reservations recommended 112 Coiborne St. E. Whitby * 666-3034 EXPLORER RESTAURANT & TAVERN DES HILTON entertains every Fri. & Sat. night Enjoy our extensive menu ail week long! 900 HOPKINS ST. WHITBY 668-0316 THE LION & THE UNICORN Fri. April 10 BLUE JAV S OPENING CELEBRATION Wings 1/2 prioe during garne Urne April 10 & 11 - Jimmy Fraser 1 MAN BOOGIE BAND April 12 - Bobby Watt 112 Coiborne St. E. Wbitby e 666-3034 .G NOTES Thursday, April9gth DEREK & THE DOMINATORS Adv. cover ch. -$7. At door $9. Friday, April 10 GOLDSHOT Saturday, April il THEFHANTOMS Adv. cover ch. -$5. At door $7 ~11 Diundas. St.-E.-- REVEW*'The Tomorrow Boxý Despi a solid centand inter- estne story inconsistencies mar thi ~urham Shoestring Perfor- mers' current production of Anne Chislett's 'Tie.Tomorrow Box.' Ini the glay, young farmer Jo. Cooper ÇRonMitchell) and hie new >wife, law situdent Alice <Joanne Stienstra) discuss their upco _mîngme to Joe's parents' farrn. But th.y discover that Joe's father Jack (Garvmn Farr) hasn't told his wife Maureen (Doroth Little) about plans to sol the family farm to Jo. and Alice and retire in Florida. Maureon is shattered wh.n she learna that their farm ia to b. sold, and for tei.firt time after years of marrtIag and totaf submuisveness to te desires of 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1 . Tom Cochrane MAO MAO WORLD - Capitol 2. Celine Dion CEUNE DION - Sony 3. Queen 0 CLASSICS - Wamer 4. ruce Spingsteen HUMANTOCH - Sony 5. Bruce Spingsteen LUCKY TOWN - Sony 6. Genesis WE CAN'T DANCE -Wamner Z. Def Leppard ADRENALIZE - Polygrani 8. U2 ACHTUNG BABY - A&M 9. Nirvana NEYER MIND -MCA 10. Edeo Clapton RUSH SOUNDTRACK -Wa"e JAMES LA ST A SPECIAL COLLECTION (3 CD BOX SET) her husband, ah. Mreates a soene1 4y thr.oaternng ta beave him and start her ownlfe. Sh. i. guided by Alcslawyer sister, feininiit LUsa -Graham <Lina Zatzman), who had drop- ped by ta ' isit h.r sister. Tii. story is neyer duli and the. actars, Ltti., Farr and Mit- chell in particular, offer fine por- trayais in their roles that are nat always totally believable or well* thought-out. The. way that Maureen is transform.d from a, rather naïve, passive mather toaa chargedý-up, strong, independent waman I what seern ta b. a relatively short time stretches credulity. The reason for Maureen's refu- sai to go ta Florida is contradic- ted by author Ciisltt. Maureon says she wazits ta, stay near her family and friends 'and live in her horne but thon moves to, Hamilton and becomes a profes- sionial raboutpler %eii Tomorrow Box,' too, espe- cially tii. mix of humour and drama, and the. set design that makes you feel part cf tii. play's environm.nt., Tii. play continues at the. arts resource centre, behind city hall Oshawa tamorrow, Priday anâ -Saturday, beginnintz at 8 p.m. 25 THCKSONRD. FO*AGRAI ]Brrng your family and friende for Our delicious "aU yox. can eat"ý Buffet!: Only$799 k ~t~'22 WILLIAM P. BENNE wiil performn at the' Vital Spark Polk Club, at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre St. S., Oshawao n'Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m The country/folk artlst, well known for hie colourful tales, lI Februamr rleased hiseflfh album Donations of non-perishable food will b. coflected at the door of the- Oshawa-show. Four banda- from Durham Regilon Up.rfoedi i Osaa 4pril 4 mabenfi cncert for tii. local nitedyWay. Voodoo Chick.n' Spia Oneword: Gaottschl'eîm Iaà OverIlAddictiv join.d to put on the,-sow t týeSimca. Hall, 'SettlementHouse., Thi. concert was thé idea of Spiat guitarit and fouzÃder ~y np.~n.hJaj 1 Children under 10 1/2 PRICE 1