Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 4

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PAGE 4. WHJITBY F=KE PRE8S% WEDNEDAYr APRIL li 1992 By Mario Boucher On. out of every ten women li Canada is 1piysically or mentally abus.d by her partn.r. But loa su pport for abused women la availâb e fom thie farn- ily counselling division of the. Durham Region d.partment of so"al services and from the, Den- is. Houa. in Oshawa.. According to Rita Benson fam- ily therapist witb the.t'Mily counselling division, abus.d women often need te meet other victimse i order not te feel alone li their ordeal. 8h. 'says the centre bas two groups "iitiated by tii. women themïselves.» Tii. fret group, known as 'Phase On.,' serves te «break tii. silence aiind give the abused woman some support,» she says. Tii. roup offers emotional support, an opportunity te, talk te, otiier abued women and safety planning, she says. It also explores tiie possible Four Famiyl Full Meal Dealsi FEED 1 Ind $21 .95 +taxes) SWhltby Location OnIy I 1003 Dur:idas St. E.J Options open to abused women, such as information about per- sonal and legal rhts, she sayý. Phase One lootinto alterna- tives for stopping, once and for ail physical and mental abuse. Menaon says the mate often uses mental manipulation to con- vince the Zb=e woman that everything is hr-aut. 'Tii women tend te get more and more isolated and lose their aelf-.stpemt» she says. Program 's lst phasge: 'Break the silence-e "Phase On. la the realization that it is not her fault,"\she says. Benson saya the mate uses violence as a means te, control a woman btheatening her. For examPlete mate my punch the waI ad then telher how «Iucky" she is that h. didn't bit her. The. abusive mani also attempts te break ber mental state by putting herdowri coiistantly, r.- trtnghr frseedom and forcing bier in sexi'al behaviour. Benson. saya a mani miebt "aeem" 1k. a nice person outslde the. borne, but then turna inte a manipulater inside «bis domain." She says many men believe they bave a right to control their spouses fin a marriage. Tii. intervention of police may serve as a warning te the mani if they charge him, slieay butit may also iead te morpisca abuse after the police leave tbe bouse.. «It takes a lot of courage for a woman te leave an abusive part- ner,' says Benson. Sbe aaya the. family counsel- ling division meet withs eacb woman individually befor, she joins the Phase On. group for 12 weeks. She can tiien recontract and continue with -te group for another 12 weeks. Tii. Phase Two group deals with personal therapy issues. Itsa chance for them te do tiieir own tii.rapy,» says Benson. Thls includes coming te ternis witi experenes dating back te their 1blho with abusive or alcoholic parents. OUR PRICES ARE EASY TO SWALLOW' NY STEAK (12 oz.) $1O.9g5 Stfed ihha n ces VtfEAL 99amad hes q-%5 ii SOLE Stuffed with crab & scallops $8 served with shrimp & calamari Above indtude: souip or salad, potatoes, vegetable and garlic bread. THlE PRINCE speclallzlngiln Greek Cuisine! 100 DU DAS ST. E. RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE 62 8 «It'a* how they- want te tak e «W. offer confidential services charge of their lives and then te any woman wbo calîe s »s move on W'ith their livesa ater tbe Joan Windover, an outreacli wor- violence.» ker witb Denise House- for ý the Benson saya the Phase Two, last three years. aro. in, £a4YWLAirA wAiLA AUU eIblanedelly sized group,» sbe says. On. of the big concerna for the Phase Two group> is the refusal by some me n o pay for the support of tbeir children. 'ihrougb the kids, "lie is trying te keep control of her"»-sy Benson. .as Benson says the, group explores what a woman can do in socety te support berself firnan- ciallyand te fid a rehiale and pro1ressivejob. satt eiv sbe can dlaim her own personal power.n Tlhe group creates a support n.twork, ailomg members te caîl and talk toeach other. «They start te learn te look for thi. signa of abuse,» she says., Tii. centre je also working with Durham R1egional Police te start pressing charges more often and te iiand out pamphlets witb information on what te do for abused women. Pundig for the. Phase On. group is provided by family coun- selling services, while the. Phase Two group r.ceivd a grant of $27,500 for on. year. DENISE HOUSE Establisbed in 1984, tii. Den- ise Houa. la anotiier centre tiiat offers women the opportunity te escape abusive mates through a Phase On. group. The bouse bas a 24-bour criails lin. and .accommodation for abus.d women and cbldren, ah. says., "8h. can call and'talk te