WUTBY FPPh %' Dg% . flM 9 l».% I AUCTIONS' I AUCTIONS j HANNELE'S SEWING SERVICE - children's weor, home acces- sories, select windew treatments and aterations. Flower girl dresses, etc. Top quaty work at reasonoble rates. 436-0313 (Whftby). BANAlIS BEUEVE: Maes monit lleth ln service and virtue and net ln the pagantry of wealth and riches. er mntrmatlon and discussin, cati 668-8665. CASH LOANS $500 TO $59000 for any purpose. Qulck approval. Must b.e employed. 436-8104. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart et Jesus for faveurs recelved. May the Sacred Hoarl et Josus b. adlored, glorifled, loved and preserved throughout the world now and terever. Oh Sacred Heart ef Jesus pray for us, St. Jude wà rker cf miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper et the hopeless ray ter us. Sây this prayor nine rimes a day. Byý the elgh1h dy your prayer wîiI b. answered. Publication must b. promlsed. P. ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Give your old wardroe a new Mit. No job ls tee smatl. Ladies' & men's tallorlng ad reasonable prices. 6-10 CORPRATIN 0FTHE TOW OFWHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, Ma y 4,ý 1992 @ 7:45, p.m. Meeting Hall,, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontarlo A Public Meeting will be held by the Plannin and Developmont Commbtee of Council of tihe Corporation c h Town ef Whity to consider proposed amenchients te the Whltby Officiai Plan and Zolng ByIwNumber2585, as submitted by 80067 Ontario UMnted, being filenubers OPA-92-W/l and Z-652-92. lb. subject property le Iocated on the east skiaof Brock Street North, between Chestnut and Mapleeots, munlcpally kniown as 513 Brook' Street North, as shown on tii. sketch belw SUBJECT -PROPERTY E 5 WEST MAF'LE STPiqET- WMST CMSr&r STREETr jw INSM(,V T JOHCF RETEAST The purpose of tihe amenciiont lesto arniend tiie Whitby Officia Plan =esgnation of 'Commercial Nocie' and the '02- Specia Purpose ommercW'rzone 10 permnit the use of a ildeo rotai store. lhe pupose f the. meeting la 10 lnform the public with regard to tdu dealà o he amondment and afford lnterostod pommen an opportnity tornake representation irespect tdureto. lntereà ted pome flmy Inspect additionaliInformation rlating lodte abeve aémen n e .PlânnruDea trn Level 7,675 F land RodEsWhltyOtal. i M8 dgregular worldng hours, Mm M da 1 Fricr r fmay contact t P ayning Dopartffnent by tIefhonhg (416)8D3 ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTO F PLANNING CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Leather, ladies7 and men's alterallons, prom dresses, custom tailoring. Tues. through Sat. 101-V2 Mary St. W., Pearson Lanes. 430-6550. BIRTH CONTROL and tamily plnigcounsellig. Free and Friday, 8230 a.m. te 4:30p.m. JIinic every .Thursday 3 te 6 p.m. For further informallon, colt 420-8781 or 433-8901. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relallon- sh p. For help, coul the Denise licuse for Women and Children. Toîl free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731t. Confldetiatity assured. (Formerly Auberge.).... OLDMANI, PATRICK & CAROL are pleased te announce the ariaie their beautiful daughter, Patricla Lynn, Saturday, March 21, 1992, 9:59 p.m., 7Ilb. ileoz., a the Ajax Pickering Hospial.- A itle sister for Brendan and Vanessa. A spelai thanks -te Dr. A.S. Vail & Carel Devine for thelr klndness & care. Also thanks to Drs. Moîntyre & Henderson and and the nursing staff, especlaily 'nurse Carol Nasager. CREATE VOUR OWN porcelain doîl tamily helrlomr. Regiser now for sprlng classes -atternoon or evening classes -al the Dol Shoppe. 723-6377. PORCELAIN DOLL 'CLASSES Tuesday nights, 7:30-9:30. Space avallable fer twe. 10 classes $50, plus supplies. Phone Denise ater 6 p.m., 432-7900. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seedlng, sedding, Sprlng clean-ups. Ronovations of gardons, rock gardons, pfanting, f lrewood. Dutchway Landsapaing, (416) 649-3183. (Qmr. trim tawn atid garden service gomerment licensed professionals speciallzing in property maintenance tree and shrub pruning landscaping FREE ESTIMATES 623-9711 SPANKY'S Property Maintenance . Residentiai and Commercial. Lawncuttlngte generai mainten- ance. Garae disposai service. Odd 110! Senlors' discounts. Jlm, AUCTION SALE SAT APRIL 4 -10 A.M. QUiXLITY FURNITURE ANTIQUS RYL DOUL'rON FIGURINES, 1990 CARS AT- 0RVL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY Property et Mrs. Ted Spenceîey & Mary Machette (bot h givlng Up housekeepmng), pilus other selec inclusins.9pc ak dining room ste., 9 pc. carved walnut dinlng room ste., 4& 5 p.walnut