Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 6

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PAGES6, WEMTY PME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1992 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto LUne 427-1834 DougAnderson - Publisher Maunoce Pilier - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Reglstration #05351 ET SUth[ editr .,[..________ Al way, stop needed To the Editor: An item appoarod ln The Froe Press, March 18/92 odition, which has angered me. Under the haadlng 'Items frmnWhftby Cauncil,1' I Iend council bas docldad an afl-way stop is not roquirod at McQuay lvd. and Konnett Dr. Town staff are now cholng -to monitor the situation for t Nesumrmer. Why le; furthor monitoring required? The taxpayers who live bore bave been re uestng an al-way estop for touryears. McQuay Blvd. Is a cangerous place for a pedestrian to be and more so for chlldren.. One fid trip by 'staff' id 5 p.m. any weekday wiII prove this point. A promise ofI mcr presence will rnot problemn. The officers site 24 hours a day. the Issue of monoy.1 cost af threo stop slgr compared to lnvestlçg forums and inqu someone's child 15 speedlng driver. Summer Is apprc since the park le row us across the street. sale crosslng area fori Wake up, Towng people of this ne deserve your considi How can y ou ln gooc put this off for anothai Concessions won't sti To the Edtor: Re: GM union Who recelved the 30 places ai silven? What kinci of a union do y ou have? A leg itimate, welI- publbshod' vote la cafle, and bocauso your plant chairpeM~n doosn't Mke the resubta, ho wai'is another vote, la thîs domocnacy or dbctaonshbp? What poople befare you have itonally dioci for, you are ready ta, throw away wtb the strokeof ai peni. Concessions have nover and wiil nover save jobe. Whetber 4,000 lobe are lost bas already been decidod and notblng wil change If unless the economy turns around. Haw many timos bas GM eal they wene laylng off and dldn't? This la juat a smokescreon.. Fînat, thoy want compulaOry avertime, thon tampon wlth yaur hard-lought-for seni Thon what? Pensionsi No more 30 and out. once you allow t.& making concessons, stop. My adice ta anyc the oppartunlty ta net now wbîe thono arei Wth the type of loi now have, there won'1 laIt. Thbnk befane youv Local 222 was alwa look up ta, and for deàine was ta' oni amalgamated. But ni b. decontileci. At leaz sti11 have aur dignity an If 4,000 memnbers jobs, thoy would ba the They coulci neyer bu ai by an organization thed far their beat Interost. Shîrk Preudnt UR% Pass judgment on 'visii To the Edltor: Copy ecutivo Canada. of lettor ta chIi afficen, Royal Bank of Sînce you bava taken the same appraacb ta g et the message ai the panil faclng aur country ta Canadians(whlcb I rocognizo as almoat Idontlcal ta the appraach useci the waok 0f the 188 faderai eloction) ta warn us of the terrible consoquences of not electbng the rullng party andi the wonderful apport unifIes ai the free trado deal, 1Ifel.1 Imust nespond. Now, as then, you have gano public ta bolston the sagging popularity af youn obodienit serant residing et 24 Suie Dr. As yau steai ln your messsae SIxc manthe ago, yau hoSpetaday's rernarks would not be nocesaary." I say ta you, air -- wyou'no damnnad rlght you dbdn't,0 aMn oher dici the prosent tenant ln Sussex Dr. Wth ail the millions of humble taxpayers' imoney financlng the «Renewed Fodieraf ion of Canada,' Wanl; j»-DL *l nq- -Perper cent ln one poil) you j lae iamethlng ta hoe al,. you're not roallyl' the free trade deal, lntorest rates, GST, ple layofis, barnknuptcles (b personal), etc. are yc course, tby deal wasg exclude your entorprise You are qut. igbi yau state that oc makbng la for ctizens." Why not persuade youn ras ding et 24 Sussex [ lot ai the citizens' ba monay and asic th roasod police solve this cannot b. on *This lbaves Viw vam vam Gulit seekers wantedl By Stephen Cg. Leahy i e " n Red-faced, 1I apologlzod ta the Ins l minima g uy behlnd the counter at- the 8a1tinI own 'Green' book store: w9'm awfuîly uests when sorry, but 1 forgot to brlng my kllod by a string bag.w The clonk ralsed bis eyebrows 'Oacbing anfd a4 ho dug deep under the countar Vavadlisi for and came up with two reccled - we neoda paper bags. As ho packedthe our klds. books 1 had purchasod his eyes fol council. The on one titI.. 