Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 30

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PAGE .30, WHITBY FME PRESS% WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1,19lm To listen to these peo e their own voice, ai 1-416-976-1991, enter code 3 when prompted, enter'1 for persona d and then the box number in the ad. ...or you cari browse tlirough ail of them. You wlll be bllled on your phone bill for 991 per minute to a maximum of 3 minutes THOSE VWISIING TO REÉPOND ta box numbers. shown below, flas d ot $end resonesta r WhhbY- Fr.. e ss his system ila a volce mail system. To Jces sI -1-4e6976-199 SINGLE FATHER, 37, of 3 loaking for fun-loving, petite lady, 30-40, for quiet nights, $leep in Sundays, dlnlngq & count ;pliving, outdoor lover. RSVP Box 102t LET'8 DISCUSS the possibilittiés. If you are a compassuonate, charmlng and sincere business- man, 49 ta 56, wh9I interested In a true relatlaniship wth an attractive, aut air laypas reply ta RSVPox 2 00«. ATTRACTIVE MARE 23 looklId ng for female c«tween 20 & 40 for discreet relationshlp. Rspiy ta RSVP Box 1015. HI, I LOVE MUSIC, dancing & mports.l1have blonde hair, 22 years okd.Seecing a -tail, romantl mani. BOX 2000. SINGLE, GOOD LOOKiNG. shy maie, late 30s, wishes to meet married, attractive female 20 ta, 40 years, for discreet ronciezv;ous. Reply ta RSVP Box 1018. ATTRACTIVE nmale, 50, would lika to meet lady 40-50 for dining out,' movies, romance, possible iasting relat:onship. Box 1009. It's easy! It's fuelI t'. confidentli cail 668-0594 (PIease calI Wednesday - Frtday. 9-12 or 1-5 To place a FREE 20 word ad ln the Whtby Free Press cati 668-0594. Wc dont even necd your name or phonc number. Your ad wtll run ln Uhc newspaper each week for a month. WeIi gtvc you a voicemati box S ~ number. Then you dia! 1-416-976-1991. wait for t to answer and press extension code 3 on your touch-tone phone. Foliow a simple ~- sertes of messages whtch wii heip you place a votce ad to, complement your free word ad tn the newspaper. MALE - 24 likes music, movies,* country wafks, quiet evenings, seeks hons, Intelligent female for relationship. Not into mind games. Box 1002. EUROPEAN, INTEWLGENT* and romantde male, 25 year, 6 ft. tail, very good looking, .ikes sports &quiet êvenings, would lice to meet sincere trustworthy lady 20-25 years. Àepiy ta RSVP Box 1020. ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sports, theatre. movies & good conversation woùld lik to meet Intelligent, wity, sincere and attractive lady. Reply to Box 1005. VERY ATTRACTIVE adlven- turous attached maie 34, seeks sîmilar lady for fun t(mes RSVP Box 1013. ENGUSH FEMALE, 23, lices movies, skilng, travel, dining out & challenges. Seeks honêst & reilable guy for relationship, 23-30. RSVP Box 2004. MARRIED MALE, 34, iooking for single or married femnale between 20& 35 for friendship. Must be very discreet. Box 10W3. MARRIED, attractive maie, tail, fit, 35, wishes ta meet single or married female for friendship. Reply to RSVP Box 1017. Hear t Ain thiACr euevoicel eaui 1-416-976-1991 Watt for It to answcr, thcn when protmpted pres extension code 3 on your touch-tone phone Obituar y 11R--- -E- O BAREON Frederic Baron of Brooklin died on Tuesday, March 24, 1992 at Oshawa Geneéral Hospital. Hie was 48. H. is survived by wife Jane (ne. Deremo), mother May dauliter Melanie of Oshawa aznI sonlRobert (and his wife Misty) of Brooklin, gadon Criato- pher and brotherAlan (and bis wfe brendàa) of Oshawa. He was predeceased by father, Fred. his [MATTRESSES *LOWEST PRICES UN DURHAM S Largest ln-Stock Selection ADAMS * Budget Prîce I::*4 39"singie/twin $79.00 * 54" double $99.00 * 60" queen $119.00 Best Midj Range Buy Orthopedic ý--î 15 year warranty 39" single/twin $1 29.00 iî*ý-. : 54" double $149.00 * 60" queen $189.0 g.!iiTop Quallty- Lowest Prie * Peaceful Sieeper * Non-Allergenio Orthopedic 30 Year Warranty 0 * 54" double $249.00 * 60" queen $299.00 * THEIR BEST POSTURPEDIC *PREMIUIMPERFECTA* * 54" double $39900 * . 