one of our counsellors'or come and atay ber. in the, case, of an emer- gency,» ah. says. Denise, House bas 22 beds, usually filled, witb people on a waiting list. Ifa woman fi; in an emer- gency situation and we don't have a place for bier, w. will stilI get ber te a safe place,? ah. says. Denise Houa. offers protection and safety, meals andf clothing supportive counaelling for abused women and- children witb infor- mation on legal, medical, finan- cial and cbuld care services., "Our job is te tell what ber options are and then it is up te ber te make a decision and we fully support ber.» Denise Houe is a non-profit organization witb a large group of vrolunteers. '«Mei woman doesn't need te b. afraid that any information will b. disclosed te any source,» says Windover. There la a follow-up program for ail ez-residents. «W. do public. spèakin~ in achools among other places, ah. For furtiier information,, coul Denise Houa. at 728-7311,or teli free at 1-800-263-3725, or tii. family counselling division, Dur- ham Région department of sial serics, at 432-61L20 in Osbawa' or 68-41 iAjax. DO-*NUT ZONE. SOLUTION A grup of privately-owned frma in the Seaton ar.a (luit north f Pickering), wbo us and/or procesa aubatantial volumes of industrial waste as raw materiafls for their finiabed producta, have developed a workable solution te aubstantially reduce tii. amount of waste going into laxidfill. Tii.group,1ap*yngç for incorporation as «Tii.Recycing Industries ofDurbm' (TIRID)- bas proposed a 'Do-Nut Zone Solution.' This area, appropriately caflled 'Dob-Nut,' would encircle a landfil sitwt a buffer of land, zioned exclusivy for recycling industries using open storage ateonmic, long-leas., waste-aite, rentai rates. The focus on disposali i this way becomes constructive. Tii.eadacent landfill site, as tiie bol. in the. 'o-Nut,' would b. a containment area to place the. solide that 'cannot'b. recycled. lh. aurroundng IDo-Nut'would serve both as a'raw, maýteriala industrial resource centre as" well as .tii. waste- reduction 'dynamo' for the. site, s.ring te-pooWtii. life of the. landfill. The. firms that founded TRID are Greenwood Mushrooms, Arnts Topsoil, Elirpa Construction and Materiala and Surplus Refrigeration During- a typical week tiiese companiés together process and recycle bock te neigbourin communities nome 500 tonnes of refuse, includinig animal manurea and b.ddig, metal forma and tubng, concret. and construction excavated overburden. Ini- other- wordsi they discover 500 tonnes of productive resource materiala that would otherwise b. slated for landfill. Mt tii landfill tipping f.. of $150 a tonne, sucb volume would total $75,000 a week at the. dump. Acore problem facing industrial wastes' open atorage ie that the'atuff just dopesnt look very attractive and it involves heavy, noisy road traffic. Firmsa"orn or using acrap are seen, as undesirable. Increasingi fy ndtiemselveson therun fio= urban developers, boticommercil and governinental. However,. environmentally, aucb >firme constitute a unrecogizedneate of copltaly eonrcay prouctive 'go Cr thtS i aprpitl aoecud evental hretcetve and poutve ubngrowti Tei CanadianEnro eta Law Association told TRID that no requirements for zoning such.anoperation now exiat but that several US. states are exploringtheides for areas of burg.oning urban growtb. -Therefore, the concept is quite viable and-couldbe a<first'in Canada. 'Tii. members of TRJD believ, it makes sense to: store recyclable materials for monetary gain as well as for ýresearch anaddevelopment, commerce and industry and, education purposes. The solution lies in a change of public attitudes: if- w, use these materials, then w, must b.responsibl, for their re-use. Mlay 22-24, Toronto. Transportation Options will bost a conference on.'Car dependence: conte, causes and cures!. It will brin« togetiier researchera, business people, gmaa activiste3 tA-nsportation aeninersarchitecte and auto-fr.. visionanies te soek and -to share lcal âad, oboltha Write an ending for one of the stories on our April Fool's Day front page. or Send us a story, picture, cartoon or whatever for any of the stories in the Outside Box. or just make something up We'll publish the best and laugh at the rest Restamnts guality - Value - Service Since 1964 Early Bird Special Sunday to Friday DINNER SPECTAIL Buy any entree and receive 2nd -entree at 1/2 PRICE Seated by 6 pm. AU dinners include complimentary salad bar. Reservations recommended 918 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-9369

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