'Eartb ln the Balance,' elgbbourhood and another, 'Spirlitual Ecology.' leration 110w. His eyes grew bard at my clear CI conscience hypocrisy, informing me that *the ýr six montbs? earth wasn't gabng to be saved just by readbng books about the J. Johnotan environment.m' Guilt-wracked, 1 Whtby lamely protested tbat ht was veny bard ta change the habits of a lifetime. op Baing a cansorvationlst or onvlronmentalist or just tvying to lorit rqhts -bu 'gren'doas mean feeling gulty ? ru pan a lot of the time. We aIl should bol Belbavepme gulfty about tbe serlous damage to .m tole e sthe environment w. bave caused ey t n' already. And we should bu deeply theywontworried abut wbat kind of a world >ne who bas we are leavbng for our chlldren and gila do so thaîr oblidren. tii ene t No one ls gult-fros. Even those aderhipyou who have devotad their livas.ta iderhl>YOU clsanlng Up the mess .we al bave bute ayhn created still drive alr-pallutlng cars, noto t passesa TVa or POs whlcb contain Lasunlno rlrp-mined matais, and use be~M u electric power from coal-burnlng lew da nahrstatins ta ight thair homes. )w rd alher Nons of us can ait back and tt WO Would blame -lndustry or gavernment 'id intogrlty. bocauso we ail* are consumns and 3 lose their votons. Thero is no-question that e 'ucky'0On", the envinonmental crisis ls our oldtobe ful. Woareoguiity. 111 sed o be Guift lsn't'sucb. a bad tblng In fact, t is an' emotion that oftan sy Prentlce keepa us from dolng tbbngs that we fl Lo 921 ko are wrong. Wben we do samething that wa foal sufficiently puilty about we are likely not to do .t again. For example, I will onl irommbr ta bning my string bag tho noxt time 1I*go ta that bookstore. JLiat have to Unfortunatoly, ln order ta feel > hlm. After gubty wa have ta know that what urtlng from wo are doing le wrong, at least, rot rocession, the bast thlng we could do. I-ad we uit closuros, known easagoth xe ote )usîness ad nrn yenamagsextent mfdtre Du? But, of aociety ascnoating, we coulci designed ta bava had tha oppontunity to beel , wasn't it? git about wbat wo were doing contitto"bckto.Tinsmgtbu quit. I of te s~ cneuno, fuelled by guift ,can X~ tosae bu a owerful force. Unfori unately, 3dr. to savo back thon we dkln't know any idl needod botter. coumio Upass jUiuiii UIr nis W.do know better now. Ovision" oi a now Canada. May I Hawever, many-of us don't neally suggest a ganeral election about want ta know. Everyone, toaa June 15 would bu apprapniat. greaer or lasser axtent, Is You aay observera abroaci asic averwhelmed by al ai the "baci you, wDon't Canadians realize Vhad etnws Sa we try not ta think about they are risking -- wbal they caulci those thînga fo much. W. don't lose? I1 do-hope you tali tbom want ta beel guilty wo wo Ignore the that R If lonly ane heavily prablema aven Mwbe .dlrectly popubatad section ai aur vast suifer the consoquances. Denial las country that wants ans languago, aur way afi escapin9 any sense ai one flag, ane chunch -- but the porsonal responslbîÎty. llon's shars of tho wboie cauntry's Sa w. continua ta live aur lves money ta pay for aIl their needa; in the saie destructive ways and ~~aao:: j:::.. - wlevel luilit-eiligs that aunbace> But ln avolding the 'bad news' about the anviranment and falllng to connect these facts witb our own way of Ide, we guarantee that our cbildren's children wiIl Inherit a world and a Ide that is much basa than we bave now. 1 have become a guift-seeker. 