WITBYFREEPRE&SWEDNESDAY, APRII, 1992e PAGZ 27 IA.C.M. Enterprises I 20 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 433-2323 RESUMES The Professlonal Way Tae advantege of our experlence -In employment fplacement. Vour resumne Is an importnt frst Impression, so lot us help you Impresse that potenti employer. Fax service as woII. The, Prfessonal Way 668-0075 r -I RETAIL SPACEFO LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1689 a.m. to 5p.m. FOR, RENT OR LEASE t 1500 sq 1 ft.,ilf* ceiling, drive-in 10 ft. door. N430-837. CukcosIucdon f«eHmin ud Bu*uss 9 Badrocms e Mcusbanl o Kldiensec *Introcing sme Zm t ontutin-65&44181 LANDSCAPING by EUNIVERSITY WERKSE -since 1 9m0- Oually constructKion& Professonal Design Interaciung Brick Drives, Pattos, Walks Retaining Walis - Wood Fencing .Wood DocktsM Free corrpeltÎve Estimates 666-9690 WHITBY - 1 bedroom besement apt clseto GO., Laund y. No 8et.$15per mnth Incluive. Frt$515. Avaleable Aay 1.COeil eftor 5 pr.m. 666-2452. WHITBY - CLEAN one-bodroomn anrtments centraily iocated. uit rsidontial area. Quiet, non-emoker- preferred. Availlble immediateîy. From $495lmonth. Cali 666-3883 (message) or 668-3011 <ovenlngs). BRIGHT, CLEAN 2-bedroom ept. Close to downtown Whftby, 3 parking spots plus outslde storag e. Quiet clg. $654lmonth, plus utilitles. Aveileble lmmodiatoly. Cali Sendy' Herber, 668-6171, W. Frenk Real Esta. Ltd. WHITBY - ONE BEDROOM :gts available Immediately. April 1 - adMay 1 occupancy. Sterting $528 monthly. AP W to 110 Victoria St. W., Apt. Se"666-0271. ONE BEDROOM bachelor pt. Frklge, ,etove, broadloom. Sepà rae entrence, pring. Ail utifftIes Included. $415/month. Fîrst & lest. Aveilabie April 'L Roferonces. 723-5411 or 666-2802. MARY/ADELAIDE, Oshawa. Bright 1 bedroomn studio apt. FuIly broadloomed dean,, quiet triplox. Everything mincluded. Small pet allowed. AvaIe April 25. $5M0 month. Firstllast. 721m0919. BROOKUN - LARGE, beautiful, clean, 1,200 sq. ft. 1bedroomn besemont apt.S5eparate weikout on 2.5 acres ln town. Frde etove, parking, utîlitles md .d7. Pets welco me. Avaieabie June 'L $625. Firet & lest. 6.55-5293. FIREWOOD - SAVE MONEY wh. .Supreme qualfty- maple, beach, oe' i*, very, dry. Honeet measurements. Free delivery. (416) 753-2246. Derek Dutka -planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 F7ORAN APPOINTMENT. WASHER & DRYER, heavy duty, cod workn conitilon. Asking RENT OR BUY used weddlng on.Also wented - prom rosses, graduation dresses. 686-5248. QUIET PLACE fo r quiet person. No drugs. Kitchen, Iaundry facilites.Pfrivaeeentrance. Close to al emenities. First & Iast week. 430-0404. ROOM FOR RENT - Sharo kitchen, Ieundry, bathroom. New house, Thlckson/Mennlng area. $100 weekly. 666-0200. ROOM AVAILABLE for rent - weekly $125, monthly $400, ln a nice, quet motel near Brooklin. FURNISHED - 2 ROOMS wfth ensuite ln home avallablo Immedîately. Parking, Iaundry & kitchon ,privileges.' Responsible adluit.430-7547. ROOM FOR RENI neer Oshawa Centre. Share quiet house with two other people. Parking, utilities, lncluded. $320 par month. Cal 579-3248. GEORGIAN BAY - 3-bedroom Viceroy. Sendy beach, near Wesaga Beach.& Midlà nd, tennis. May bé vlewed on videa. 434-6631. e-i - VE" *Babroome * Kitcherns Dlshweshers uil oro430221 i * Cmploe oroomsq, MPla wor "&61657 4 RED SKELTON TIOKETS for May 4. On. 'Rockln Back to the 60é' for this Saturday. Geil Doug ater 5:30, 655-3638. 78 FORD LTD. Il $K300 or parts, good rubber, good 6raes, runs. 84 Plymouth Tourismo $950. Rebuit, 2barel, GM Rochester carburetor $50 or $100 installed. Ventage Avenger, biack electrlc gultar $100. Garnet Stinger amp $100. Calil 430-7974. A Il Makes Complete Tune-up $39.95 Seo toe Sewing Machine p i s from $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Kling St W. Oshawa GOOD SELECTION 0f office furniture. Good quallty.> good condition. RAM work station, complote phono system, f iling9 cabinets, deske & chairs. 430-6706 or 668-9977. ANTIQUE 8-PIECE din lng room, set in ivery good condition. Incrediblo engravings In soidoek. 571-3420 evenings, 470-3478 days. 1. FENCE - fRE FOR -REMOVAL Xf .l1B0ft. by 3ft. hlh, green i and 4x4 poste. For détails, DISKWASHER $150. Stove $200. Apt.-alzed washîng machine $125. Odd chair $10. Coffee table $35. 430-7022. DINING SET, 8 pc. Roxton, solid meple trestle table). Excellent condition. Cost new $6,200, sei $2,450. 