60" queen $49900 * * any other models * & price ranges * Add approx. 40/ for set prices. q Mattresses and box *~ sprinçis sold separately m *m AD M 'l' WAEOUEi 79ANO RODWS OSHAW Mon.-Fi. 10- ekd 10-5 * el Mr. Baron rested at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with the funeral service held on Friday, March 27. Interment at Groveside cemeteryr. ~ la Memorial dntomt ala tive Car. Services, Oshawa General Hospital. By Const. Grant Arnoldi Durham Regional Police Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police need the ubUed help ni solving a robbery that occurred in Oshawa on ~eb. 20. On Thursday, at approimately 10:15 p.m., the maie victim was wa]king soutbbound on the bike path under Roswland Rd. near Rossland Square. The victimi was listoning ta bhis walkman when he was attacked from bebind by thréee maies, and was struck over the head with a crowbar. The suspects then demanded that the. victim turn over bis wallet, walkman and bis shoes. Aller doing this,- the victim was struck on the leq with the crowbar. Two of *the, suspects then grabbed the victimbybhiearms and legsand threw himiÎnto, teopen creek. Then they fled the scene with',the victimles grperty. The. victim was able ta, make hie, way home and was aken ta, hospital by his mother where h. eired six stitchos ta, close a cut on bis head. Suspect #1 is male white 5-ft. 8-ina., 160-180 Ibo., wearing a blue, yellow and red ski jacket, and hé carried the crowbar. Sus.pects f2 and #3 bath wore1 hooded jackets, on. jacket black m colour. Stolen during the. robbery .was a yelow Sony walkman, Reehok running shoes and a men's brown bdlfold wallet containing personal papers. A re-enactmont of this violent crime will be sbown on CITY-TV', (channel 57, cable 7) on Thursday, April 2 during the 6 and 10 p.m. news. It will plob. sown on CEX-T in Peterborouîgh and CKVR in Barrie on Friday, April 3, again during the news. Cri-me Stoppera will pay up ta *1,000 in cash for information oangta, the arrest of'those tbreemgrs Violent crimes like tus robbery are on the increase, and police need the publices help i findingthose respnsble for tins offence or any othr srlos.cininà offne.Similar cash rewards will be paid for information leadingto an arreat ini any seriaus crime. The Durham Regional Crime Stoppera hotline is 436-8477 (that9s 436-TIPS), and is open 24 hours per day, seven days & week. Thi. phono number'can bo dialed from moat aroas of ho- regon fr-ee of char ge. If this number is long distance, you can c:9lcolect or cal lirough your local,,Durham Regional Police numbor and asic for Crime Stoppera. C alse wilI nov or b. tracod or recorded. You will not ho required ta identify yourself or have ta go ta, court. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinatair with the Durham Regionai Crime Stoppers and writes tbis article to holp combat crime. A citîzeiis' board administers the Crime Stoppers prograin of which there are now over 850 in North Anierica. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent to Durhani Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario Ll H 7K8. 1 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers. " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointments gladly arranged 1 1:)Ltt? J,-ý)AO u)-di d ýUjj- LI.1111- MOU rIl ic> 4j rIl let il

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