1 want to know ail of tblng that are going wrong. Most bmprtantlyl1 want ta know wbat my part has beon ln creating these wirongs. And I arn contlnuaily amnazed al the many large and small ways in whicb Iarn personally contributing to the disasters we. are brlnglng down on ourselves. Do I feel gulfty? Hal, yes, al of the time. That ls what gives meq hope for the future. Opinions expressedar those Of the author., o athe edtr.. Attend budget meetingsý To the Edîtor: The mast* froquent'Crit léls iâM"'o the political systom 18 thet there ls no pencelvaci mecbanlsmn for direct' Involvement by taxpayers in the budget procesa. Fan the most part, the -important decisions pertalning ta budget mettons are anniveci et buhind closeci doors. This,,la., ovidont by aur Town council's decision ta coniduct terbdget discussion ln Bolleville during a à weekend ln Mancb. We realize' the complax difficulties andi problama faéad.by council when addresaing -'theý- annual buiqat. process. As aîlecte d reprosantativas, tbey must b. permitted ta carry out the tasks.for, which tbey were oîected. Howeveér, the rosidents of Whitby must bu providaci the opportunity, ta expross their opinions and question any expenditures proposeci for the 1992 budget. We ara ploased that this apportunity wiIl bu givon ta local residents on April 1-2 et the municipal building. This exorcise will not only provide taxpayors with an opportunity to lIsten ta the makeup of thîs years' budget, but aIea allow tbam ta asic tougb questions as ta the rational and neasawfor partîculan expne. The Ontario Taxpayens Coalition encourages people ta get lnvolvad, and vaice your opinions bocause ln reality, this budget is your budget. Durlng aur prosentatban ta the operations commttee of the Town on March 16, w. advised them that appraximately 10 per cent 0f the local labour force was unemfplayeci. Many tax ayers -no longer have the ability ta pay curnant pnoparty taxes lot alan. Increaseci taxes. .Council bas alnaady made somne difficult decislona ta reduca caste, such as the Iaylng off of town smployees. Hawâer, IIf la puzzlln9.to the taxpayer that we are etill conslderbng building a $7-millon ta $8-mllllon aparations centre. This project 'should bu clasallieci as a non-essential capital works pnograrn untîl such time as new a ssment grawtb permits a major expandituro of thîs nature. The Ontario Taxpayers' Coalition héa atarteci a comprehensive atudy PropJerty taxés In ,Whitby- baver lncreased on an averageýbasis by,ý 100 par-cent aven the past 10' ypars. We bave reiacbed ea'paln, whére 'we can no longer tqberate' Increasos ai thîs nature. Ift là time for evory. taxpayer ýto,"become, lnvolvad.' Our sugestion. to the; ,reideýnts a, Wbitbyl is. to b. therW -on April -1-2 âet .the . muiIipalý *building.,andipart icipate., Vaunýinvà*lvement 'and opinionsý wliI ultlmataly affect the. docisions, af aur electeci represontatives. 0'ir Preoldent: OnitarloTxP riboaitlon Hightech, canbe --,used by teenagers To the Edltor: Re: Whitby's'Crown Jewal - the Civbc Centre. W. the taxpayers of Wbftby, now bave hlgh tech exorcise aqulpment ln a beautiful $10.5 facility, but wbo can use it? Onlyl those 18 yoar of ago and avar, lm tolci by aur roenaatlon diroctor. The four-foot pool là great for amail chlbdron, so thls means ur teenagers.are totally loit aut. Slxtean-year-olscari drive cars and moocycbes an publicermade. 14-yoar-olds ýcan boally, babysit your childron, but thoy: are not allowed ta rida aur -blgh tech, statlonary, bicycles at, tbe Civie Centre., Maybu this ls why the police are gabng an 12-haur shitltatapatrol the plazas, the downtown care and' Town parka ta try ta . prevent vandallsm.

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