668-0058. C OMPUTER FOR RENT - IBM compatible..Groa for students or, home businesses. WiII delivor& set up. 576-0833 after 6 pm. MATTRESSES and box springs et haff price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. ANTIQUE UPRIGHT GRAND piano $1.000. Antique Duncan Phyfe buffet $1,000. Tanning b.d $1.500. Pricos negotiable.,- Cali 434-2992, esk for Ann. CHESTERFIELD SUITES,* love- soats, sectionals, Iess then hait prc.Large o lection. MoKeen urniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawe. Phono 725-5181. *Brand new pedestal sinks in white & bone, $40/$45 aChina vanity suites, white only, $32 oShower taps, $40 e Kitchen taps, $25 GoId-plated ceiling lighting from Italy, $30-$90 430-7547 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IT'S EASYI ONE CALI, ONE BILL ODES IT AÎ. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONÎTRAVEL CANAL CRUISES: flive days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenîc Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; privte stale-rooms, meuls. free brochure: write Captain Marc, Box 6, Orilla, 13V 6H9; (705) 3275767. ADOPTION ADOPTION? PREGNANT? Warm, Ioving young couple seaks newbarn baby. Wili provida a happy and lova tillIed anviranmenl. Worklng with gavernnrnlicensad agency. Coteci 416) 633- 3398_evenings. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid laxes. Crown Landt availabîîity. For Information an bath write: Properlas, DepI. CN. Box 5380, Sîn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J 1 STEEL BUILDINGS BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Slraitwaîî Typa.- nat quonsal - 32x54 $7344: 40x72 $10.276, 50xg0 $15.882: 60x126 $22.972 - other sizes available -winler works progrem. -Peragan - 24 Haurs 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS.-"ONE PHONE CAN GIVE YOU a low cosi erection.* by direcitalephone order from Manuacturer .. 40 x 60 Value $5,400, Now $4752. If prica îs no abject why not spand a ltite lesa- 1- 800-668-5422 Pioneer liratiIn Sisal Buildings sinca 1980. SPAN TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD.- Complets Pre-angineered AI/Steel and Wood/Steel buildings. CSA & CWB cerliid. Sali erected with cantracting avallabla. Cal ioday for fre. brochures. 1.800-561-2200. ARTICLES FOR SALE PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS. Canadas Ieading manufacturer allers a varlety of modela. Save money, make monay. Fee brochure, Enercraft, #3, 130 Saunders Road. Barrie. Ont. L4M 6E7 (705) 734-1211. WHITE CEDAR LOG HOMES. collages. restaurants ,and 'motels. ,Asambly Instrucions.Order catalogue available. Brochures free. AI Paulmeri. 53 Main St. S., Walarford.- NOE 1Y0 (519) 443-7370. SELF EMPLOYMENT YEARLY INCOME $72.000. Cottage resait near Huntsville. Trailar park. Sixteen buildings. $265.000. Durt cheep. Seven beautil acres. Store. boats. sandbeach, rafting trips. fiahlng. (705) 778-3863. BUSINESS- OPPORTUNITIES MAKE $SS. Driveway sealing unils for spraylng asphali, inlarlockîng-bdck, acrylc sealers. loundlalian coatings, etc. Line paînters. blowers, healed tanks. For free Information, (416) 372- 3902. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, 1V programs, three l dish. Advertised April. Poputar Mechanics. page sixty. na lnventory. no invesiment except registration. (416) 945-8714. Robart Buton, 45 Ontario, Grimsby, Ont. L3M 3H2. PROFIT FROM THE RECESSION? Evary law I ears a lruly ciferant oppartunity cornes along from anything you have ever sean. Laarn how you can profit. 1-.800-465-5400. EXTRA INCOME' Grow baitworms ln your basament or garage. Odoress operalion. Low lnvestmant. Market guarenleed! Fee information. Earîy Bird Ecoîogy, R.R.#1, Smithvilla, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. GOVERNMENT GRANTS. LOANS & assisance programa <(Faderai & Provincial) for your new or axisting small'businees. Information <519)*937- 2422 ext. 98. CAREER TRAINING TRUCK DRIVER tralning AZ and DZ courses. elso air brake, dangerous goods . dalansiva driving, log book and border croasing. Rodgars School, Ontarios aidait. Caîl 1.800-668 003 1. IYour ad couid appear ln' community newspapers ln Ontario. or rlght across Canada$ or any Individual province. Space la Limnilad, so, Cail This Newspaper Todayl IBLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE", Ir Toreach a wider market, adveilise fihmughouf the regional membarship of the I Ontario and Canadian Communify Newspaper Assocatirons I eta n o 55 newspapars - $160 for 25 words -Ail Ontario 171 newspapars - $35 for 25 word C orfrte Ail Canada 572 nesapers - $974 for 25 worda FrfrhrInformation please oeil the Whitby Free Press Casslfleds -.668-0594 4--4 .q4 ? ........... ............