bed room stes., 3 pc. watorf ail bodroom ste., oak curved glass china cabi- net, oak slde-by-slde, secrotary desk, tabletop desk w/S-roll, 2 pc. Chesterfield, carvod sofa, wing chairs, Victoria side chair, firoside chair, kneehole desk, washstand, reupholsterod day bed, Quasar console colour TV w/remote, cedar chest, Toshiba microwave & stand, bookshelf, vacuum w/poworhearl. dehumidifier, quality cotes tables, swivel rockers, old trunks, excellent bed chesterflold, press-back rocker, 4-poster b.d. faccaved tables, carved blan- ketbox, drosser, 12 Royal Doulton fi gurines, househlold Rtems, gold tridge & electrlc range, portable dishwasher, stop ladider, 1990 Dedge Spirit w/arr, 1990 Tempest 6 cyl., air, 86 Ford Tempo. To conslgn quà lity furnture & estatos or list your sprlng sale cail: MoLEAN AUCTIONS *ORVAL &BARRY McLEAN AUCTIONEERS <705) 324-2783 SATURDAYS AUCTION ACTION SAT APRIL 4 AT 6:30 P.M. EVERV SATURDAY NIGHT AT 620 P.M. AT THE PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 8 miles N. et Bowmanvillo east off Dur. #57 et Gth Con. et Newcastle This week w. are solling *contents et 2 dress shopa, new & modemn stylos, drosses, skirts, etc. Adding machine, steree, racks, off ice rue, pusaniue & modem un ujre, lots fas & china & lots et other lntorestlng & unusual pieces. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. Vlewinbg trom 5 p.m. Sale managed & sold by: GARRY K POWELL AUCTIONS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY APRIL 3 AT 6 P.M. 3 MILËS EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 The proporty ef Mr.'& Mrs. Gordon Kimmerty et Oshawa plus ether conslnorç. Antique walnut bonnet chet 6 pc. modem walnut dinette ste., plattorm rocker, modern dressors & chests et drawers, ce-ohl lampa, crocks, Alladin lamp, 15 cu. fi. & 18. cu. fI. choat freezers, chesterfields, ceff se & end tables, console colour TV, curie cabinet, antique parlour table, sinle door frc.e, new oak drop-leid dining tabe, new deacons' benches, Savage 30-30 rifle, .12 & 16 gauge shetg uns, Cooey 22 rifles, 5 HP. rototIIlsr,alectrlc turnace, 6 ln. Boaver pler/jeinter, Bun e' air coprssr, 2 woenwheel hersedrawn wagons, go -cart w/Honda engine, 4x8 box traiter w/2 fI. sides & top, qty. china, - AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-a4ý-24Z6, 51-3,45-20U2 TOOLS 0F 1THE TRADE SHOW ANID SALE Sunday, Aprîl 5 10 8.111. to 4 P.M. Admlsslon $.00 KAHN BARN Brock Rd. N.,, Pickering The only antique show featudng tools of varlous traes, fam, kitchon, medicial and survoy Instruments,, associatod catalogues and books. Also Inclian artifacta. FOR INFORMAh1ON CALL 433-7086 AUCTION SALE "KAHN.COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Ever Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques,' fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate "in on. of Ontario's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consign- ment and estate selling- our specialty.w Cali us today. Previews from 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 AUCTION SALE 0F USEO AND RECONDT0NED APPLIANCES, OFFICE EQUIP., DISPLAY CASES & LG. INVENTORY 0F REPAIR PARTS. FRIDAY9 APRIL 3 AT il-AJL By order of Durham Bailiff Services, b y virtue afý the Landord & Tenant Act RSO 1980, we are sellng the cornp loto' contents cf M&M APPLIANO E REPAIR, 23 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, te Include a lg. Inventory ef recon- dltloned & used frldges, stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, micro- waves, appliance carts, Office equlp., Pftnoy-Bowes photocopier, lg. curved counter, dlsplay, cases, lots & lots et appliance parts. Terms:cash or chèque wlt IDô. For more Info, cai 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed&sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS Vlewing 1lhourtbefore sale time. SUNDAY AUCTION THIS SUNDAY APRIL 5 1 P.M. - PREVIËW NOON AT THE KNIGHTS 0F' COLUMBUS CLUB -133 BROOK ST. N., WHITlBY Antiques, reproductions, tradilonal household effects, etc. for Margaret Patterson & ethers, lncludlng new 3-pc. camel-back Chippenidale sofa sot, oak sideboard w/ieaded doors & mirror, 3-pc. walnut spool bedroomn ste., 7-pc.. mahogany bedroom ste., Orientai carpets, wlng-back chairs, 6 fi. pîne harvest table & 6 hoop-back chairs,.p r. of Chippen- date pie crust side tables, Oak desk, library desk, washstandIs, pine kitchen cablnet, pin. benches, pin. cotte. table set, 3-pc. mahogany cettee.setJey cupboard boekcases, Ceol 1tal &, 6 chirs & 3 leaves, hangig cupboard, extension table & 6eO PSYCHIC & SPIRffWAL ADVISOR, Joan Monday to Frlday 9 a.m.o jr.. ...ML